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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Unexplained Weight Loss in Children

Having too much thyroid hormone, called hyperthyroidism, can cause those symptoms as well as weight loss. Your child isn't showing obvious signs of hyperthyroidism, but your doctor may want to do a blood test to be sure.

Along with the weight loss, have you noticed any of these symptoms in your child?

- Tiredness (more than usual)

- Swollen nodes that don't go away, especially under the arms, in the groin, or above the collarbone

- Pale skin

- Unusual bruising in odd places and without any bumps you can remember

- Complaints of unexplained aches and pains

Yes, I have noticed one or more of these symptoms.

No, I haven't noticed any of these symptoms.

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