Marbofloxacin (International)
Note: In some countries, this medicine may only be approved for veterinary use.
CAS registry number (Chemical Abstracts Service)
Chemical Formula
Molecular Weight
Therapeutic Category
Antibacterial: Fluoroquinolone (gyrase inhibitor)
Chemical Names
9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-metyl-10-(4-metyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-7H-pyrido[3,2,1-ij][4,1,2,]benzoxadiazine-6-carboxylic acid
9-fluoro-2,3-dihydro-3-metyl-10-(4-metyl-1-piperazinyl)-7-oxo-7H-pyridol[3,2,1-ij]benzoxadiazine-6-carboxylic acid (WHO)
Foreign Names
- Marbofloxacinum (Latin)
- Marbofloxacin (German)
- Marbofloxacine (French)
- Marbofloxacino (Spanish)
Generic Names
- Marbofloxacin (OS: BAN)
- Ro 9-1168 (IS)
- Marbofloxacin (PH: BP vet. 2018, USP 41)
- Marbofloxacin for veterinary use (PH: Ph. Eur. 9)
- Marbofloxacinum ad usum veterinarium (PH: Ph. Eur. 9)
Brand Names
- Actimarbo 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Ecuphar, Netherlands - Actimarbo 20mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ecuphar, Netherlands - Actimarbo 5mg voor honden en katten [veterinary use]
Ecuphar, Netherlands - Actimarbo 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ecuphar, Netherlands - Alphaderm Plus [+ Ketoconazole, + Prednisolone]
Alpha-Vet, Austria - Aurizon [+ Clotrimazole, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy; Selectavet, Germany; Vetcare, Finland; Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Belgium; Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, Estonia; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Israel; Vetoquinol, Netherlands; Vetoquinol, Sweden; Vetoquinol Ireland, Ireland; Vetoquinol UK Ltd, United Kingdom - Aurizon [+ Marbofloxacin, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Austria - Boflox [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Germany; aniMedica, Estonia; Industrial Veterinaria, United Kingdom; Industrial Veterinaria, Ireland; Livisto Int'l, United Kingdom - Boflox 10% Für Rinder, Kälber und Schweine [veterinary use]
Gräub, Switzerland - Boflox 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
SP Veterinaria, Netherlands - Boflox 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin [veterinary use]
Industrial Veterinaria, Poland - Efex [veterinary use]
Ceva, Germany; Ceva Animal Health, United Kingdom; Ceva Animal Health, Poland; Sogeval, Ireland; Sogeval Laboratoire, Belgium; VetMedic, Finland - Efex 10 mg für Katzen und Hunde [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland; Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Efex 10 mg pour chiens et chats [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Efex 100 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland; Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Efex 100 mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Efex 100mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Efex 10mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Efex 40 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland; Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Efex 40mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Efex 40mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Forcyl [veterinary use]
Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Belgium; Vetoquinol, Estonia; Vetoquinol, Italy; Vetoquinol Ireland, Ireland; Vetoquinol UK Ltd, United Kingdom - Forcyl 16% [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Netherlands - Forcyl 16% voor runderen [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Netherlands - Forcyl 160 mg/ml für Rinder [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Österreich, Austria - Forcyl 160mg/ml [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Israel - Forcyl 160mg/ml dla bydta For cattle [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Biowet, Poland - Forcyl Bovini [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Italy - Forcyl Suine [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Italy - Forcyl Swine [veterinary use]
Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Estonia; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol Biowet, Poland - Forcyl Swine 160 mg/ml für Schweine [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Österreich, Austria - Forcyl Swine 160 mg/ml voor varkens [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Netherlands - Kelacyl [veterinary use]
Kela, United Kingdom; Kela, Ireland; Veyx Pharma, Germany - Kelacyl 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Qalian, France - Kelacyl 100 mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Kela, Poland - Kelbomar [veterinary use]
Kela Veterinaria, Belgium - Kelbomar 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Kela, Netherlands - Marbiflox [veterinary use]
Albrecht, Germany; KRKA, Belgium; KRKA, United Kingdom - Marbim [veterinary use]
Cross Vetpharm Group, United Kingdom - Marbocare [veterinary use]
Animalcare, United Kingdom; Animalcare, Ireland; Emdoka, United Kingdom; Emdoka, Ireland - Marbocyl [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy; Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Sweden; Vetoquinol Ireland, Ireland; Vetoquinol UK Ltd, United Kingdom - Marbocyl 10% [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy; Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Belgium; Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, Estonia; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Israel; Vetoquinol UK Ltd, United Kingdom - Marbocyl 10% für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Austria - Marbocyl 2 % für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Austria - Marbocyl 2% [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy; Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Belgium; Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, Estonia; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Israel; Vetoquinol