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Sumatriptan User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Brand names: Imitrex, Imitrex Statdose, Tosymra, Imitrex Nasal, Onzetra Xsail Zembrace SymTouch

Sumatriptan has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 541 reviews on 71% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sumatriptan

  • Mike
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 13, 2019

For Cluster Headaches "I've had cluster headaches for about 10 years. Brutal, soul crushing headaches maybe 100 to 200 times more painful than a common tension headache. Read about Sumatran and asked my doctor. He prescribed it about 2 years ago. It's been a miracle for me. Completely gets rid of the headache within 15 to 20 minutes. No side effects of any kind. To those who have experienced side effects I might suggest taking a half or even a quarter dose. I was prescribed 20 mg and I usually cut them in half and 10 mg works great for me. If 10 mg is an effective dose, at least for some people as I can attest, then I can only imagine what taking 10 times the dose for your body or system might do, as I'm reading some people here were prescribed 50 or even 100 mg. Hope this helps."

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 9, 2017

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I have suffered migraines and headaches since I was little. I'm 55 years old and in physical healthy shape. I, as many, have been a prisoner in my own body. I'm totally debilitated for what used to be 12 hours at a time has grown to sometimes days. I have suffered hearing loss, ringing in my ears with fullness, and so many other symptoms from sinus pressure to neck pain, etc. I have, at 2 different times, had epidural shots in my neck for migraines and tried all kinds of pain killers and daily meds to lower the severity and frequency they occur. Last month alone I had 18 headaches, of which 13 were migraines. UGH! The doctor put me on Imitrex 100 to try. I was nervous, but it is a miracle drug for me."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 23, 2020

For Migraine "I get very bad migraines that make me stay in bed for hours. I was prescribed sumitriptan and I took it to see if it worked. It did not really relieve my migraine and it made me feel nauseous and super weak. I got chest pain and my arms felt very heavy."

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Frequently asked questions

  • John
  • July 2, 2014

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Cluster Headaches "Imitrex in any form is the best med for cluster headaches by far. High-flow oxygen at first twinge, and the pill at the onset (even if you think it might hurt) is most effective. You all know how fast they come on. It usually works immediately unless late in a cycle. I too wish you could take more than twice in a 24-hour period. After suffering for almost 20 years with no medicine at all for these crippling things. I have tried all Imitrex types: injections, pills, nasal sprays. Injections are fast but so very expensive and painful as well. Nasal spray is nauseating for me, the pill form has always worked well if taken at the very blink of a headache. Because of price and insurance restrictions, I would wait to take the medicine. Not anymore."

9 / 10
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34 Report
  • BEAR
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 13, 2023

For Migraine "Do not take this I feel like I’m dying and my headache is only getting worse. I took this medication two days ago and am still experiencing side effects that have only just calmed down. Shortness of breath, chest pain so bad I almost cried, jaw pain that prevented me from eating comfortably, worse head pains, and full body tingly. if there is a different option, please, take one."

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7 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • xzamb...
  • June 26, 2013

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I completely rely on Imitrex. Once I had this, the daylong headaches are gone. I now know that what I used to call 'sinus headaches' were migraines I had since a teenager, though not bad until into my 40s. My side effects are a little sleepiness and maybe some tiredness, but nothing compared to the debilitation of a migraine. However, I am much more aggressive with eliminating triggers, particularly MSG and processed foods, and this helps. My better diet has reduced my need for Imitrex down to 2-3 times a month."

9 / 10
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35 Report
  • Vet
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 31, 2019

For Migraine "Take as directed when I feel the migraine coming on and sometimes there is no change at all. Other times, like today, within 10 minutes my heart is pounding, my left jaw and nose and scalp are on fire and my migraine has advanced to dizzying pain. I have no idea what is going on, but I will be going back to tylenol until I get back to the doctor's office..."

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More FAQ

  • Eric
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • December 17, 2019

For Migraine "I have been suffering from migraines for about 20 years. At first, OTC painkillers like Excedrin Migraine would do the trick, but about 10 years ago, nothing seemed to reduce the pain in the least bit. I get about 3 migraines per month that last about 3 days. My doctor prescribed Propranolol which I take twice a day and it has reduced the frequency of my attacks. I take a 50mg Sumatriptan at the first signs of a migraine and within an hour, it completely goes away. Thankfully I don’t suffer any bad side effects. I’ll feel a little foggy for a few hours but that’s about it. I literally cannot live without it! It has saved my life!"

