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Results for 'Bipolar Disorder Anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder Side Effect Suicide'

What are the effects of taking Tramadol and Lexapro together?

Tramadol-pain Lexapro-mood,anxiety,depression these were taken together any major side effects from the combo?

Quetiapine - Im bipolar and trying to become pregnant. I told this to my pdoc, but he put me on?

... 100mg of seroquel anyway. Im on day three, and feel anxious-even with my clonapam and 200mg of zoloft. something just doesn't feel right,... read more

Will increasing my Zoloft from 150 to 175 give me any side effects?

New here, just a little background on me - I've been on Sertraline for the past 5ish years. I started on a low dose, and noticed that every 4-6... read more

Sertraline - Wondering if I should up from 50 mg to 100mgs. I just took my last 30 day dose?

I started Zoloft exactly 30 days ago at 50 mg. I have tried natural vitamins for anxiety and multiple prescriptions for... read more

Why am I feeling worse after initially feeling better?

Hi I am on day 43 ( six weeks) of taking sertraline. The first week I started on 25mg and had no side effects at all. A week later my doctor... read more

This morning I started Paxil and was told to break 10mg in half and take 5mg for a week

I am very sensitive to side effects. I tried Zoloft in the past and made me so much worse. So far only side effects I have is very... read more

Can I cut Paxil in half?

I was prescribed 10mg of Paxil last Friday (7 days ago). I've been struggling with the side effects and I can't stand it. I feel... read more

Modafinil - increased anxiety a temporary or long-term side effect?

I just started taking Modafinil for Hypersomnia last week. It has been amazing to actually stay awake at work! However, it has increased my... read more

Why am I not getting better with sertraline help?

I have been on sertraline just over 5 weeks I started on 50mg and went to 100mg two weeks ago, at the moment my anxiety is so so bad,... read more

Derealization / depersonalization. Help 7 years of a laundry list of ineffective drugs?

I would say that I have pretty severe derealization/dissociation/depersonalization. I am to the point where I am out of carrots and I am out of... read more

Teenagers and lexapro?

My 17 year old son has been on lexapro for about 9 months, for severe anxiety. In that time he has made several suicide attempts... read more

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