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Results for 'Toradol Vicodin Pain'

Would Toradol be better for pain than Vicodin?

Is toradol more or just as potent to vicodin?

Toradol - I had a shot of Toradol nine hours ago at an urgent care for kidney pain.

How long do I need to wait before taking ibuprofen? Pain is returning and I'd like to be able to sleep tonight.

I just had all my top teeth pulled and dentures put in. I was gave toradol for pain. Has anyone eve?

... taken.this, because I am still in a lot of pain. It is 10mg. Should I double up. Also can u lett your dentures soak in polident all night,... read more

Why is it recommended to take Toradol for only 5 days or less?

I have ongoing back pain and I tried Toradol for 2 days, and it seems to be helping, where other medications have not.

I am a diabetic and use toradol shots every 8 days, is there a large risk?

My toradol shots are 60mg, I take insulin once a day, these shots help a lot as I have a bad back and hips.

How long does a shot of Toradol last?

I suffer from migraines went to doctors today and I got a shot of Toradol. How long does a shot of Toradol last?

Toradol shot for siatic nerve pain??

I've been having frequent siatic nerve pain in my lower back, which sends aching pains down my hips, thru the back of my legs,... read more

Toradol (Keterolac) and Ibuprofen Interactions?

I went to an urgent care for severe head/neck pain which started while lifting weights one week prior. The PA gave me a Toradol... read more

Shelf life of Vicodin - how long can you keep it?

what is the 'shelf life' of vicodin 500mg tablets? i've been having a lot of back pain lately and i looked through my... read more

How and where is the Toradol injection given?

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