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Monistat User Reviews & Ratings

Monistat has an average rating of 2.4 out of 10 from a total of 482 reviews on 8% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 78% reported a negative experience.

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Vaginal Yeast Infection  
482 reviews for Vaginal Yeast Infection 63 medications
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Reviews for Monistat

  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 15, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I’ve used Monistat before and I have never experienced anything worse regarding my vag. Monistat 3 specifically is what I just used and I cannot believe how awful this stuff feels. I put it in and thirty seconds later, I sat back on the toilet ready to throw ice cubes up there. This stuff is poison. Burns and itches like there was acid and peroxide in my bits. The feeling is persistent, but I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, reading these reviews while in this pain was way too relatable. If you're reading this, it's too late."

1 / 10
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750 Report
  • TiredAF
  • October 8, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Haven't had a YI in years, in the past used Monistat 3, I think? The little ovule things, no issues, instant relief, ten gold stars. Well, this time I grabbed Monistat 1. I inserted the ovule, slapped on a panty liner, hit the hay. Woke up 2 hours later, cookie on FIRE! CRAZY BURNING, ITCHING, FREAKING OUT, so I went into the bathroom and tried to soothe myself with the external cream provided... HAH, WOW, NOPE! SO MUCH WORSE, just dabbed it off with toilet paper, changed the panty liner, and went back to bed to assume the fetal position and scour the internet for reviews or solutions, to see if I really messed up and need an ambulance or what, LOL. Gotta say, by the time I got through about 8 pages of awful/HILARIOUS reviews, the burning and itching are just about totally gone and I could fall back asleep now. There's a bit of heat left but nothing too crazy. So my takeaway - temporarily ALARMING!!! but seemingly worth it. Because if you're here, it's probably too late to tell you to buy something else, LOL."

5 / 10
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461 Report
  • MFer
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 3, 2021

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "If you're here reading the comments because your cooter currently is flaming hot... rip to you. No, but seriously, this sucked. I thought I was going to cut my vagina off to get rid of this burning pain. I think since it seems like every single woman on this website is feeling this way about the product, that we should get together and sue the company."

1 / 10
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404 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Deb
  • January 10, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Everyone up here is such a baby. It’s supposed to itch more because the medicine is literally forcing the yeast out of your vagina all at once. This product is amazing. I’m currently pregnant & Even before pregnancy Monistat was my go-to. It itches & burns but it literally goes away."

9 / 10
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396 Report
  • WhyGod...
  • June 15, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I bought the 3-day cream. Inserted it into my NoNo zone, felt soothing. As soon as I pulled up my underwear, I felt a burning sensation like no other. My Vag feels like I have a zillion papercut burns, that were then doused in a cocktail of lemon juice, acid, and alcohol while a trillion fire ants crawled out of my private parts. It feels like a ghost pepper was also crushed up to a fine powder and sprinkled on top of all the above-mentioned items. The itching and burning are so severe I feel like I'm going to vomit. Dear God, what have I done in my life to deserve this misery? I'm so delirious I can barely type. I will never again use this product!!! I'd rather live with a YI for the rest of my life instead of feeling this kind of pain ever again. Do not recommend!!!"

1 / 10
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325 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • mimi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 7, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Alright, ladies. YI are awful. However, GIVE MONISTAT A CHANCE. Please. I know it feels like fire ants are crawling inside of you and like battery acid was poured in at first, but that only means it’s working. It gets worse before it gets better! It is literally killing the infection which is why it hurts so much. Fight the pain! Use Vagisil right after, too, to combat the itch and burn. And for the love of God, DON’T SCRATCH whatever you do!! Only makes it that much worse."

7 / 10
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238 Report
  • Alia...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 28, 2021

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I’m a Nurse Practitioner, please FDA look into this medication, something is seriously WRONG with this product all of a sudden!! It’s 4:00 AM in the morning and I have not had any sleep because my entire reproductive system feels like someone has put a torch to it. I will not be recommending this to my patients. I’m going to be a mess at work today with no sleep. Praying while I have ice packs on my vagina OUCHHHHHHH!!"

1 / 10
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178 Report

More FAQ

  • Strs
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 3, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Like all other users, I should have read the reviews first. This is the worst burning/fire pain I have ever experienced. Literally sitting in a bath to try and help my little lady out. I don’t know who approved of this formula but it had to be a guy because no girl would think this was a good fix."

1 / 10
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207 Report
  • Coote...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 22, 2021

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Y’all know that feeling of the runs exploding after eating Chipotle? Imagine this, but in your cooter. Lava, itchiness that compares to the pits of lava, and your lips swell like you had vaginal fillers. Their formula must have changed, but at this point, I’m down to file a suit if any other cooter sisters are with me?"

