Enrofloxacin (International)
Note: In some countries, this medicine may only be approved for veterinary use.
CAS registry number (Chemical Abstracts Service)
Chemical Formula
Molecular Weight
Therapeutic Category
Antibacterial: Fluoroquinolone (gyrase inhibitor)
Chemical Name
3-Quinolinecarboxylic acid, 1-cyclopropyl-7-(4-etyl-1-piperazinyl)-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-
Foreign Names
- Enrofloxacinum (Latin)
- Enrofloxacin (German)
- Enrofloxacine (French)
- Enrofloxacino (Spanish)
Generic Names
- Enrofloxacin (OS: BAN, USAN)
- Bay Vp 2674 (Bayer) (IS)
- Enrofloxacin (PH: BP vet. 2018, USP 41)
- Enrofloxacin for veterinary use (PH: Ph. Eur. 9.2)
- Enrofloxacinum ad usum veterinarium (PH: Ph. Eur. 9.2)
Brand Names
- Baytril [+ Sulfadiazine] [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal Health, United States; Bayer Australia Ltd Animal Health, Australia - Baytril [veterinary use]
Bayer, United Kingdom; Bayer, Ireland; Bayer, Italy; Bayer AH, South Africa; Bayer Animal Health, Belgium; Bayer Animal Health, Norway; Bayer Animal Health, Sweden; Bayer Animal Health, United States; Bayer New Zealand, New Zealand; Bayer Santé Animale, France; Bayer Vital, Germany; Orion Pharma Eläinlääkkeet, Finland - Baytril 0.5% [veterinary use]
Bayer, United Kingdom - Baytril 0.5% Für Ferkel [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 10% [veterinary use]
Bayer, United Kingdom; Bayer Animal, Netherlands; Bayer Animal Health, Belgium; Bayer Animal Health GmbH, Israel; Bayer New Zealand, New Zealand; Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril 10% Für Hühner, Truten und Kaninchen [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 10% Für Kälber, Rinder, Milchkühe und Schweine [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands - Baytril 100 mg/ml für Hühner, Puten und Kaninchen [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 100 mg/ml Für Nutztiere [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 100 mg/ml voor varkens [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands - Baytril 15 mg für Katzen und kleine Hunde [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 150 [veterinary use]
Bayer Australia Ltd Animal Health, Australia - Baytril 150 mg für groβe Hunde [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 150mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands - Baytril 150mg Für Hunde [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 15mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands - Baytril 15mg dla psow i kotow [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal Health, Poland - Baytril 15mg Für Katzen und kleine Hunde [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 2.5% [veterinary use]
Bayer, United Kingdom; Bayer New Zealand, New Zealand; Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril 2.5% Für Kälber [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 2.5% Für Schweine, Hunde, Katzen, Heimtiere und Exoten [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 25 Antibacterial Oral [veterinary use]
Bayer Australia Ltd Animal Health, Australia - Baytril 25 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands; Bayer Animal Health, Poland - Baytril 25 mg/ml Für Hund, Katzen, Nager, Reptilien und Ziervögle [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 25 mg/ml für Kälber und Lämmer [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 25 mg/ml für Katzen [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 25 mg/ml voor katten [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands - Baytril 250 Für grosse Hunde [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 250 mg für groβe Hunde [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 5 mg/ml für Schweine [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 5% [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal Health GmbH, Israel; Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril 5% Für Kälber, Schweine und Hunde [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril 50 [veterinary use]
Bayer Australia Ltd Animal Health, Australia - Baytril 50 mg für Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 50 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands; D-Vett, Netherlands - Baytril 50 mg/ml Für Hund, Katzen und Nutztiere [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril 50mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal, Netherlands - Baytril 50mg Für Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril Bolus [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal Health, Belgium - Baytril Max [veterinary use]
