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Ovucheck Rapid Well (Canada)

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Company: Biovet

Bovine Milk Progesterone Qualitative Test Kit

Insert / Product #C004


OVUCHECK® RAPID WELL is used to measure the level of progesterone in a drop of cow’s milk. The quantity of progesterone present is indicated by a change in colour, which is compared with a standard.

OVUCHECK® RAPID WELL is a simple and rapid test which provides a reliable aid to cow fertility management.

The amount of progesterone is almost zero at oestrus (heat) and then increases and remains at a high level. The progesterone level falls suddenly 17 to 20 days after the last heat, indicating the onset of the next cycle. This fall does not occur if the animal is pregnant.


A. Sample Collection

From collecting jar:

Whole milk samples can be taken from the collecting jar (any milking) into a clean container marked with the cow’s number.

Sampling by hand:

If sampling by hand from the udder, avoid foremilk by discarding the first five squirts from each quarter. Then collect an equal amount from each quarter into the container.

Samples not to be tested immediately can be stored for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

B. Test Procedures

- The kit’s components should be allowed to reach room temperature before testing begins (about 30 minutes).

- Milk samples should be allowed to reach room temperature before testing begins.

- Make sure every solution is properly mixed before use.

- No more than 7 milk samples should be tested with the standard on a single occasion.

A standard (S) is provided. It needs to be used each time an assay is performed.

1. Take out a strip of wells from the plastic bag.

2. Select the necessary number of wells (1 + n, n being the number of milk samples to test) by breaking the plastic between the wells. Put the unused wells back in the plastic bag. Mark for identification purposes the top of the first well you will use.

3. Add one drop of standard (S) using the dropper bottle to the first well and one drop of milk sample to the second well with a pipette kept vertically. Each milk sample to be tested shall be added to a different well. Always use a new pipette for each milk sample. Wells must either contain a standard or a milk sample, not both.

4. Keeping bottle A vertically, add 4 drops of reagent A to each well.

5. Cover the wells and let them stand for 5 minutes at room temperature.

6. Empty the contents of the wells into the sink and rinse gently the wells three times, using warm tap water. Dry by tapping onto absorbent paper.

7. Keeping bottle B vertically, add 2 drops of reagent B to each well.

8. Keeping bottle C vertically, add 3 drops of reagent C to each well.

9. Agitate the wells gently to mix the contents.

10. Place the wells on a sheet of white paper and observe from above. Three to five minutes after step 9, check that there is a blue colour in the standard well. If so, tap the wells to mix contents evenly and compare the colour in each sample well with that of the standard well.


Reagents provided with the kit:



- Coated microwells

4 X 8

- Ready-to-use standard (S) (contains 4.0 ng/mL of progesterone)

1 X 2 mL

- Ready-to-use conjugate (A)

1 X 10 mL

- Substrate buffer (B)

1 X 5 mL

- Substrate (C)

1 X 5 mL

- Plastic pipettes



- For in vitro veterinary diagnostic use only.

- Store the kit at 4 ± 2°C. NEVER FREEZE.

- Do not mix the reagents from different lot numbers.

- Do not use the kit after the expiry date indicated on the package.

- Bottles A and S contain a preservative. When emptying the wells contents into a sink, thoroughly flush away with excess volume of tap water.

- Keep out of the reach of children.

- Do not take by mouth.

- If eyes or skin are splashed, wash thoroughly with tap water.

- At the end of testing, return components to the refrigerator. Unused wells should be resealed in the plastic pouch. Used wells should be emptied, but not used again.



Day of Sampling

Test Result


Prediction of return to heat

19 days after insemination

Same colour or darker than standard

Cow probably in heat or likely to return within a few days. Observe for visual signs of heat.

Paler than standard

Cow is not in oestrus.

Non-pregnancy indication

24 days after insemination

Same colour or darker than standard

Cow unlikely to be pregnant. Observe for return to heat.

Paler than standard

The test alone cannot confirm pregnancy. Confirm by veterinary examination.

Heat check before insemination

Day of intended insemination

Darker than standard

Heat is indicated.

Same colour as standard

Result inconclusive. Sample next day and re-test.

Paler than standard

Cow not in heat.

Biovet Inc. 4375, Beaudry ave, St-Hyacinthe (Qc) J2S 8W2 Canada

Tél.: 1-888-8BIOVET Fax: (450) 771-2996 Technical services:

Presentation: 31 possible tests.

CPN: 36940051

Telephone:   450-771-7291
Toll-Free:   1-888-8BIOVET
Order Desk:   1-888-824-6838
Technical Service:   1-888-824-6838
Fax:   450-771-4158
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