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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Heavy Menstrual Periods

After a woman begins using a hormone-based birth control method such as birth control pills, patches, injections or vaginal rings, periods generally become less heavy. If you have been using birth control pills for many months and you have noticed a continuously heavy or irregular bleeding pattern, a change in your prescription may help. If you only recently started using this form of birth control, you may need more time to adjust to the hormone medication in your birth control method.

Hormone methods of birth control are very reliable forms of birth control. However, if this is your first heavy bleeding episode, pregnancy needs to be considered as a possibility.

If this is your first heavy bleeding episode, take a pregnancy test today.

If you are pregnant, contact your doctor immediately for an urgent appointment.

What if I am not pregnant?

Disclaimer: This content should not be considered complete and should not be used in place of a call or visit to a health professional. Use of this content is subject to specific terms of use & medical disclaimers.