Bayer, United Kingdom; Bayer Animal, Netherlands; Bayer Animal Health, Belgium - Baytril MAX 100 mg/ml Für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Provet, Switzerland - Baytril One 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin [veterinary use]
Bayer Animal Health, Poland - Baytril RSI 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Bayer Austria, Austria - Baytril S 150mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril S 15mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril S 250mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril S 50mg [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril veaux [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Baytril vet [veterinary use]
Animal Health Division Bayer HealthCare AG, Iceland - Baytril XM 100mg/ml [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Colmyc [veterinary use]
SP Veterinaria, Ireland - Colmyc 100 mg/ml voor runderen, varkens, schapen en geiten [veterinary use]
SP Veterinaria, Netherlands - Colmyc 5mg/ml dla swin For pigs [veterinary use]
Veterina Polska, Poland - Doraflox [veterinary use]
Dopharma, Belgium; Dopharma, Germany; Dopharma, Ireland; Vetpharma Animal Health, Belgium - Doraflox 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Dopharma Veterinaire Farmaca, Netherlands - Enflocyna [veterinary use]
Biowet Pulawy, Poland - Enrabic 10% [veterinary use]
Abic Veterinary Products Ltd, Israel - Enrobactin [veterinary use]
CPPharma, Germany; Le Vet Pharma B.V., United Kingdom - Enrobactin 25 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Netherlands - Enrobactin 25 mg/ml für Kaninchen, Nager, Ziervögel und Reptilien For rabbits, rodents, birds and reptiles [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Austria - Enrobioflox [veterinary use]
Bioptive, Germany - Enrobioflox 10% [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Biowet, Estonia; Vetoquinol Biowet, Poland - Enrobioflox 5% [veterinary use]
Vetoquinol Biowet, Estonia; Vetoquinol Biowet, Poland - Enrocare [veterinary use]
Animalcare, United Kingdom; Animalcare, Ireland - Enrocare 10% pour bovins et porcins [veterinary use]
Axience, France - Enrocare 2.5% pour chiens, chats et NAC [veterinary use]
Axience, France - Enrocare 5% pour bovins, porcins, chiens et chats [veterinary use]
Axience, France - Enrocin 10% [veterinary use]
Przedsiebiorstwo Wielobranzowe Vet-Agro, Poland - Enrocin 5% [veterinary use]
Przedsiebiorstwo Wielobranzowe Vet-Agro, Poland - Enrodexil [veterinary use]
Doxal, Italy; Industrial Veterinaria, United Kingdom; Industrial Veterinaria, Ireland; Industrial Veterinaria S.A., Belgium; Selectavet, Germany - Enrodexil 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Industrial, Netherlands - Enrodexil 100mg/ml [veterinary use]
Industrial Veterinaria, Poland - Enrodexil 100mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Industrial Veterinaria, Austria - Enrofloksacyna 10% [veterinary use]
Drwalewskie Zaklady Przemyslu Bioweterynaryjnego, Poland - Enroflox [veterinary use]
Bioptive, Germany; Norbrook, United States - Enrofloxacin [veterinary use]
Putney, United States - Enrofloxacin 150 [veterinary use]
Apex Laboratories, Australia - Enrofloxacin 50 [veterinary use]
Apex Laboratories, Australia - Enrofloxacin Krka [veterinary use]
Krka, Ireland - Enrofloxacin N [veterinary use]
N-vet, Sweden - Enrofloxacin WDT [veterinary use]
WDT, Germany - Enrofloxacyna Vetos-Farma [veterinary use]
Vetos-Farma, Poland - Enrofloxan 10% [veterinary use]
Biofaktor, Poland - enrofloxoral 15 mg voor honden en katten [veterinary use]
AST, Netherlands - Enrofloxoral 150 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
A.S.T. farma B.V, Netherlands - Enrofloxoral 25 mg voor honden en katten [veterinary use]
A.S.T. farma B.V, Netherlands - Enrofloxoral 50 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
A.S.T. farma B.V, Netherlands - Enro-K [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Karizoo, Ireland; Laboratorios Karizoo, Poland - Enro-K 10% [veterinary use]
Karizoo, Belgium - Enroshort [veterinary use]
Eurovet Animal Health, Belgium - Enro-Sleecol [veterinary use]
Albrecht, Germany; Krka, Ireland - Enrotab [veterinary use]
CPPharma, Germany; Le Vet Pharma, Italy - Enrotab 150 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Netherlands - Enrotab 15mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Netherlands - Enrotab 50 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
CP-Pharma, Netherlands - Enrotril [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Ireland - Enrotron [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Belgium; aniMedica, United Kingdom; aniMedica, Iceland; Faunapharma, Finland; aniMedica, Germany; Forte Healthcare, United Kingdom; Forte Healthcare, Ireland - Enrotron 10% [veterinary use]
