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Seroquel for Bipolar Disorder User Reviews (Page 2)

Seroquel has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 375 reviews for the treatment of Bipolar Disorder. 58% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Seroquel

  • valch...
  • February 13, 2015

"Only on week 1 of this med, but I CANNOT believe the change in my mood. I am taking this to treat bipolar 2, anxiety and poor sleep quality. I take 50mg at night and sleep like a baby. Make sure to get 8-10 hours of sleep/night and you won't feel drowsy the next morning. It's eliminated my anxiety entirely and I feel completely stabilized. I haven't had any trouble with weight gain; in fact, I've already lost a few lbs, due to the fact that I no longer feel emotionally-driven to binge eat. No side effects as far as I can tell. An ABSOLUTE MIRACLE DRUG. Just praying the results hold up."

10 / 10
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118 Report
  • lisa
  • July 18, 2016

"When I was first put on this medication in the emergency room, I was coming off heroin, and my mood swings were horrific, and my anxiety was off the charts. They put me on 200 mg immediately and told me to take it 3 times a day. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, PTSD, severe anxiety disorder, hearing voices telling me to kill myself, sleep disorder, among a few others. I have loved this medicine since day one almost 4 years ago. I have ended up 150 lbs. overweight and diabetic. However one may see this, I call this my miracle pill. I wish I had been put on it as a teenager. I have told my psychiatrist not to ever try to take this away from me, I get paranoid thinking about it. I may be fat and diabetic, but I have a good life and a great family."

10 / 10
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99 Report
  • Light...
  • January 31, 2018

"The reason I'm rating this drug 10/10 is that it does not stab you in the back, and it does not ask for increased doses. It works all the time and kicks in fast, making you feel euphoric combined with sleepiness. If you stay awake more than 30 minutes after taking it, you will feel hungry. So, if you are worried about gaining weight, just take it and sleep. Find your correct dose that works well, and remember good sleep equals a good mood. If you feel sleepy the next day, that's okay, drink some coffee + 1 cup of water. And remember to do 20 minutes of exercise every day, just not before going to sleep, and you will feel better 100%."

10 / 10
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82 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Affin...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2020

"They don't call it the demon drug for nothing. I was prescribed 25 mg in the evening for extreme irritability and 'insomnia' off-label. I cut it in half because I'm relatively small at 115 pounds. Knocked me out like a light. Went up to 50 mg and became nauseous, saw stars, had heart palpitations, and my body felt extremely heavy. I stopped taking it immediately after. Please note that the mood-stabilizing effect only kicks in at a minimum dosage of 100 mg. Anything under that is a sedative, like Benadryl on steroids, with the added benefit of developing akinesia and metabolic syndrome. You WILL gain weight on this drug regardless of dosage. On the bright side, it'll get rid of your allergy sniffles."

4 / 10
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63 Report
  • Lindsay
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 13, 2019

"I take a low dose of Seroquel, and it is helpful as a sleeping pill. It can get rid of bad thoughts. I've experienced weight loss on it. It helps with increasing my appetite, though. I can still drive well on this drug. Insurance covers this drug."

10 / 10
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61 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • ECCEN...
  • November 14, 2014

"At first, it was horrible. I felt like I was dying every time I would take it before bed. I felt as if I were to fall asleep, I'd never wake up. This lasted 2 weeks, maybe a month. My body eventually adjusted to it, the voices went away, slowly but surely. I was also in a serious state of depression, and it takes some time. But now, after a little over a year of taking it, being bipolar and having countless manic and depressive episodes, Seroquel has saved my life. I've never felt like myself like I do right now in such a long time. The only downside is you have to seriously monitor your weight on this thing. The pounds just pile up if you don't watch your weight carefully."

9 / 10
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100 Report
  • Gemini
  • November 10, 2014

"Seroquel has worked wonders for me. I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 2, and after 7 months on Seroquel, I feel like a whole new person. I had been severely depressed and was self-harming before getting on Seroquel, and now I have never been so happy before! The only problem is the weight gain - I have gained about 20 pounds since I started taking this medicine. But this side effect is worth it to have my depression and anxiety gone!"

9 / 10
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96 Report
  • Wizar...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 13, 2016

"I was diagnosed with Bipolar II when I was 15 years old and have used only cannabis since then to deal with it, but after years of cannabis abuse, my symptoms started to become uncontrollable. I needed to smoke 2-3 grams of weed a day just to stay physically calm, and even then I had a lot of internal anxiety and no motivation. I could never quit smoking because if I did, I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't sit still, and couldn't feel any joy. I would always relapse if I quit. I started Seroquel a week ago, and haven't had any weed since, I can eat normally, sleep 6-7 hours a night, and feel relatively happy. Plus, I have literally no side effects as far as I can tell. I haven't felt this good in years, It's all uphill from here!"

9 / 10
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83 Report
  • littl...
  • March 15, 2014

"Seroquel gave me my life back, calms me down and helps me think clearly during the day, and helps me sleep well during the night. Makes your mouth a bit dry and makes you hungry often but definitely worth it."

