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Results for 'Skin Rash Skin'

Can levothyroxine cause a skin rash?

Developed rash after two weeks? I've been on levothyroxine (after thryoid removal) for two weeks and take it first thing in morning on... read more

I Use Zinc Oxide Cream Daily on my Face (Diaper Rash Cream) ~ Any Danger to that on the Long Term?

My age is 40 and since my teenage years, I have been putting sink oxide on my face. I know it sounds somewhat silly, putting diaper rash cream... read more

I've had a rash for over 2 months and it's getting worse?

I've had a rash for over 2 months now. It looks like very tiny red raised bumps all over, and they are very itchy. At first they were all... read more

A stronger topical than Triamcinolone?

I was given the above named cream for cellulitis, a skin condition where there is an infection under the skin and causes... read more

Clindamycin - anyone having problems sleeping,rash on arms n legs,bad taste in mouth for hours?

been on it for 5 days for staph infec in huge sore on foot.havin these side efffects since i started but i dont see anyone else having these,i have... read more

Getting a rash from Zoloft 100mg?

I started off at 25mg then 50 and now 100mg. On and off ive had to restart the medication due to forgetting to take it daily. I recently have been... read more

Amoxicillin rash: When should I be concerned?

Amlodipine - How long will my skin rash last?

So far it has lasted 9 weeks. I was on amlodipine for high blood pressure for several years. Then my consultant ordered me to double the dose... read more

What is the dosage for prednisone for skin rash?

Sertraline and Itching?

I have been on 25 mg of Zoloft a day for 3 weeks. Most of my side effects have subsided, but my skin started itching 2 days ago. I... read more

How can I releave skin itching brought on by Omeprazole?

I have been on Omeprazole for two weeks now and I have major skin itching. I have no rash but the itching is now keeping me... read more

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