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Results for 'Surgery Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Knee Xarelto Bleeding'

Can I consume yogurt (a pro-biotic) while taking Azithromycin (an antibiotic)?

I am consuming 4 oz. of "Activia yogurt" per day to improve bowel movements. I am also taking 250 mg of azithromycin daily. Will the... read more

Is my sick cat allowed to have formula 911? Will it help?

Can I use formula 911 for my sick cat? I have six cats, and which two of them are sick with an upper respiratory infection, and... read more

Is it safe to take Keflex when allergic to penicillin?

Had a reaction to a penicilin based medication which was a strong version of the penicillin, now have been told to take Keflex, Dr knows my... read more

Should Azithromycin 500 mg and Prednisone 20 mg be taken together?

Patient has Acute upper respiratory tract infection past 6 days.

Amoxicillin Dosage Mess Up?

Was Rx Amoxicillin for 5 days, every 12 hours for an URI. Accidentally took 1 pill every 24 hours for 2 days, and just realized I’ve been... read more

Do Valium,Xanax and Klonopin all show up as the same medicine in a urine test? I take 3 Valium a day

... but sometimes when my nerves get really bad I take some of my sons Klonopin. So I was just wondering if it would show up the same medicine in a... read more

What's the difference between amoxicillin and penicillin?

How long before surgery should Xarelto be stopped?

Amoxicillin/Clavulanate - can you cut in half and take twice daily?

Is it possible to cut this pill in half have to take the dose twice instead of once a day to limit side effects? Or is that going to cause it to be... read more

I am allergic to bactrim can I take metronidazole?

I break out with red blisters on my face and lips when I take bactrim what can I take instead

What is the onset, peak, and half life of xarelto?

I'm a nursing strudent trying to create a drug card on xarelto and information is limited since it is somewhat of a new drug

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