9 / 10
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98 Report
  • Ahimsa
  • March 30, 2019

"Warning: may trigger suicidal thoughts. History: I was prescribed Seroquel after multiple medications weren’t helping to improve my depression. Quickly, my depression got markedly worse to the point of me not being able to get out of bed and not bathing because it felt too exhausting. I also had my suicidal ideation and thoughts get overwhelmingly worse. My psychiatrist increased my dosage and it just got worse. I had to change psychiatrists (unrelated to this), and my new psychiatrist immediately had me taper down my dosage with the goal of getting off the Seroquel completely. Once I got off of it completely, I felt like a new person - no depression or suicidal thoughts since. I know this medication has helped a lot of people, and I am so happy it has. I don’t think many other people have had this experience, but I wanted to put it out there that it wasn’t good for me, and if anyone is having similar experiences, please speak with the person who prescribed it and know that it can get better."

1 / 10
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60 Report
  • Seanie
  • October 16, 2014

"I've been taking Seroquel for 7 years, after 20 years of delusional thoughts, mania, and large amounts of depression. It worked within two weeks, and I noticed that when I woke up each day, my delusional thoughts were getting easier to identify and let go of. It changed my life. Since taking Seroquel, I have been able to learn how to drive, work in permanent jobs, save money, travel overseas, socialize, have a successful relationship, and reconnect with the real me. I have also worked on my cognitive and emotional development and continue to attend counseling. I have gained 30 kgs, but this has probably come about due to the combination of Seroquel, inactivity, diet, and sleep apnea (of which I have only just been diagnosed)."

9 / 10
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92 Report
  • Happy...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 7, 2014

"I was off meds for a while and thought I was fine - nope! Had a manic episode. I take 100 to 150 mg of Seroquel at night. Before this, I took Geodon and lost weight, but I had uncontrollable muscle movements. I didn't want to switch, but my family was embarrassed by my non-stop hand movements. I switched to Seroquel and feel a million times better. I sleep great (used to not sleep for days). BUT, I have gained 40 lbs. I wake up the next morning and see what I ate the night before and get so irritated with myself. It makes me want to eat everything bad for me. If I don't eat, it's like an itch I can't scratch. I don't feel foggy, but well-rested...then again, I sleep till 8 or 9 am. To me, it's worth the weight gain to feel stable."

9 / 10
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93 Report
  • eveni...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 26, 2024

"Seroquel truly changed my life for the better. I was on max doses of 3 drugs and still in a deep depression. (I am bipolar, with more depressive episodes than mania). It felt hopeless and like I'd hit a brick wall. Psychiatrist recommended Seroquel as they said it's best for bipolar severe depression. Once I was at the right dose, it was like a switch flipped. I could hardly believe the difference: I was pulled out of my depression, anxiety diminished, could finally sleep at night. I haven't had a depressive episode in over 2 years on Seroquel and I have never been in remission this long before. I was afraid it would make me sleepy; it only makes me tired at bedtime and I sleep soundly at night. I'm fine the next morning. My only critique would be weight gain. I lost some weight and gained it back. But, I will take stability and having gained weight over being thinner and unstable. Don't believe the horror stories: everyone is different. It changed my life."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • JimiS
  • April 7, 2008

"For many years I have been impulsive, and that impulsiveness has led to a lot of serious problems in my life. (Some of which were legal.) Seroquel has installed a 'buffer' between the impulsive thought and the words/actions that come as a result. I am now able to fully analyze a thought process and decide whether or not to act on it. I have noticed a profound change in all areas of my life, including my musical abilities. My family and I are now benefiting from a more calm and appropriate person."

10 / 10
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129 Report
  • Wildc...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 2, 2013

"I've been taking Seroquel for about a year, and I can honestly say I don't ever want to live without it. No other medicine had any effect on controlling my extreme mood swings and delusional/psychotic thinking. The sleepiness (which I now find very helpful) and morning fog were bothersome, but I've gladly adapted my schedule to allow 8-9 hrs sleep nightly."

10 / 10
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93 Report
  • Selena
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 1, 2021

"This medicine literally saved my life. I wish I’d known about it sooner in my adult life. I’ve struggled with PTSD, anxiety, PMDD, mood swings, and bad depression for 8 years. I tried every medication out there, and none of them helped. I’ve been on this for almost a year now, and I recommend it to everyone. I cried my eyes out when it hit me just how much this medication has helped. I feel normal now, and everyone tells me this is what it’s like to be and feel normal, and to be happy, to be content with life. I wish I wish I wish I would have known about this years ago. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache. But hey, everything happens for a reason. The ONLY downside is being tired. I have to make sure I have extra time to sleep. And if I forget to take it, or don’t refill my script, I’m not sleeping that night, lol. TRY IT. DO IT. It will change your life. It changed mine."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • o_o
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 7, 2024

