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Results for 'Lactose Liver Stomach'

I have IBS and I am lactose intolerant and now have stomach ulcers. I was prescribed dexilant which?

... is for acid reflux. I'm a bit confused on what medication the doctor decided to prescribe for me and not sure how to eat for ulcers. There... read more

Lactose Intolerance - can you suddenly become lactose intolerant as an adult?

I never had any problem processing milk products until recently. I am 34 years old. Now I get gas and bloating if I have even a small amount of... read more

How does liver health affect my medications?

Antidepressants (Cymbalta) and Lactose Intolerance???

Can Cymbalta (or any antidepressants) cause lactose intolerance? My mom thinks my lactose intolerance is related to my starting... read more

Lactose free xanax?

A family member has a severe allergy to all milk and as such can't have lactose. Is there a brand if Xanax without lactose - we... read more

Is lactose in Vesicare 10mg or Toviaz 8mg extended release?

I am allergic to lactose and my doctor is suggesting one of these. Thank you.

Liver Cirrhosis - My doctor estimates I have only 10% of my liver that is working. I have stage 4?

... cirrosis. But it seems i should feel a lot worse. I dont feel great, and am tired most of the time, but I am still working full time and my job... read more

What medicines can I take for colds and allergies that don't affect a fatty liver?

I was told that due to my fatty liver, I should stay far away from any medicine that contains acetaminophen or any meds that have liver... read more

Will Tramadol 50mg 4-8 times a day affect your liver?

My husband has almost all of the side effects of Tramadol. I'm guessing 3/4s of them. The only thing I didn't see on there was anything... read more

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