Thrombin (Ingredient)
Drugbank ID: DB11572
ATC codes: B02BD30, B02BC06
The information below refers to products available in the United States that contain thrombin.
Products containing thrombin
thrombin topical
Brand names: Thrombin-JMI, Recothrom, Floseal Hemostatic Matrix, Thrombinar, Thrombostat
Drug class: miscellaneous coagulation modifiers
Thrombin topical is used in the treatment of:
Multi-ingredient medications containing thrombin
fibrinogen/thrombin topical
Brand names: VistaSeal, Evarrest, Raplixa, Evicel, TachoSil
Drug class: miscellaneous coagulation modifiers
Fibrinogen/thrombin topical is used in the treatment of:
Further information
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.