"I wanted to share my experience with this med because it has given me hope that recovery is possible. Before Seroquel I was in and out of inpatient every 6 months for over 3 years, crippling sh problems, ed issues, MDD, severe verbal anger outbursts, and had max dosed few different antidepressants and antipsychotics that never really did anything for me mentally. (except causing weight gain which contributed to my ED heavily) At my last inpatient stay I was prescribed 200mg Seroquel ER along with Prozac 40mg after maxing out my Abilify (30mg) and my Lexapro (20mg) during the same stay. And within the following weeks (accompanied by group and individual therapy) I had made a visible change. Now 5 months later it feels like I have a lot of myself again, and i’m not cured, if that’s ever possible, but I don’t hate being alive. I don’t wake up wishing I hadn’t. It has only been a short amount of time but it’s been helpful."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • insan...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 10, 2014

"Took for bipolar. Good side effects: more or less consistently put me to sleep every night. Bad side effects: gained roughly 20 lbs 6 months in, had a difficult time getting up every day, needed more sleep than usual. It helped for a while, but it mostly made my episodes less severe, did not effectively stop or prevent them."

7 / 10
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84 Report
  • Raist...
  • October 19, 2016

"A word of caution. I've noticed how positive these reviews tend to be. You should look up the withdrawal effects when coming off this drug. I've been on and off medication for the last 20 years. When I came off Effexor 15 years ago, I couldn't walk for three days. But that was nothing compared to Seroquel. And it takes 90 days for the withdrawal effects to begin to wear off. Seriously, before taking this drug, you need to do some research. I would strongly advise you to find another drug."

3 / 10
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67 Report
  • Jake
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 17, 2019

"Have been on many meds that were inappropriately used for my anxiety and instability, including high-dose Depakote and tricyclic antidepressants, making me more unstable with unbearable antipsychotic overloads. Eventually, a sedative dose of Seroquel around 125-150 mg worked very well for calming down anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and allowing me to sleep. It is ridiculous that some of the doctors who aggressively medicate aren't cautious because the right dose of helpful medication can be life-saving, while a bad approach can cause instability that caused serious problems in my life. Then, unfortunately, psychiatrists often blame your condition over their inappropriate treatment, so it's important to be aware of what's going on with you."

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50 Report
  • BABYG...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 31, 2013

"I was diagnosed with bipolar when I was 14 years old. I am now 34 years old. I have been on many different medications for my bipolar. Seroquel has been a wonderful medication. I take 1000mg at bedtime. I have been on it for almost 16 years. It works well for me."

10 / 10
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85 Report
  • enjol...
  • December 4, 2007

"Seroquel has been very effective in clearing up my thinking. It has also helped me sleep better. I am bipolar and had a lot of irrational thinking, but Seroquel has cleared a lot of that up. I was in a terribly blue depression but Seroquel helped bring me out of that."

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110 Report
  • Getting...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 23, 2019

"I was hospitalized 17 years ago with a major manic mixed episode. It was the worst thing on earth. Was given 200 milligrams of Seroquel, and it calmed down the demons. Tapered the dose down in months' time, came and stayed successfully at 50 milligrams for the following 17 years. Long-term side effects began with blood changed, elevated blood sugar, and triglycerides. Weaned and got off it, took several weeks. Feeling better with more clarity and regular movements now. Those two weeks of getting out of my system caused side effects of weird dreams, body aches, and mood swings. Hard time sleeping. Increased over-the-counter supplements and made sure my life was low-key until things settled. I’m grateful for the med. If not for the side effects, which would have led to diabetes, I would have remained on it. But I believe in the beginning, it saved my life."

7 / 10
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45 Report
  • Rhianon
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 22, 2019

"This was my experience... I have been fighting mental disorders since age 14. During the 40+ years, I have been prescribed tricyclics, typical antipsychotics, SSRIs, SNRIs, and Benzos (diazepam when 16 years old). I chemically blew out my brain, specifically the serotonergic and dopaminergic pathways, by doing LSD from 1978 through 1981. It was the '70s. So now at the edge of 60, I have horrible reactions to psychotropics. Seroquel paralyzed my arms and legs after my nightly 1 to 3 hours of sleep, such that I had to lay there until I could use my left arm to pick up my right arm. Then with both free, I used them to get my legs going. I took it for about 4 years, with the above side effects plus the helicopters whizzing through my brain and body. To me, it is a nasty drug. I finally got sick of it, tossed the remaining pills, went loopy. My partner thought I was going to die. I lived."

1 / 10
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43 Report
  • Tkano
  • April 9, 2019

"Due to weight gain, I tried other medications to help control manic thoughts at night and help me sleep. Nothing works. What I decided to do was actually up my dose with my doctor so that the effects of sleepiness would kick in before the hunger. I take 200 mg Seroquel at night with a combination of 300 mg Wellbutrin XR for depression and 150 mg Lamictal for mood stabilization during the day. I take 15 mg of BuSpar twice a day for anxiety. I got off all of these when I was pregnant and was a complete basket case. This drug cocktail worked for 10 years and I spiraled when I went off of it. Since I’ve been back on my meds for four months, I’m completely normal again, functioning at a high level. I run a very successful business, and I know that I could not do it without these medications. I have virtually no side effects except for if I stay awake for too long after taking the Seroquel, I will get uncontrollable hunger. Seroquel does cause dry mouth in the middle of the night, but it’s worth it."

8 / 10
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46 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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