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156 Report
  • Mycoo...
  • July 31, 2019

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "In bed, felt optimistic that I was about to open a window to some relief. Little did I know, I was opening the floodgates of fire and brimstone. The burning was worse than the witches endured at the stake in Salem. All I could hear was screaming coming from my vaginal lips, hellfire rose from my vaginal canal, and demons danced around stabbing my insides with their horns. Satan himself shook his head with shame as he read the box of Monistat, and a tear fell off his face before I ran to the bathroom to throw up due to the pain. In the shower, I washed, hoping to put the fire out. No relief from the burning taking over my delicate lady parts. Smoke started to fill my room, and I fanned not only my privates but the smoke alarm as well. I fell into the fetal position as I heard Death approaching, shrill screams still pouring from my hoohah. However bad you think your infection is, it’s not as bad as Monistat will make it be. Wait until you can see a doctor and get a prescription."

1 / 10
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199 Report
  • Rachael
  • February 15, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Really? I'm sick with this stupid YI and someone told me to use Monistat. I chose the one-day dose. Never used it before. WILL NEVER USE AGAIN! It set off every fire alarm in the house. Five minutes after using it, I was rushing back to the bathroom with my girl on FIRE! The candles in the bathroom were literally igniting from the heat. And the itching was so intense I wanted to take a Brillo Pad to it. The cream leaked out and made such a mess I had to put on a pad. Monistat suggests using at night so no one will know what horrible pain you're in. You won't get any sleep tonight, girls!"

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178 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 14, 2019

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I saw all the reviews were people complained about the burning. They are right. However, for me, it lasted for about an hour. I crossed my legs and powered through, and now it feels so much better. Too early to tell if it cured my problem, but it was worth an hour of the burn. Tough it out, ladies, we give birth."

8 / 10
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183 Report
  • Kiley
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 19, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "GIVE MONISTAT A CHANCE. It works for me every time. I use the Monistat 1 day, every time I get a yeast infection. All of the comments I'm reading are giving it bad reviews due to the increase in burning sensation. YI ARE WORSE THAN THE BURNING. The box says a slight increase in burning will occur. You just shoved medicine into your no-no parts. Your body rejects things it's not used to. That's normal. I'm also seeing it receive bad reviews due to the fact that it doesn't work immediately. Even the Monistat 1-Day says it could take up to a week for your symptoms to completely subside."

10 / 10
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154 Report
  • Totir...
  • July 7, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Ooohweeeeee, I have never in my life felt something that burns your flesh so bad. It burned so bad I stopped, dropped, and rolled my big self across the floor, and I had to turn my private part up to the fan. It felt like someone was holding a candle down there and the wax was falling onto me. As soon as I inserted it, a few minutes later my nose even began to sweat. My legs started shaking, my eyes got big, and I went extremely crazy. I jumped in the shower and tried to wash it out of me. It irritated my private area so bad I was purple, raw, and it felt like I had been sandpapered down there. That was the Monistat 7 days. Then a few months later, I got another yeast infection - I knew not to use the 7 days again so I got the 3 days and ooohweeeeee... it burnt so bad I had to get some ice cubes to apply to the area!"

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155 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 23, 2019

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Well, at first it burned like lava for almost 4 hours. I didn't know what was going on. I even thought about going to the ER. But after those 4 hours, I feel so much better, no burning or itching anymore. So hang in there, ladies, it only means the medicine is working towards that horrible yeast infection."

6 / 10
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161 Report
  • Sarah
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 28, 2021

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I put Monistat 7 in at 10:00pm It's almost 1:00am, and the burning hasn't subsided. Like many other women, I put the cream in and regretted it within 30 seconds. Cried and rolled around considering whether or not I needed to go to the ER until I came here and saw that hundreds of other women were experiencing the same thing. The store brand doesn't feel this bad. I've never been in so much pain in my entire life. I wish I would've never bought this. I'm sure it works, but it's NOT worth this pain. The only positive is I found these comments and laughed & cried for a solid 30 minutes."

4 / 10
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109 Report
  • Twat...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 12, 2021

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "For the love of all that is holy, I pray you’ve come to read these reviews BEFORE buying and inserting this lava egg into your garden. I feel as though this medicine has given me the power to breathe fire from my twat. Immediately after inserting the ovule and applying the cream, I felt burning in my vag. It was as though I had the fire from 1,000 suns captured inside of me, and they were itching to be released. The pain from this medication is 10,000 times worse than the infection itself. I have since squatted and spat the little lava egg out, wiped all topical ointment off, and I’m sitting in a bath trying to decide which type of ice pack will fit best in between my lady parts. I’m praying this pain at least resolves my issue. If not, I’ll be calling my gyno tomorrow. If I were you, I would start there. And do not under any circumstances let them convince you that Monistat is the way to go."

