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What is the difference in Nocdurna dosage between men and women?

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Aug 5, 2024.

Official answer


The recommended Nocdurna (desmopressin acetate) dosage in women is 27.7 micrograms (mcg) once daily, one hour before bedtime, administered sublingually (under the tongue) without water. In men, the recommended dose is 55.3 mcg once daily, one hour before bedtime, also administered sublingually without water.

All patients should keep the tablet under the tongue until it has fully dissolved. Also, empty your bladder immediately prior to bedtime.

Nocdurna, from Ferring Pharmaceuticals, is a vasopressin analog and the first sublingual tablet for the treatment of nocturia (the need to urinate at night) due to nocturnal polyuria (excessive nighttime urination) in adults who wake up at least two times per night to void.

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