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Advantage II Extra Large Dog

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Elanco US

Comprehensive flea prevention and treatment

Kills adult fleas, flea larvae, and flea eggs


Flea Larvae

Flea Eggs



Once-A-Month Topical Treatment for Fleas and Lice

For Use Only on Dogs and Puppies 7 Weeks and Older and Weighing Over 55 lbs.


For the Prevention and Treatment of Flea and Lice Infestations on Dogs

● Kills fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and prevents infestations on dogs

● Kills fleas which may serve as intermediate hosts for tapeworms

● Kills fleas on dogs within 12 hours of application

● Treats, prevents and controls chewing lice infestations on dogs

● Waterproof after 24 hours

● Fragrance-free

Active Ingredients

% By Weight










Advantage II Extra Large Dog Caution

First Aid


● Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.

● Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow.

● Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor.

● Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.


● Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye.

● Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

Hot Line Number

Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. For product questions, to report side effects, or for a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), call Elanco Product & Veterinary Support at 1-888-545-5973.

Note To Physician

Treat the patient symptomatically.

Precautionary Statements

Hazards To Humans

Advantage II Extra Large Dog Caution

Harmful if swallowed. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes and clothing. Wash hands after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.

Hazards To Domestic Animals

For external use only. Do not use on puppies under 7 weeks of age and weighing less than 55 lbs. As with any product, consult your veterinarian before using this product on debilitated, aged, pregnant or nursing dogs. Individual sensitivities may occur after using ANY pesticide product for dogs.

If signs persist, or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately. If your dog is on medication, consult your veterinarian before using this or any other product.

Side Effects

Monitor your dog after application. Side effects may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. Gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting or diarrhea have also been reported. If these or other side effects (such as lethargy) occur, consult your veterinarian or call 1-888-545-5973.

DO NOT USE ON CATS. Keep cats away from treated dogs for 24 hours. If applied to a cat or ingested by a cat, contact your veterinarian.

For consumer questions or medical emergencies call 1-888-545-5973.

Directions For Use

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.


● Do not apply more than one (1) tube per treatment, even for larger dogs.

● Do not have contact or allow children to have contact with treated area until completely dry.

● Do not allow children to apply the product.


1. Be sure tube is at bottom of pouch.

2. Using scissors, cut the pouch across the top and remove tube.


1. Use only on dogs 7 weeks and older and weighing over 55 lbs. Do not apply to dogs or puppies weighing less than 55 lbs. Do not use on other animals.

2. Dogs should be dry prior to application and remain dry for 24 hours after application.

3. Remove one pouch from the carton. See “HOW TO OPEN” section.

4. Hold tube in an upright position facing away from you and your dog’s face and eyes. Pull cap off tube.

5. Turn the cap around and place other end of cap back on tube.

6. Twist cap to break seal, then remove cap from tube.

7. The dog should be standing for easy application. Apply the entire contents of the tube evenly to three or four spots on the top of the back from the shoulder to the base of the tail. At each spot, part the hair until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and gently squeeze to expel a portion of the solution on the skin. Do not apply an excessive amount of solution at any one spot that could cause some of the solution to run off the side of the dog. Do not get this product in your dog’s eyes or allow your dog to ingest this product.

8. Discard empty tube as described in the Storage and Disposal section.

9. Under normal conditions the product is effective for a month. However, in case of severe flea infestation, retreatment may be necessary earlier than four weeks. Do not retreat more often than once every seven (7) days, not to exceed 4 weekly treatments. After flea control is attained, return to a monthly treatment schedule.

Product Information

The successive feeding activity of fleas on dogs frequently elicits a hypersensitivity skin disorder known as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) or flea bite hypersensitivity. Treatment of dogs with Advantage II Extra Large Dog kills fleas rapidly, within 12 hours, which may reduce the incidence of this condition.

Advantage II Extra Large Dog kills existing fleas on dogs within 12 hours. Reinfesting fleas are killed within 2 hours with protection against further flea infestation lasting for four (4) weeks. Pre-existing pupae in the environment may continue to emerge for six (6) weeks or longer depending upon the climatic conditions.

Advantage II Extra Large Dog provides multi-stage flea control effectively breaking flea life-cycle stages.

Advantage II Extra Large Dog kills adult fleas quickly, within 12 hours, inhibits the development of immature flea life stages and prevents them from reaching the biting adult stage.

Advantage II Extra Large Dog kills chewing lice that infest dogs and puppies, and prevents further infestations.

Advantage II Extra Large Dog is waterproof 24 hours after application and remains effective following a shampoo treatment, swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight.

To successfully prevent and control fleas, all dogs must be treated with their own dose of Advantage II Extra Large Dog.

Apply according to label instructions, ensuring that the product is applied to the skin, not on top of the fur.

If your dog wears a decorative collar, remove the collar before application, so it doesn’t absorb the product.

Remember, your dog needs to be dry at the time Advantage II Extra Large Dog is applied and remains dry 24 hours after application.

Even indoor dogs need protection against fleas because you or other pets in the household may bring fleas into the home. Fleas in your dog’s environment can re-infest your dog. If you have a flea infestation, consider treating your home and yard with appropriate premise products to protect against fleas.

For optimal control and prevention of fleas on dogs, apply monthly.

Storage And Disposal

Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

Pesticide Storage: Store in a cool, dry place inaccessible to children and pets.

Pesticide Disposal and Container Handling: NonrefiIlable container.

If empty: Do not reuse or refill this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available.

If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency or 1-888-545-5973 for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.

Limited Warranty And Limitation Of Damages

conforms to the chemical description on the label. TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW, ELANCO MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY, and no agent of Elanco is authorized to do so except in writing with a specific reference to this warranty. To the extent consistent with applicable law, any damages arising from a breach of this warranty shall be limited to direct damages and shall not include consequential commercial damages such as loss of profits or values, etc.

For more information visit

Manufactured for

Elanco US, Inc. 2500 Innovation Way, Greenfield, IN 46140

Made in Germany

Patent information at

Advantage II, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.

© 2022 Elanco or its affiliates.

EPA Est. No. 11556-DEU-1

EPA Reg. No. 11556-130

August 2022


Net Contents:



4 Tubes, each 0.135 fl. oz. (4.0 mL)

4 monthly doses


6 Tubes, each 0.135 fl. oz. (4.0 mL)

6 monthly doses


CPN: 1131095.1

Customer Service:   317-276-1262
Technical Service:   800-428-4441
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