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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Vaginal Sores and Lumps

The most common cause of a skin lump in the genital area is a skin tag, genital warts, or a boil.

Skin tags are painless, skin-colored or pink growths. Warts are also painless, skin-colored or pink growths, but usually there is more than one wart at a time and each wart is usually quite small (less than half the size of a pencil eraser.) Genital warts are caused by infection with human papillomavirus, an infection that is spread through sexual contact.

If you think you may have had a sexual exposure that could put you at risk for a sexually passed infection, you should also have your doctor inspect the area of concern to see if it might be caused by an infection with syphilis. Usually, syphilis causes a skin ulcer but it can cause lumpy skin as well.

One large pimple may be an infected hair follicle is called a furuncle (boil). A furuncle in the genital area may be from a type of acne named hidradenitis suppurativa. Your doctor may need to treat you with antibiotics if you have an infection.

Cancer in the genital area is rare, but it does occur.

Your doctor will want to examine your lump or bump so that he or she can make sure this is not a cancer.


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