Gräub, Switzerland - Enrotron 100 [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Estonia - Enrotron 100 mg/ml voor kip, kalkoen en konijn [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Netherlands - Enrotron 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Forte Healthcare, Netherlands - Enrotron 100, 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Austria - Enrotron 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Forte Healthcare, Poland - Enrotron 100mg/ml dla kur, indykow i krolikow For chickens, turkeys and rabbits [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Poland - Enrotron 150 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Austria - Enrotron 150 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Netherlands - Enrotron 150mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Poland - Enrotron 2.5% [veterinary use]
Gräub, Switzerland - Enrotron 25 [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Estonia - Enrotron 25 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Forte Healthcare, Netherlands - Enrotron 25 mg/ml voor runderen [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Netherlands - Enrotron 25, 25 mg/ml für Hunde, Katzen, Schweine und Kaninchen For dogs, cats and pigs [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Austria - Enrotron 25mg/ml dla bydta For cattle [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Poland - Enrotron 25mg/ml dla psow, kotow i zwierzat egzotycznych For dogs, cats and exotic animals [veterinary use]
Forte Healthcare, Poland - Enrotron 5 mg/ml voor varkens [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Netherlands - Enrotron 5% [veterinary use]
Gräub, Switzerland - Enrotron 50 [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Estonia - Enrotron 50 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Austria - Enrotron 50 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Netherlands - Enrotron 50 mg/ml voor runderen, varkens, honden en katten [veterinary use]
Forte Healthcare, Netherlands - Enrotron 50, 50 mg/ml für Rinder (Kälber), Schweine und Hunde For cattle, pigs and dogs [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Austria - Enrotron 50mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Poland - Enrotron 50mg/ml dla bydta, swin, psow i kotow For cattle, pigs, dogs and cats [veterinary use]
Forte Healthcare, Poland - Enrotron 5mg/ml For pigs [veterinary use]
aniMedica, Poland - Enrotron flavour 150 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Gräub, Switzerland - Enrotron flavour 50 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Gräub, Switzerland - Enroval 10% [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Enrovet 10% [veterinary use]
Divasa Farmavic, Israel - Enrox [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium; KRKA, United Kingdom; KRKA, Ireland; Virbac, Germany - Enrox 10% für Hühner, Truten sowie Kaninchen [veterinary use]
Virbac, Switzerland - Enrox 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Enrox 100 mg/ml für Hühner und Puten [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Enrox 15 mg für Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Enrox 15 mg voor honden en katten [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Enrox 150 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Enrox 150 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Enrox 50 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Enrox 50 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Krka vet, Netherlands - Enrox Max 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Enroxal [veterinary use]
KRKA, Belgium; TAD, Germany - Enroxal 100 mg/ml voor kippen en kalkoenen [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Enroxal 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Enroxil [veterinary use]
Krka, United Kingdom; Krka, Ireland; Krka, Poland - Enroxil 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Enroxil 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Krka, Netherlands - Enroxil 150mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Enroxil 15mg dla psow i kotow For dogs and cats [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Enroxil 5% [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Enroxil 50 mg/ml für Kälber, Schweine und Hunde [veterinary use]
Krka Tovarna Zdravil, Austria - Enroxil 50 mg/ml voor kalveren, varkens en honden [veterinary use]
KRKA d.d., Novo mesto, Netherlands - Enroxil 50mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Krka, Poland - Enrozid TWS 100 mg/ml für Hühner und Puten [veterinary use]
Pro Zoon, Austria - Exoflox [veterinary use]
