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Finasteride User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Proscar, Propecia

Finasteride has an average rating of 4.6 out of 10 from a total of 292 reviews on 32% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 50% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Finasteride

  • MarkJ
  • February 8, 2020

For Androgenetic Alopecia "Hair up, little bro down. I have been taking 1 mg of finasteride for about three months and boys, the hairline came back, and the thickness was awesome. But I kid you not, I went from a very good partner who never had an issue with erections to a self-conscious, scared, full of thoughts 36-year-old soft dude. I was reading a lot of bad reviews, and the fact that my sperm turned more liquid didn’t help. However, in situations where I wasn’t thinking about it, I could still perform decently, and my body responded well. I decided to reduce the dosage to 0.25 mg every 2 days following a few threads online suggesting microdosing, and that massively helped! I convinced myself that microdosing could really help me psychologically, with very positive effects. The problem is that it's quite hard to track microdosing, and I am thinking about using my mobile development skills to create an app for that. If this post reaches more than 100 likes, I will do it! Thanks :-)"

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456 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 12, 2012

Proscar (finasteride) for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Had problems immediately (Tiredness after 7-10 days) with Flomax and so doctor prescribed Proscar and it helped somewhat. However, It caused me to feel tired and occasionally extreme exhaustion. After about one year of use, I became impotent even with Viagra. I quit it for about 6 weeks. Felt normal with no erectile dysfunction. Started again and felt tired and had ED. Quit for about 2 months again and felt OK. Started a third time with the same tiredness and ED problems. Have now stopped using it."

2 / 10
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467 Report
  • JBano
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 24, 2020

Propecia (finasteride) for Androgenetic Alopecia "I have PFS (Post-Finasteride Syndrome). I cannot sustain an erection during sex, suffer from genital anesthesia and/or numbness, have muted/blocked/pleasureless orgasms when I masturbate, and suffer from brain fog, memory loss, and thinking at times. I have low testosterone, extremely high FSH, low cortisol, low vitamin D, adrenal issues, and pituitary problems as a result of being on Propecia on and off for years. I've been off of Propecia for a year. Although I've had shockwave therapy to remove penile scar tissue and improve nerve damage and had testosterone replacement therapy, my sexual functioning and cognitive issues persist. Oh! And I became infertile on Propecia too. Fortunately, I had enough sperm left to have a baby with my wife via IVF. Stay away from this toxic and poisonous medication! It will potentially destroy your life."

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193 Report
  • Tom
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 31, 2019

For Androgenetic Alopecia "Reading the awful experiences other guys have had with finasteride is pretty scary. I've been on it for about 10 months and have honestly noticed no side effects at all and I've been reaping the hair growth benefits. From reading cited studies, I've found the incidence of complications is very low (2% of men or something). If you're unsure, jump on Google Scholar and give a few a read! Definitely helped me :)"

9 / 10
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178 Report
  • Life...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2019

For Androgenetic Alopecia "I took this drug for only 4 days in May 2019. I had mild hair thinning and went to a dermatologist who recommended it. I had done research beforehand and knew about finasteride already, and how for some men the drug could have serious side effects, but decided to listen to a doctor who assured me it was safe. It’s not, and I had to learn the hard way. This poison has completely ruined my life. I’ve completely lost my sleep and have total insomnia, no libido, ED, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, penile tissue changes, muscle wastage, and weakness... The list goes on. I’m not making this up, this drug should be avoided. I’m 23 years old, I was healthy before I took this. There is no reason to believe this drug won’t mess your life up. Please avoid it. I don’t even feel like the same person and regret my decision every single day and am having trouble adjusting to this new life. I hate myself for taking this risk."

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160 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Bob
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 14, 2020

Propecia (finasteride) for Androgenetic Alopecia "If you want a full head of hair, then go for it. That full head of hair will, of course, help you with the ladies. However, once you get a lady, you will be up the creek without a paddle because your old John Thomas will not work. I took Propecia for 8 years. The side effects came on slowly and I ignored them at my peril, choosing vanity over health and happiness. I still have fatigue, anxiety, and issues with the old meat and two veg. Avoid this drug at all costs, buy a razor or trimmer and shave your head."

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108 Report
  • DanO
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 17, 2019

For Androgenetic Alopecia "I took finasteride for 6 months. It works for making your hair thicker (after 3 months) and it does regrow a lot. I mean it, it works and it is amazing! The trade-off... you lose your sex life and an unbelievable depression comes with it. They say 4%ish of men have these side effects. Don't believe it. It is a lot more than that. Some never recover. I recovered after 2 weeks of stopping. It sucks losing your hair. I wear a hat everywhere, my self-image and confidence are shot, it's depressing. I feel ugly, embarrassed, and ashamed of myself. But that is nothing compared to the horror you will feel being sexually broken, lack of interest in sex, shrinkage on your testicles and penis, and dry orgasm. If the only thing you have to look forward to is going as Capt Picard on Halloween, at least you are still a functioning man. Hopefully, this drug and its dosage can be better refined one day as to not produce the side effects. Until then, stay away from this."

