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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Causes of Impotence

Since hormones, such as testosterone, play an important role in sexual function, certain hormone problems may affect your ability to have an erection. These types of hormone conditions may also affect your sexual drive.

There are many different symptoms of hormone problems, but common symptoms that might be linked to sexual problems include

  • loss of interest in sex, or sexual drive (also called libido)

  • sudden weight loss or weight gain

  • a change in your voice

  • a change in your pattern of hair growth

  • fragile bones (osteoporosis)

  • loss of muscle tone or bulk

  • loss of peripheral vision ("tunnel vision").

Have you noticed any of these symptoms that might suggest a hormonal problem?

Yes, I've noticed one or more of these symptoms.

No, I have not noticed any of these symptoms.

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