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Medicine use during Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

Latest update: Safe medications during breastfeeding

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Some medicines are safe to take during pregnancy while other medicines may have adverse effects on the unborn baby. Most medicines are assigned one of five FDA Pregnancy categories to help identify the potential level of risk. It is very important to check each and every medicine, including over-the-counter medicines and natural supplements, to determine if they are safe to take while pregnant. This is especially important during the first trimester of pregnancy (0-13 weeks), a critical time for development of the embyro and fetus.

Medicines can also pass into breast milk in small quantities. While most are safe for a mother to take and will not cause any harm to a breastfeeding infant, some medicines such as cytotoxic agents, lithium, radiopharmaceuticals, and retinoids must be avoided.

For guidelines on taking individual medicines while pregnant or breastfeeding use the search or browse the list of medicines below.

Note: Always consult your doctor or healthcare specialist for medical advice in relation to drug use while pregnant or lactating/breastfeeding.

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