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101 Report
  • ArIckP
  • May 11, 2011

Propecia (finasteride) for Androgenetic Alopecia "At the tender age of 25, I noticed that my hair was beginning to thin. Not wanting to look like my dad or brother, I got a prescription for Propecia. So far, it's been working. In fact, if I miss a dosage, I'll notice little bits of my hair fall into my keyboard or the pages of a book I'm reading! Yes, this medication is expensive. My insurance won't cover it at all. (Funny that they cover Viagra, though). The only side effect is that I do notice a slight decrease in my sex drive - but honestly that's probably good. Keeps me out of trouble."

9 / 10
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201 Report
  • calling
  • September 1, 2013

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Taking finasteride for 9 years for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, urinary issues improved by about 50%. Total loss of erections, seminal ejaculate near zero, greatly reduced libido, though this may partly be due to age. This is okay compared to my previous condition of frequent urinary incontinence, especially when on the road or when sleeping."

6 / 10
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173 Report
  • Joe
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 16, 2019

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I started this medicine and used it for several weeks. I immediately noticed strong sexual side effects. I started to do research on the side effects and determined that the side effects are downplayed by both the manufacturer and the doctors that prescribe them. My side effects were a complete lack of interest in sex, along with considerable erectile dysfunction, not to mention startling and disturbing ejaculation problems. I am a normal guy with an active lifestyle. This medicine is poison and I stopped taking it. It even affected my mental masculinity after suffering these symptoms. Please stay away from this venom. If you do further research you will find many stories like mine. Just use the minoxidil and that is all you can do."

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102 Report
  • QC95
  • August 23, 2019

For Androgenetic Alopecia "Don’t get scared off by some of the negative reviews on here. Yeah, there’s a small chance you may get erectile dysfunction, but the vast majority of men who take this drug don’t experience that. I haven’t experienced any kind of depression, ED, brain fog, or any of the other symptoms people mention on here."

7 / 10
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95 Report
  • Jim
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 11, 2019

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Took it along with 'Flomax'. It definitely helped with an increase in volume of the urine stream. Side effects with me were I believe an increase in the growth of body hair and nails. Other things I felt were related to the drug was a decrease in activity and exercise and really strange was weight gain noticeably especially around the waistline. Since I stopped taking it, the activity level is back to normal and so is the waistline. However, the urine stream has diminished accordingly. Additional side effects were reduction in semen production and somewhat of a lower sexual appetite coupled with decreased erections and duration of them. The semen was also much clearer and of water-like in appearance. After I stopped taking it, everything returned to normal again."

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91 Report
  • Alan
  • September 15, 2021

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Was prescribed this along with Flomax for BPH. Initially, urine flow improved after a few weeks, but I began to have sexual issues - poor erections at first, then, on rare occasions, when I managed that, no semen came out. Finally gave up, and I am on Cialis for BPH with a herbal supplement, saw palmetto. Everything back to normal. Finasteride never again."

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61 Report
  • Deple...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 11, 2020

For Androgenetic Alopecia "Let me start off by saying that I realize everyone has different reactions to drugs, but here is my experience. I used generic finasteride for 6 weeks, and although it helped my hair, the side effects were unbearable. This drug is straight poison to my body. I have extreme brain fog and memory issues, zero sex drive, numb penis, low semen volume, softer erections, smaller penis and testicles overall, very bad depression and anxiety. I genuinely feel like this stuff has caused brain damage that hopefully will reverse itself. I’m still suffering side effects even after being off it for 3 weeks."

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80 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 16, 2021

For Androgenetic Alopecia "Been taking for just under two weeks and feel like my penis is numb. The amount of erections I get during the day has gone from many to none. Much harder time getting it up. Worried about going on a date tonight. Not sure I care about how my hair looks at this point."

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65 Report
  • Damien
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 24, 2020

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I started having some effects on urinating frequency in a few weeks, but it seemed to have sexual side effects. Nevertheless, I decided I would give it at least 6 months. During the 4th month, my symptoms practically disappeared. Flow increased and frequency decreased. It has given me my former sexual self back. Improved sensitivity during sex and I began having strong orgasms, something I had not had for several years. Semen is clear, but so what? I am 68 years old. I will see the doctor in a month and find out how long I will need to take this drug. This medicine has actually worked wonderfully for me. The first medicine, Flomax, sucked badly though! I am so happy that I won’t have to do surgery."