UK Ltd, United Kingdom - Marbocyl 50 mg für Kälber [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Austria - Marbocyl Bolus [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Belgium; Vetoquinol, France - Marbocyl F.D. [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, France - Marbocyl FD [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy; Selectavet, Germany; Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Estonia - Marbocyl FD 1% für Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Austria - Marbocyl P [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy; Selectavet, Germany; Vetochas, Germany; Vetoquinol, Belgium; Vetoquinol, Estonia; Vetoquinol Biowet, Poland; Vetoquinol UK Limited, Ireland - Marbocyl P 20 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Österreich, Austria - Marbocyl P 20mg [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Israel; Vetoquinol, Netherlands - Marbocyl P 5 mg für Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Österreich, Austria - Marbocyl P 5mg [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Netherlands - Marbocyl P 80 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Österreich, Austria - Marbocyl P 80mg [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol, Switzerland; Vetoquinol, France; Vetoquinol, Israel; Vetoquinol, Netherlands - Marbocyl S [veterinary use]
Ati, Italy - Marbocyl S 10% [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Biowet, Poland - Marbodex [+ Clotrimazole, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
Bayer Vital, Germany; Norbrook, Italy; Norbrook, Netherlands; Norbrook Laboratories, Austria; Norbrook Laboratories, Estonia; Norbrook Laboratories, United Kingdom; Norbrook Laboratories, Ireland; Norbrook Poland, Poland - Marbofloxacin WDT [veterinary use]
WDT, Germany - Marbofloxacin WDT 20 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Austria - Marbofloxacin WDT 5 mg für Katzen und Hunde [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Austria - Marbofloxacin WDT 80 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Austria - Marbonor [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Belgium; Norbrook Laboratories, Estonia; Norbrook Laboratories, United Kingdom; Norbrook Laboratories, Ireland; VetMedic, Finland - Marbonor 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Norbrook, Netherlands - Marbonor 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For pigs [veterinary use]
Norbrook Poland, Poland - Marbonor Solo 100mg/ml dla bydta For cattle [veterinary use]
Norbrook Poland, Poland - Marboqin 20mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Lavet Pharmaceuticals, Poland - Marboqin 5mg dla psow i kotow For dogs and cats [veterinary use]
Lavet Pharmaceuticals, Poland - Marboqin 80mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Lavet Pharmaceuticals, Poland - Marbosol [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Ireland; Virbac, Germany - Marbosol 100mg/mk dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Poland - Marbosol 20mg/ml dla cielat i prosiat For calves and piglets [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Poland - Marbosyva [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Syva, Ireland; Laboratorios SYVA, S.A., United Kingdom - Marbosyva 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Syva, Austria - Marbosyva 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Syva, Poland - Marbotab [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Ireland; CP-Pharma, Poland - Marbovet [veterinary use]
Przedsiebiorstwo Wielobranzowe Vet-Agro, Poland - Marbovet 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
VetAgro, Netherlands - Marbox [veterinary use]
Ceva, Belgium; Ceva, Germany; Ceva Animal Health, United Kingdom; Ceva Animal Health, Poland; Ceva Sante Animale, Ireland; Ceva Santé Animale, Estonia - Marbox 100 für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland - Marbox 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, France - Marbox 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, Austria - Marbox 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Marboxidin [veterinary use]
Lavet Pharmaceuticals, Ireland - Marboxidin 20 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Lavet, Netherlands - Marboxidin 20mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, France - Marboxidin 5 mg voor honden en katten [veterinary use]
Lavet, Netherlands - Marboxidin 5mg pour chiens et chats [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, France - Marboxidin 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Lavet, Netherlands - Marboxidin 80mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, France - Marfloquin [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium; KRKA, United Kingdom; Vetcare, Finland; Virbac, Germany - Marfloquin 10% [veterinary use]
Virbac, Switzerland - Marfloquin 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Marfloquin 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Marfloquin 2% [veterinary use]
Virbac, Switzerland - Marfloquin 20 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria; Virbac, Switzerland - Marfloquin 20 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Marfloquin 20 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Marfloquin 20 mg/ml für Rinder, Kälber und Schweine [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Marfloquin 20mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Marfloquin 5 mg für Katzen und Hunde [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria; Virbac, Switzerland - Marfloquin 5 mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Marfloquin 5mg pour chats et chiens [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Marfloquin 80 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria; Virbac, Switzerland - Marfloquin 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Marfloquin 80mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Marfloquin S 10% [veterinary use]