Faunapharma, Finland - Fenoflox [veterinary use]
Bioptive, Germany; Chanelle Pharmaceuticals, Belgium; Chanelle Pharmaceuticals, Poland; Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, United Kingdom; Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, Ireland; VetMedic, Finland; VM Pharma, Sweden - Fenoflox 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, Austria - Fenoflox 50 mg/ml für Rinder, Schweine, Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, Austria - Floxabactin [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Belgium; Le Vet Beheer, Ireland; Le Vet Pharma B.V., United Kingdom; Vetcare, Finland - Floxabactin 15 mg für Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Austria - Floxabactin 15 mg voor katten en honden [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Netherlands - Floxabactin 150 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Austria - Floxabactin 150 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Netherlands - Floxabactin 50 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Austria - Floxabactin 50 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Le Vet, Netherlands - Floxadil [veterinary use]
Emdoka, Belgium - Floxadil 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Netherlands - Floxadil 25 mg/ml voor honden, katten, konijnen, knaagdieren, reptielen en siervogels [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Netherlands - Floxadil 50 mg/ml voor runderen, varkens, honden en katten [veterinary use]
Animalcare, Netherlands - Floxamax [veterinary use]
Kela Veterinaria, Belgium; SP Veterinaria, Ireland - Floxamax 10% [veterinary use]
SP Veterinaria, Netherlands - Floxatril [veterinary use]
Virbac, Italy - Floxibac [veterinary use]
Chanelle Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing, Ireland - Floxibac 100mg/ml [veterinary use]
Osalia, France - Floxibac 50mg/ml [veterinary use]
Osalia, France - Ganadexil Enrofloxacina [veterinary use]
Industrial Veterinaria, Estonia - Ganadexil Enrofloxacina 5% [veterinary use]
Industrial Veterinaria, Estonia - Hipralona Enro [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Hipra, Poland - Hipralona Enro-l [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Hipra, Estonia - Ilium Enrotril [veterinary use]
Ilium Veterinary Products, Australia - Ilium Enrotril Oral [veterinary use]
Ilium Veterinary Products, Australia - Interflox oral [veterinary use]
Interchemie Werken De Adelaar Eesti, Estonia - Kariflox [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Karizoo, Ireland - Kariflox 10% [veterinary use]
Laboratoires Biové, France; Laboratorios Karizoo, Israel; Laboratorios Karizoo, Netherlands - Kariflox 25 mg/ml voor kalveren [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Karizoo, Netherlands - Lanflox [veterinary use]
Dopharma, Germany; Vetpharma Animal Health, Ireland; Vetpharma Animal Health, Italy; Vetpharma Animal Health, Poland; Vetpharma Animal Health, S.A., United Kingdom - Lanflox 100 mg/ml [veterinary use]
Qalian, France - Lanflox 100 mg/ml voor kippen en kalkoenen [veterinary use]
Vetpharma Animal Health, Netherlands - Lanflox 2.5% [veterinary use]
Qalian, France - MEDOXIL 100mg/ml dla kur i krolikow For chickens and rabbits [veterinary use]
Medivet, Poland - Norotril [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, United Kingdom - Norotril Max [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Estonia - Norotril Max 100mg/ml dla bydta For cattle [veterinary use]
Norbrook Poland, Poland - Norotril Max 100mg/ml für Rinder For cattle [veterinary use]
Norbrook Laboratories, Austria - Orniflox [veterinary use]
Albrecht, Germany; Avimedical, United Kingdom - Orniflox 25 mg/ml voor konijnen, knaagdieren, siervogels en retielen [veterinary use]
Avimedical, Netherlands - Otiderm voor hond en kat [+ Ketoconazole, + Triamcinolone] [veterinary use]
AST, Netherlands - Powerflox [veterinary use]
Virbac, Germany; Virbac France, United Kingdom - Powerflox 100 Für Nutztiere [veterinary use]
Virbac, Switzerland - Powerflox 100 mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine [veterinary use]
Virbac, Austria - Powerflox 50 Für Kälber, Schweine und Hunde [veterinary use]
Virbac, Switzerland - Powerflox 50 mg/ml für Rinder, Schweine, Hunde und Katzen [veterinary use]
Virbac, Austria - Powerflox 50 mg/ml voor runderen, varkens, honden en katten [veterinary use]
Virbac, Netherlands - Quinoex [veterinary use]
Ceva Animal Health, Poland; Ceva-Phylaxia, Israel - Quinoex 2.5% [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, France - Quinoflox [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, Estonia; Global Vet Health, United Kingdom; Global Vet Health, Ireland; Global Vet Health SL, Poland - Quinoflox 10% [veterinary use]
