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Ontak FDA Alerts

The FDA Alerts below may be specifically about Ontak or relate to a group or class of drugs which include Ontak.

MedWatch Safety Alerts are distributed by the FDA and published by Following is a list of possible medication recalls, market withdrawals, alerts and warnings.

Recent FDA Alerts for Ontak

Ontak (denileukin diftitox)

[Posted 03/15/2006] Ligand Pharmaceuticals and FDA notified healthcare professionals of changes to the WARNINGS section of the prescribing information for Ontak, indicated for the treatment of patients with persistent or recurrent cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Loss of visual acuity, usually with loss of color vision, has been reported following administration of Ontak. While recovery was reported in some of the affected patients, most patients reported persistent visual impairment.

[March 03, 2006 – Letter – Ligand]