Virbac, Switzerland - Marfloxin [veterinary use]
KRKA, Estonia; KRKA, Ireland - Marfloxin 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Marfloxin 20mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Marfloxin 20mg/ml dla cielat, swin, psow i kotow For calves, pigs, dogs and cats [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Marfloxin 5mg dla kotow i psow For cats and dogs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Marfloxin 80mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Masterflox [veterinary use]
Fatro, United Kingdom; Fatro, Italy; Fatro, Poland; Fatro Industria Farmaceutica Veterinaria, Estonia - Masterflox 20mg für Hunde For dogs [veterinary use]
Pro Zoon, Austria - Masterflox 40mg/ml für Schweine For pigs [veterinary use]
Fatro, Austria - Masterflox 80mg für Hunde For dogs [veterinary use]
Pro Zoon, Austria - NorOtic [+ Clotrimazole, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
Norbrook, Italy; Norbrook Laboratories, United Kingdom; Norbrook Poland, Poland; VetMedic, Finland - Norotic for Dogs [+ Clotrimazole, Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Ireland - NorOtic voor honden [+ Clotrimazole, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
Norbrook, Netherlands - Odimar [veterinary use]
WDT, Germany - Odimar 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Austria - Odimar 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Netherlands - Odimar 20 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Netherlands - Odimar 20 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Austria - Odimar 20 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Netherlands - Odimar 5 mg voor honden en katten [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Netherlands - Odimar 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Netherlands - Odimar bovins, porcs [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Belgium - Otoxolan [+ Clotrimazole, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
KRKA, Estonia; KRKA, United Kingdom - Otoxolan voor honden [+ Clotrimazole, + Dexamethasone] [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Quiflor [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium; KRKA, United Kingdom; TAD, Germany - Quiflor 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Quiflor 20 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Quiflor 20 mg/ml voor runderen, varkens en honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Quiflor 5 mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Quiflor 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Quiflor bovins, porcins [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium - Quiflor bovins, porcins, chiens [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium - Quiflor S 100 mg/ml voor runderen [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Resmacyl [veterinary use]
Fatro, Poland - Softiflox [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Ireland - Softiflox 20 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Norbrook, Netherlands - Softiflox 20mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Norbrook Poland, Poland - Softiflox 5 mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
Norbrook, Netherlands - Softiflox 5mg dla kotow i psow For cats and dogs [veterinary use]
Norbrook Poland, Poland - Softiflox 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Norbrook, Netherlands - Softiflox 80mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Norbrook Poland, Poland - Softiflox chiens [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Belgium - Softiflox chiens, chats [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Belgium - Softiflox P 20mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Merial, France - Softiflox P 5mg pour chats et chiens [veterinary use]
Merial, France - Softiflox P 80mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Merial, France - Ubiflox [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium; KRKA, United Kingdom; KRKA, Ireland; KRKA, Italy - Ubiflox 100 mg/ml pour bovins et porcins [veterinary use]
Zoetis, France - Ubiflox 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Ubiflox 20 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Ubiflox 20 mg/ml pour bovins et porcins [veterinary use]
Zoetis, France - Ubiflox 20 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Ubiflox 20mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Zoetis, France - Ubiflox 5 mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Ubiflox 5mg pour chats et chiens [veterinary use]
Zoetis, France - Ubiflox 80 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Ubiflox 80mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Zoetis, France - Zeniquin [veterinary use]
Zoetis, United States; Zoetis, South Africa - Zeniquin 100mg [veterinary use]
Zoetis Australia, Australia - Zeniquin 25mg [veterinary use]
Zoetis Australia, Australia
Term | Definition |
BAN | British Approved Name |
IS | Inofficial Synonym |
OS | Official Synonym |
PH | Pharmacopoeia Name |
Rec.INN | Recommended International Nonproprietary Name (World Health Organization) |
WHO | World Health Organization |
Further information on drug naming conventions: International Nonproprietary Names.
Important Notice: The international database is in BETA release. This means it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies. It is not intended as a substitute for the expertise and judgement of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that the use of any medication in any country is safe, appropriate or effective for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before taking any medication.
Further information
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.