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Koromex Contraceptive FDA Alerts

The FDA Alerts below may be specifically about Koromex Contraceptive or relate to a group or class of drugs which include Koromex Contraceptive.

MedWatch Safety Alerts are distributed by the FDA and published by Following is a list of possible medication recalls, market withdrawals, alerts and warnings.

Recent FDA Alerts for Koromex Contraceptive

Nonoxynol 9 (N9) OTC Contraceptive Products

[Posted 12/18/2007] FDA issued a final rule that requires that manufacturers of over-the-counter stand-alone vaginal contraceptive and spermicidal products containing the chemical ingredient nonoxynol 9 (N9) include a warning that the chemical N9 does not provide protection against infection from HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Stand-alone spermicides include gels, foams, films, or inserts containing N9 that are used by themselves for contraception. Additionally, the chemical N9 in stand-alone vaginal contraceptives and spermicides can irritate the vagina and rectum, which may increase the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS from an infected partner. Consumers can protect themselves from the transmission of STDs and HIV by practicing abstinence, being in a monogamous relationship where neither partner is infected, and using condoms consistently and correctly.

[December 18, 2007 - News Release - FDA]