1 / 10
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100 Report
  • Im in...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 23, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "So I regularly have yeast infections before my period. My period had just ended, and I got a really bad yeast infection, so I ran to Walmart at like 10:30 pm and picked up the 3-day pack. It just had a tube that you inserted for three days, it didn’t come with any cream to help or anything, it just had the tube. The first night, I had to drug myself with pain medication because the pain was SO INTENSE. The second day wasn’t so bad, I took medication before I used the stuff. THE THIRD DAY. THE LITERAL THIRD DAY. I SWEAR MY HOOHA ENTERED THE GOBLET OF DAMN FIRE. I was on the phone with my husband, and I was CRYING IN PAIN. I ran to the shower to try and clean myself and get everything out. IT WAS SO RED AND SWOLLEN, IT'S INSANE. It’s the next morning, and I am STILL IN PAIN. Please don’t buy this, it’s not Dobby approved."

1 / 10
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102 Report
  • Nicol...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 20, 2021

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Bought the 3-day Monistat vaginal ovules and wow, my vagina is literally a flaming torch. The entire thing feels like someone has lit my cooter on fire and poured 17 bottles of Frank's RedHot sauce all over it. I don't even know what to do with myself. I've been running back and forth from the bathroom trying to get it out from inside me, but the burning is truly unbearable, not to mention also itchy. I've been putting a cold compress down there, which has given me some relief. Unfortunately, it's 2:00 AM and I can't sleep. Monistat needs to be taken off the shelves, this is a crime to the female population. Pray for my burning coot."

1 / 10
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73 Report
  • Vag...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 23, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "No, just no! I have used Monistat 1 and 3-day in the past, several years ago, and never, I mean NEVER have I had this current experience. Immediate burning and itching that made me want to jump up and down, holding my hooha, and run to the freezer to find an ice pack! Disclaimer: do not insert a popsicle, no matter how appealing this may sound to you if you are experiencing the burning I experience #YeastInfectionOnRoids. Of course, the itching from my YI felt so much better after just the first Monistat syringe! My vag was completely desensitized from the itching and burning the Monistat caused. I’d love to know what and why Monistat changed in their product. Feels like I slathered ghost pepper, habanero, wasabi sauce on my cooch."

1 / 10
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76 Report
  • Liah
  • February 8, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Ugh! First time ever experiencing a YI so I did the day 1 the ovule! I couldn't hold my pee in and some cream came out! I was going crazy and thinking it wasn’t going to work. Moments later the burning and itching started! The only thing that is making me feel better is reading all these comments knowing I'm not alone! Also first time using Monistat don’t think I'll use it again"

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87 Report
  • Ice-p...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 8, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "This is insane! The excruciating burning and swelling I am going through is 10 times worse than the itching and burning from the infection. There is no way in high heaven that a female doctor had anything to do with this menace to vaginas everywhere. I am lying in bed after trying to wash off as much of this as I could, and now with an ice pack directly in between my legs! This should not even be on the market anymore because I've been reading these awful reviews from last year. What the heck? Monistat, take us seriously! Do not use this product if you value your sanity and are not into self-torture."

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62 Report
  • sad...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 2, 2020

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I get yeast infections frequently, and I have always just used generic brands. I never had a bad experience. Yesterday, I bought Monistat for the first time ever, and I will never use it again because it put me in so much pain. Usually, I just insert the generic brand and go right to sleep, but not even a minute after I started feeling a burning/scratching sensation, and it kept getting worse. I wasn’t even scratching myself, and my lady bits started to swell. I tried to get as much as I could out of me, and then the only reason I was able to fall asleep was that I laid a cold compress on myself. I even woke up this morning, and right away, I felt fine until I went to the bathroom, and the burning sensation started again, and I began to swell. I will never use this product again, and I don’t think any women should. Any girl reading this, you need to just get a generic brand because you will get rid of your yeast infection pain-free."

1 / 10
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64 Report
  • C fry
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 30, 2019

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Ok, let me tell you all, I am absolutely squirming. A smoke filled the house. I have been questioned why there is smoke, and I must say it is coming from my Verushka. A tribe has shown up at my house believing there was a smoke signal. It is 1:16 AM, and the fire department has sent in backup."

3 / 10
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67 Report
  • AGano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 21, 2019

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "Truly would not wish this type of pain on my worst enemy. It’s currently 4 AM, and my “cookie” is on fire. I’ve been up for hours, and I can’t go back to sleep because the discomfort is so bad. I used the 3-day Monistat with hopes of it actually healing me, but I most definitely screwed up. I don’t think my yeast infection is gone, and my cookie is probably ruined forever. Not sure how this product is on shelves and also unsure how Google sites actually recommended this flame-throwing product to women. I haven’t had a yeast infection before, so I thought this type of pain was somewhat normal. Turns out Monistat is just utter garbage and wants our cookies to burn to char. If you’re thinking about using Monistat, you may as well just take some poison ivy and a match to your cookie. You’ll feel about the same."

1 / 10
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63 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.