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68 Report
  • MZ94
  • April 2, 2020

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I used this drug, finasteride, for one month and decided to stop taking it after the side effects appeared. I'm 42 years old. After a week, my libido decreased, and I had no more erections. I experienced depression and panic attacks. This drug was bad for me."

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66 Report
  • Fred
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2020

For Androgenetic Alopecia "WHAT I WISH I HAD KNOWN before taking this drug: 1. Sexual side effects are common: 20% of men, says the Head of Urology of St. Louis Hospital in Paris. I believe it's 100%, see my next point. 2. This is not a drug you can 'try and see how it goes'. First, my side effects came so gradually... 'this must just be a natural fluctuation'... 'Is it just in my head?'... 'Oh wow, I'm half impotent now, at age 36, I guess it wasn't in my head.' 3. The side effects do NOT go away after quitting (it's been several years for me), and there is no known cure. 4. What is at stake, besides 'ED': less desire for your partner affects the affection/quality of your relationships and happiness. The drug damages your brain chemistry/regeneration (hello, depression and early Alzheimer's). And then, of course, the fact that sex/masturbation don't bring me all that much pleasure anymore."

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60 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 16, 2009

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Second medicine for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. Flomax didn't work. This medicine helped a little bit after six months but the side effects were greater than the benefits. Experienced erectile dysfunction, semen reduction, and impotence. Sex is good 3 weeks after quitting this medicine. Some hair growth associated with this medicine."

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160 Report
  • Justin...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 12, 2016

Propecia (finasteride) for Androgenetic Alopecia "Complete brain fog, worse than anything you can imagine, literally can't get out of bed because of the brain damage that this drug induced on me. I feel completely, literally detached from the world now, not to mention even the less serious it caused, ED, no libido, head pressure, complete cognitive shift. Feel like I'm in a whole different world. NEVER TOUCH this drug EVER, EVER, EVER, unless you're old and have nothing else to lose and don't care about life anymore. I would trade this with ANY other disease just for my brain function to come back again. I feel like I'm in a coma, it's absolutely frightful, every day 24/7, it never leaves. Sexual sides are a joke compared to this."

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101 Report
  • hlj
  • July 12, 2019

Propecia (finasteride) for Androgenetic Alopecia "I took 5 pills from April 2-6. Over the course of those 5 days, I had worsening symptoms of brain fog, headaches, sleeplessness, suicidal ideation, ED/impotence, loss of libido, increased fat mass, and muscle weakness that didn't dissipate for a month and a half. Even now (July), I still have increased fat mass, increased tissue on the breast, peripheral edema (mild), and difficulty (mild) with erections. I'm not as focused or driven due to ongoing sleep difficulties (mild/moderate) and the intensity of these effects. Every day, I regret taking this drug. I took this drug without researching any side effects, I really regret not looking into possible side effects. Please be aware that the consequences could be extremely negative and persistent."

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69 Report
  • Wisco
  • September 12, 2019

For Androgenetic Alopecia "Please do NOT use this drug. I took it at a healthy, sexually active 19-year-old because I wanted to stop losing hair. My girlfriend broke up with me six months later...because I could not get an erection. My penis is not the same. I told myself everything would be the same after I stopped. I quit this poison six months later and have not had a girlfriend since. Thought the side effects would go away, but they haven’t. Please don’t."

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64 Report
  • JMano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 9, 2019

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "Have been taking finasteride 5 mg every other day for about three years for an enlarged prostate. The only side effect was a small lump on my left breast, which went away after changing my dosage to every other day per doctor's instructions. It has not affected my sex life, mental or physical health, and my hair is growing back. I am 70 years old and still going strong, and my prostate is no longer giving me problems."

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59 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 30, 2020

Propecia (finasteride) for Androgenetic Alopecia "Started the drug in January 2020 and now almost May. Took a while for me to know if the drug was working since I saw no visible improvements until after I had been on it for 3 months. Adding on to that, during those 3 months I had no clue if I was even responding to the drug since I had absolutely no side effects whatsoever, not even minimal side effects, just nothing (I typically view side effects as a way of knowing if the drug works, and having absolutely none was concerning). Despite delayed positive effects, I consider this drug to be the saving grace to my self-confidence. Only rating 8 stars at the moment since I am satisfied with what has happened so far, but I am hoping as I continue taking the drug I can get even better results."

8 / 10
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49 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 1, 2017

Proscar (finasteride) for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia "I started taking Proscar when it was a blind study. It has reduced my prostate to the size of a teenager's prostate. I still take it, but am now using the generic (Finasteride). The only side effect that I have had is slight breast tenderness and swelling (not cancerous, as it has been that way for almost a year). Also, my bald spot all but disappeared."

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68 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.