Sulfogaiacol (International)
CAS registry number (Chemical Abstracts Service)
Chemical Formula
Molecular Weight
Therapeutic Category
Chemical Name
Benzenesulfonic acid, hydroxymetoxy-, monopotaβium salt
Foreign Names
- Sulfogaiacolum (Latin)
- Sulfogaiacol (German)
- Sulfogaïacol (French)
- Sulfoguayacol (Spanish)
Generic Names
- Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate (OS: JAN)
- Sulfogaïacol (OS: DCF)
- Guajakolsulfosaures Kalium (IS)
- Kalii Guajacolsulfonas (IS)
- Kalium guaiacolsulfonicum (IS)
- Kalium sulfaguajakol (IS)
- Kalium sulfoguajacolicum (IS)
- Kaliumguajakolsulfonat (IS)
- Potassio solfoguaiacolato (IS)
- Sulfoguajacolum (IS)
- Kalii guajacolsulfonici (PH: ÖAB 2017)
- Potassio solfoguaiacolato (PH: F.U. VIII)
- Potassium Guaiacolsulfonate (PH: JP XVII, USP 41)
- Sulfogaïacol (PH: Ph. Franç. 11)
- Sulfoguajacol (PH: ÖAB 2017)
Brand Names
- Apipulmol [+ Ammonium Chloride]
Farmina, Poland - Apitussic
Farmina, Poland - Astapect Codeina [+ Codeine, + Ephedrine]
Cassanello, Paraguay - Bisolvon EX [+ Bromhexine]
Sanofi-Aventis, Thailand - Broncatar [+ Bromhexine]
Cazi Quimica Farmaceutica Industria e Comercio, Brazil - Bronchenolo [+ Dextromethorphan,+ Acetic Acid]
GlaxoSmithKline CH, Italy - Bronchiase [+ Dextromethorphan]
New Research, Italy - Broncho-pectoralis Pholcodine [+ Pholcodine]
Medgenix Benelux, Belgium - Bronco Medical [+ Dextrometorphan]
Medical, Spain - Broncoserum
Ifusa, Mexico - Broncovir [+ Sulfamethoxazol, + Trimethoprim]
Vir, Spain - Cod-Guaiacol [+ Codeine]
Vitamed, Israel - Eucaliptine [+ Dextromethorphan]
Sanfer, Mexico - Eucalytux [+ Codeine]
Tilman, Cyprus - Guaiacalcium Complex [+ Dropropizine]
SIT, Italy - Guaiacol
Vitamed, Israel - Ke Li An [+ Codeine, + Promethazine, + Pseudoephedrine]
The United Laboratories, China - Oxacatin [+ Oxomemazine, + Benzoic Acid]
Taro, Israel - Oxin [+ Dextromethorphan]
Quimica Son's, Mexico - Passedyl Enfant Nourrisson [+ Benzoic Acid]
Urgo, France - Pectoral Lafedar [+ Oxeladin]
Lafedar, Argentina - Pectoral Lafedar Niños [pediatric]
Lafedar, Argentina - Pectoral Pagliano [+ Benzocaine]
Lafedar, Argentina - Pectos [+ Chlorphenamine, + Dextromethorphan]
Alfa Farmaceut, Paraguay - Pertussol [+ Benzoic Acid, + Codeine, + Ephedrine]
Rekah, Israel - Pholco-Mereprine [+ Benzoic Acid, + Doxylamine, + Pholcodine]
Novum, Belgium; Novum, Luxembourg - Polised [+ Dextromethorphan]
SIT, Italy - Pulmosan NF [+ Benzoic Acid, + Oxolamine]
Lasca, Paraguay - Siracol
Balkanpharma-Trojan, Bulgaria - Sirupus Kalii guajacolosulfonici
Vis, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Aflofarm
Aflofarm Farmacja, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Amara
Amara, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Biofaktor
Biofaktor, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Galena
Galena, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Hasco-Lek
Hasco-Lek, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Microfarm
Microfarm, Poland - Syrop z Sulfoguajakolem Prolab
Prolab, Poland - Tauglicolo [+ Bromhexine]
Siam Bheasach, Thailand - Tauglicolo [+ Sulfogaiacol]
SIT, Italy - Tauglicolo BB [+ Bromhexine] [pediatric]
SIT, Italy - Thiocodin [+ Codeine]
Unia, Poland - Tiocalmina [+ Dropropizine]
Polifarma Benessere, Italy - Tioguaialina
Montefarmaco OTC, Italy - Tocare [+ Benzoic Acid, + Codeine, + Ephedrine]
Rekah, Israel - Tos-Mai [+ Benzoic Acid, + Benzocaine, + Dextromethorphan]
Phergal, Spain - Tusocalm [+ Codeine]
Arena, Romania - Tussophedrine NF [+ Benzoic Acid, + Dextromethorphan, + Ephedrine]
Trima, Israel
Term | Definition |
DCF | Dénomination Commune Française |
IS | Inofficial Synonym |
JAN | Japanese Accepted Name |
OS | Official Synonym |
PH | Pharmacopoeia Name |
Rec.INN | Recommended International Nonproprietary Name (World Health Organization) |
Further information on drug naming conventions: International Nonproprietary Names.
Important Notice: The international database is in BETA release. This means it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies. It is not intended as a substitute for the expertise and judgement of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that the use of any medication in any country is safe, appropriate or effective for you. Consult with your healthcare professional before taking any medication.
Further information
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.