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Cynhawk
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 15, 2014

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I have suffered from migraines all my life, and I am now 57. I was prescribed Imitrex at age 39, and the first dose of 50 mg gave me a tightness in my throat, but it stopped the migraine. I suffered with them every day. I finally figured out that MSG in food was the biggest cause of the migraine. MSG is disguised by many names, but I have eliminated a lot of food, and with the help of Imitrex, I can live an almost normal life without a migraine. Imitrex sometimes makes me sleep a lot, and other times I sleep for about 30 minutes, and I'm fine. I praise the makers of Imitrex because nothing else would completely take the pain away!"

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31 Report
  • Richy
  • July 30, 2017

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I'am 40 years old, and I have been suffering from chronic migraine since the age of 9 no medication has worked like Imitrex or sumatropan. I take the pill when I have migraine pain, and literally it takes about 35 to 40 minutes and WALLA! migraine GONE! YES THANKS science...."

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24 Report
  • Ben...
  • March 28, 2014

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "First month prescription for 20, 50 mg tablets. If I take it at the first sign of a headache, it goes away in about 30 minutes. If I wait to take the tablet, it takes up to two hours for the pain to stop. Since I have daily migraines, I tried waiting to save tablets, concerned I would run out of 50 mg tablets prior to the refill date. The Imitrex has been a Godsend for me. I have had migraines since my teens, now in my sixties. Migraines are the only health problem I have. I plan to call my doctor to let them know how well Imitrex works for me and see if a 30-day prescription or a stronger prescription is what I need. From other reviews, it appears some users go days between headaches, that would be more than I ever expected after all these years."

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32 Report
  • anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 4, 2014

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "Imitrex did not work for me. I have not reached the vomiting stage of a migraine in years thanks to other medications. Imitrex did nothing to stop the progression of my migraine. I had to leave work in the middle of the afternoon, feeling as if I would vomit at my desk, in the hallway, in the elevator, walking to the parking garage, the entire way. Aleve works better than this stuff, and Aleve only keeps nausea at bay, but does not cure migraines for me."

1 / 10
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28 Report
  • Margo
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 8, 2018

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I only use this when I am incapacitated from migraine pain (I get it behind my left eye and can’t open it, have a hard time walking/talking, and end up vomiting). It relieves the physical pain and I am able to see, walk, and talk, but I am still pretty much down for the count. It says you can take it every 2 hours, but MAN, 1 dose and I feel it for the rest of the day. I get very drowsy, my eyes get droopy, and it feels like I’m walking underwater...or through thick honey. Everything feels so heavy. My speech is slower. I get waves of nausea. Once I take it, I’m home for the day— no way would I feel comfortable driving. The side effects can be tough for sure, but I will take them over the bad migraine pain any day. I am always thankful I took it, even if I have to be confined to the couch for 4-6 hours."

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Linda...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 26, 2015

