Symptom Checker
Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.
Vaginal Discharge, Itching or Irritation
Getting started
Vaginal discharge, itching and irritation are common symptoms that affect every woman at least once in her life. This guide will help you understand what may be causing your symptoms and will help you to know when it is important to seek medical attention.
It is normal for women to have a small amount of vaginal discharge. Normal vaginal discharge is cervical mucous, which is usually odorless and clear or light in color. Vaginal discharge will change over the course of a monthly menstrual cycle. Usually, vaginal discharge gets thicker and increases in quantity for a time between cycles, with these changes beginning about two weeks before the next period is due.
Most women notice less vaginal discharge after menopause than they had before menopause.
Have you already reached menopause?
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