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Results for 'Abilify Bipolar Disorder Aripiprazole Medication'

What is the difference between Abilify and Abilify Maintena?

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

How does abilify effect someone not prescribed?

what does it do for some one who is prescribed (aripiprazole) 5 mg. what does it do for some not prescribed if consumed

Aripiprazole - how long does this stay in your system and are there any withdrawal symptoms ?

My son safely tapered off of Abilify. Last dose of 2.5 mg was on Saturday August 4th... Here are my questions: 1. How long does Abilify... read more

Why should you take aripiprazole in the morning?

Aripiprazole - Worsening of positive symptoms in psychosis/schizophrenia?

After starting Aripiprazole I had the experience that the positive symptoms became worse but the negative symptoms better. The side effects... read more

Medication - Abilify causing extreme fatigue?

My wife just started on 10mg abilify (upped from 7.5mg) and she is experiencing lethargy & fatigue. Is this normal? She's also on a... read more

Aripiprazole - how long does ability maintena stay in your system? (300mg injection)?

some doctors are saying the half-life is something like 75 hours or 375 hours to be completely out of you system (75x5) . whereas other sources are... read more

Vraylay vs Abilify - how do they compare?

I was recently prescribed Vraylar but I was leaning more towards Abilify. Which medication is better? How are they different? Any... read more

Bipolar, medication, libido and recreational drugs?

I am bipolar type 2 and don't like being highly medicated. I'd rather just take something for anxiety if I could get away with it.... read more

How can one reasonably taper off Abilify?

Let me preface this by saying, I was never schizophrenic in my life, and I was put on the medication as an adjunct to resistant depression in... read more

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