Zecuity (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I am a long time sufferer of frequent (chronic) migraines, up to 15+ a month. I have used sumatriptan since it became available, both in pill form and self-injection. Yesterday I tried the new patch “Zecuity” for the first time (and likely the last). The actual cost per patch is about $300.00. The packaging is ridiculous: a box overnight delivered which was about two feet square with a weight of about 15 pounds. It contained a large, thick styrofoam container, six special, red “PureTemp Bricks”, designed to keep the drug at room temperature (it must be kept between 68 it 77 degrees Fahrenheit–NOT refrigerated), and a box of four patches. The patches themselves contain the medication, but also the “release/delivery” system which includes a computer chip, the red light to indicate activation and completion of medication delivery (four hours–then the light turns off and patch can be removed) and two lithium-manganese dioxide batteries (perchlorate material), which are considered TOXIC WASTE by the federal government and cannot be thrown away in the regular trash. Instructions say to contact your local authorities to inquire how to properly (and legally) dispose of the used patches. The above in and of itself should give most people pause as to whether this is all worth it. But, as anyone who is suffering from a migraine will tell you, the pain and other symptoms are so bad you feel like you’d try practically anything. So, hey, even though this is the same drug, maybe this fancy delivery system is the magic relief we have been searching for. Personally, sumatriptan lessons the duration and severity of my migraines but has never “relieved’ them. It may for some, but not for me. Other than the powerful narcotics I take for other chronic pain, it’s the only other thing that helps at all. Of course, there are strict limits on the number of times it can be used per month for safety reasons, so I can only use it for my worst migraines. The limit on the patches: no more than four per month. So, okay, I decide to give them a try. I followed all of the (somewhat detailed and involved) instructions and “activate it”, apply it, and push the “start” button and the little red light comes on. Within a few minutes, I start to feel a tingling, itchy, burning sensation, though not too bad and certainly not unbearable, or even anything as bad as the pain of the migraine. Within about five minutes, the gel (I assume the medication), starts to ooze out the sides of the patch, making a sticky mess and of course causing the adhesive of the patch to stop working and the thing starts to practically fall off. Okay, the directions say if there are problems with the patch staying in place to use medical tape. So I use medical tape. All around the entire patch I use medical tape. Five minutes later, even the medical tape starts to come loose due to the ozzing gel, so I apply even more tape, a lot of tape. I am also concerned that there is more medicine sticking to the tape than being absorbed into my body. I also only feel, very slightly, any effect of the sumatriptan. I felt a mild burning sensation the entire time the patch was on, as well as red, irritated, itchy, rashy skin upon removal. Oh yeah, and now what the heck do I do with this environmentally hazardous medical waste? Are most users really going to properly dispose of these things? As far a headache relief, obviously intramuscular injection is a quicker way of getting this drug into your body, to provide whatever amount of relief you are going to get from it as quickly as possible. Another consideration: my health insurance required Prior Approval to cover the patches, part of which was a statement from me and my doctor that the other forms of ingestion of sumatriptan (pill, self-injection, intranasal spray) were inadequate and that I required the patches. When I found that out, I refused and told my doctor to do the same. I had little faith that a 4-hour patch of the same drug would work better than a 5 second injection, and I did not want to give up my ability to keep receiving the injections. The drug company provided the one month free trial (four patches), so I agreed to try them. Several years ago, I remember how happy I was when Imetrix finally went generic and I was able to obtain sumatriptan much cheaper. It saved me (and my insurance company) a lot of money. I don’t really want to give that up either. So, I suppose that there are people who may find these patches amazing and effective, especially those who for whatever reason are unable or unwilling to use the self-injections. For me however, considering all of the factors above, I think I’ll stick with the injectable (pun intended), and sometimes the pills, as I don’t like to carry the auto-injections around in my purse (I already have to carry an epipen with me…). I wish the best to other migraine sufferers; perhaps the patches will give them the relief they seek. For me however, they are not the answer."

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25 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 9, 2013

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I have taken Imitrex ever since it came out in the 90s. It works, and I'll be forever grateful that it does. If you, like me, know what it was like to get migraines before Imitrex came out, you'll understand why I sing its praise."

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29 Report
  • HeyTe...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 16, 2013

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "Migraines have become my worst enemy over the past 4-5 years. Thank goodness for Imitrex. I started with the pills, then the nasal spray and have worked my way up to the shots (plus nausea medicines). The pills had the least side effects. The spray was vile-tasting, but fast-acting, and I could take it while working. When my headaches worsened, they added Botox and upgraded me to the injected version. I needed something that acted FAST so I could stay in the classroom. The downside to the injection is the head rush, change of heart rate, and the flushing feeling. When I inject, I have about 15-30 BAD minutes, then I kind of restabilize, and about an hour later, I usually feel better and capable of continuing to teach."

8 / 10
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29 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 24, 2023

For Migraine "Took half the dose, felt fine for a while. Thankfully, didn't experience severe dizziness or tingling. But my arms started to feel very sore, like after an intense workout. And my throat felt hot in a weird way and made me feel kind of bleh all together. It did help the migraine a bit but didn't notice a big difference. I have severe anxiety and it is always better to be cautious of side effects before taking a new medicine, but your doctor prescribed it for a reason! It might help. In my experience, it wasn't awful but not the greatest either."