Ceva Santé Animale, France - Quinoflox 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Global Vet Health SL, Poland - Respytril [veterinary use]
Bayer Santé Animale, France - Roxacin [veterinary use]
Calier Polska, Poland; Laboratorios Calier, Ireland - Roxacin 100 mg/ml voor runderen en varkens [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Calier, Netherlands - Roxacin 100mg/ml dla bydta i swin For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Calier Polska, Poland - Scanoflox 10% [veterinary use]
Scan Vet, Poland - Spectron [veterinary use]
Hipra Benelux, Belgium; Laboratorios Hipra, Ireland; Laboratorios Hipra, Poland; Laboratorios Hipra SA, United Kingdom - Spectron 100 mg/g [veterinary use]
HIPRA, France - Syvaquinol 10% [veterinary use]
Laboratorios Syva, Israel - Tenotryl 10% [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Tenotryl 150mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Tenotryl 15mg pour chats [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Tenotryl 50mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Virbac, France - Unisol [veterinary use]
Vetpharma Animal Health, Belgium; Vetpharma Animal Health, Ireland; Vetpharma Animal Health, Poland; Vetpharma Animal Health, S.A., United Kingdom - Unisol 100mg/ml für Rinder und Schweine For cattle and pigs [veterinary use]
Vetpharma Animal Health, Austria - Ursofloxacin 10% [veterinary use]
Serumber, Germany - Ursofloxacin 5% [veterinary use]
Serumber, Germany - Xeden [veterinary use]
Ceva Animal Health, United Kingdom; Fort Dodge, Italy; Ceva, Germany; VetMedic, Finland - Xeden 15 mg für Katzen [veterinary use]
Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Xeden 15 mg voor katten [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Xeden 150 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Xeden 150 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Xeden 150mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Xeden 15mg pour chats [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Xeden 200 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Xeden 200 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Xeden 200mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Xeden 50 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Laboratoire Sogeval, Austria - Xeden 50 mg voor honden [veterinary use]
Ceva Sante Animale, Netherlands - Xeden 50mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Sogeval, France - Xeden Cat für Katzen [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland - Xeden chats [veterinary use]
Sogeval Laboratoire, Belgium - Xeden chiens [veterinary use]
Sogeval Laboratoire, Belgium - Xeden Dog 150 für Hunde [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland - Xeden Dog 50 für Hunde [veterinary use]
Biokema, Switzerland - Zobuxa [veterinary use]
Elanco Animal Health, United States; Elanco Deutschland GmbH, Germany; Elanco Europe, United Kingdom - Zobuxa 100 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Elanco Animal Health, Austria - Zobuxa 100mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Novartis Animal Health, Poland - Zobuxa 15 mg für Katzen und kleine Hunde [veterinary use]
Elanco Animal Health, Austria - Zobuxa 150 mg für Hunde [veterinary use]
Elanco Animal Health, Austria - Zobuxa 150mg dla psow For dogs [veterinary use]
Novartis Animal Health, Poland - Zobuxa 150mg pour chiens [veterinary use]
Novartis Santé Animale, France - Zobuxa 15mg dla kotow i matych psow For cats and dogs [veterinary use]
Novartis Animal Health, Poland - Zobuxa 50 mg für Katzen und Hunde [veterinary use]
Elanco Animal Health, Austria - Zobuxa 50mg dla kotow i psow For cats and dogs [veterinary use]
Novartis Animal Health, Poland - Zobuxa 50mg pour chiens et chats [veterinary use]
Novartis Santé Animale, France
Term | Definition |
BAN | British Approved Name |
IS | Inofficial Synonym |
OS | Official Synonym |
PH | Pharmacopoeia Name |
Rec.INN | Recommended International Nonproprietary Name (World Health Organization) |
USAN | United States Adopted Name |
Further information on drug naming conventions: International Nonproprietary Names.
Important Notice: The Drugs.com international database is in BETA release. This means it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies. It is not intended as a substitute for the expertise and judgement of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that the use of any medication in any country is safe, appropriate or effective for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before taking any medication.
Further information
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.