5 / 10
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4 Report
  • June...
  • May 23, 2014

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Cluster Headaches "Imitrex works very well for my eyeball pain, light and odour, toxic smells, nasal stuffiness that leads to migraines. Migraines. I am sensitive to gluten of all kinds, if I ingest some, I WILL get nasal stuffiness that will lead to a migraine or cluster headaches. Imitrex works in 45 mins, sometimes sleep is needed to take it away. Sometimes I get migraines for a week or so. Sometimes I take it as a last resort, after trying allergy meds, Tylenol or Valium. But Imitrex works for me. I eat very healthy, no breads of any kind, no gluten, very little sugar. I read all labels, eat mostly veges and meat, mostly organic, I'm getting better at that. "

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26 Report
  • Debbie
  • December 4, 2013

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Cluster Headaches "This is a miracle for me. Cluster headaches would put me out of commission for 2 days. Imitrex gets rid of the intense pain of my eye feeling like it might pop out of my head! The first few times I took it I had side effects of the heavy feeling on my chest and in my muscles after 3x I can take with no side effects. I've only taken it 5x but still working great."

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  • Marissa
  • January 22, 2012

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I hated my experience with Imitrex. It made my chest feel strange, heart beat increase, and I felt very anxious while on it. I guess it shortened the duration of my headache, but I became very worried and preoccupied by its side effects."

3 / 10
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29 Report
  • Clust...
  • June 30, 2016

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Cluster Headaches "Words cannot express how grateful I am for this medicine. I have dealt with these crippling headaches since my mid 20's. Now in my mid-30's, I finally happened upon a physician (at a CareNow of all places) who actually listened to me as I told him of the nightmare I face at least three times a day, every day, for months on end, and prescribed Imitrex for me. If taken at the very first sign of an attack, these little beauties (I take the oral) can save you 30 minutes to several hours of unimaginable pain. I cannot recommend enough that my fellow cluster headache sufferers ask their doctor about considering Imitrex. While there's no cure, this is the closest thing I've found so far that at least makes living with these headaches bearable"

9 / 10
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  • Steveo
  • August 5, 2013

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "Imitrex has truly been a miracle for me. I'm 36 and I've been having terrible headaches since as far back as I can remember. No over the counter medication ever made any difference in the pain at all. 5 years ago I was prescribed Imitrex and it has literally changed my life. It normally takes an hour or two for it to kick in for me, but when it does, it completely takes my headache away. I have never had any side effects either."

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  • Mom...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 14, 2013

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "I have migraines that are hormonal in nature and Imitrex has saved me from days' worth of pain many a time. I also have a grade-school daughter and if I have a migraine, believe me, the entire family suffers. The pain from a migraine can last 3 days for me so having something that will knock it out in a matter of minutes is in my eyes, miraculous. It doesn't ALWAYS work, especially if I have cluster headaches, but 90% of the time, it works for me on one dose. If the first dose doesn't work, I take another and that usually just completely wipes it out. "

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  • Pegg
  • May 28, 2020

For Migraine "I've always suffered with migraine since I was a child. Now they are usually self-induced I don't eat right or if I go out drinking there's no sense in taking any kind of over-the-counter pain medication or even strong pain medication I just throw it up the only thing it did relieve any pain was hot water. I was introduced to Imitrex a year-and-a-half ago unbelievable when I have them with me I feel safe does it matter if I take them as soon as I feel symptoms or after the headache is gotten to me it takes it right away I take mine with one Bayer aspirin and a Sudafed 20 minutes I'm asleep wake up about 45 minutes later I feel great I think they're golden."

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12 Report
  • RCCTh...
  • May 29, 2015

Imitrex (sumatriptan) for Migraine "Saved my life. Nothing else worked. Other drugs intensified the headache. I much prefer the injection. Less of the drug is needed and the effective result occurs more quickly. Side effects - I can get night/sleep sweats and have "odd" dreams that do not otherwise occur."

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21 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.