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Immune globulin subcutaneous User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Hizentra, Cuvitru, Xembify, Cutaquig

Immune globulin subcutaneous has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 45 reviews on 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Immune globulin subcutaneous

  • TWano
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 15, 2020

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "Hizentra has been life-changing for me. I’ve been doing home infusion for 9 years. I am very seldom sick now. Before Hizentra, I was sick more than not. I suffered with MRSA, sinus infections, strep infections, along with whatever viruses were going around. Now I am well more than sick. So thankful for Hizentra."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • Sherl...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 28, 2018

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "First put on Hizentra. That worked like a miracle. That is, until my gradual itchiness turned into full hives after one infusion. So that was stopped. Cuvitru was next prescribed. As a nurse friend noted, often it's the 'stabilizer' that people are allergic to. I still have lightly raised hives, but they aren't full on or totally itchy. More like dry skin. Other reactions are redness at the infusion site for about 12 hours... gone the next day. Sometimes exhaustion that literally can knock me out for anything up to 2 hours in the mid-afternoon. Slight feeling in my head of cold and headache. Again, you can prep with Tylenol (I do not) and Benadryl. (I do not, since it does put me to sleep). The medication has kept me healthy. I no longer sweat being around children or adults who are coughing. The weekly infusion does run my life on that day, but the trade-off to be healthy and not sick on antibiotics 4 plus times a year (often with second rounds) makes the trade-off worth my while."

9 / 10
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37 Report
  • Clove...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 11, 2017

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "What a savior! After enduring six months on Privigen (low trough level after), switched to Hizentra, more side effects and infections like I was on nothing, except the side effects were unbearable! I'm on my second month of Cuvitru and had no idea that you could feel so well after a subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) replacement. I have energy, my sinus infection is FINALLY getting better, almost zero side effects. I love Cuvitru, and it has changed my life!"

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • Auggi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 30, 2018

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I just had my third subcutaneous infusion of Hizentra. I have had a few side effects, such as itching at injection sites only on the first infusion. Today, I had a small headache and heartburn. I was easily able to treat this with OTC meds. But the good news is I am able to do things I love for the first time in 15 years. Don’t wait to get this med started. I hope you will be a success story too!"

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • Orion
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 3, 2019

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) "I've been diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome for 10 years. I've used intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for 9 years and subcutaneous for 1 year. Over the 9 years, I've had Gammagard, Gamunex, Gamunex-C, Privigen, and others. The worst was Privigen. At best, I had flu-like conditions and the worst was anaphylactic shock. Gammagard was my go-to for 80% of the 9 years of IVIG and worked well for me. After 9 years of infusion centers and dealing with getting to know other patients that had cancer, I just couldn't take the emotional toll. I switched to self-infusing with Hizentra a little over a year ago. It took about a month to get back into my old swing of how I felt. After that, things just got better. I don't experience the monthly cycle of the IVIG rollercoaster ride of feeling great to like crud before the next infusion. Since Hizentra, subq, is weekly, I'm always just a day or two away from my next infusion if I overextended myself and wore the good off the infusion. Hope this review helps."

10 / 10
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29 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Ali
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 19, 2018

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I infused Hizentra for 3 months, and although I had no infections during that time, my doctor took me off due to adverse side effects. I had flu-like symptoms such as severe fatigue and muscle and joint pain, and felt horrible every day. Eventually, I also had extreme kidney pain after every infusion. There are different stabilizers in each drug, and I was told I was probably allergic to the stabilizer in Hizentra. I switched to Cuvitru, which has a different stabilizer, and I am doing much better, with no pre-meds and minimal side effects. My IG levels are also higher on Cuvitru."

3 / 10
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30 Report
  • ACano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 26, 2022

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "Cuvitru quite literally has given me the majority of my life back. I have been on several IVIG and sub-q IgG treatments, all with reactions (Hizentra, Privigen, Gamunex-C.) Until Cuvitru. I have been infusing 80mL every two weeks for the past 4 years and my levels have gone from 500 to stable 1100. In 5 years, I have only been sick twice; one of those times was when insurance took me off of Cuvitru to “try something else”. Nope. This is the stuff. I pre-game with 50mg of Benadryl to be on the safe side and an ice pack, then 40 minutes of me time and a peaceful night’s sleep. Plus the patient support from Takeda is beyond phenomenal. Zero acute reactions, and only localized swelling/itching at injection sites (which goes away quickly within the hour) if I get lazy with either line prep or needle removal. No lidocaine needed, two easy injection sites. What works for you as a PI patient is what works for you. It might not work for another PI patient. We’re all different!"

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Bodidly
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 2, 2013

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I take Hizentra once per week, and I have not had any infections, sickness, or any other problems. The prep is very easy, and afterwards, just a few lumps that slowly disappear after a few hours. Once a week at home, and after 2 years with no infections, it has been great."

9 / 10
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40 Report
  • annie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 8, 2018

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I have been on Hizentra for over a year. I had a few side effects the first few infusions. I am glad to report that for the first time in my 62 years I was not sick at all since I started the infusions. It has been life changing for me!"

9 / 10
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26 Report
  • Candy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 22, 2020

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I am 62, have been on Hizentra infusions for 2 years, and do the infusions in my Stomach. Over the last year my stomach has gotten really puffy and bloated. I called the Hizentra pharmacy and they told me that was a side effect to change infusion sites. I will do that and let you know what happens,"

8 / 10
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17 Report
  • Reta
  • April 23, 2018

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I will begin my treatment with Cuvitru this coming Thursday . I’m hoping that my expectations aren’t set too high. I’ve felt sick for so long and exhausted for so long, I don’t want to be let down. Can anyone let me know what realistic expectations I should have? Thank you"

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25 Report
  • dante
  • November 15, 2013

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I have only been on Hizentra for one month, so imagine it has not had time to work. Within that month, I have had 2 sinus infections (dealing with one now and feel awful). I would like to know how long it took for people to start feeling better. One doc says 5 infusions, and another says much longer. However, I have had more energy in between the infections. Your comments have been helpful."

2 / 10
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35 Report
  • Blbuc...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 22, 2016

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "My RA med stripped my Immune System. I was getting sick every mth. My antibody levels were literally going down in sequence over time (5,4,3,2,1..). Then after 3 months on Hizentria (20%,10mg,50cc, once weekly), the jump in all of my numbers's was AMAZING! Ex: neg/0 up to 7/8!, etc. I'm NOT getting sick every month! Bonus, they have the BEST Patient Support Programs I've ever seen! From P2P support, Monthly CoPay Asst, even some coverage Help if Insurance is Lost!, etc!"

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Bugle...
  • October 21, 2015

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I have had 6 treatments. My goal is not to have bronchitis, sinusitis, or pneumonia repeatedly. For 48-72 hours post-rx, my abdomen is hot pink, swollen, and painful. I then feel fantastic for 6 days, and then my malaise gradually kicks back in. I had a 3-month 'virus' at age 11. I was unable to walk for more than a few feet at a time. I have never felt good since. Life was not what it should have been. My 'awesome' days are well worth all the downsides of this rx. The only regret is that I could have had it sooner. I am so thankful for this medication."

7 / 10
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28 Report
  • Rjsla...
  • March 7, 2011

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I started on Hizentra 3 months ago, and I am quite pleased with the difference it has made. I was always feeling run down and so, so tired all the time, and I would have one sinus infection after another. I was so sick of taking antibiotics. They say at about four months I will be close to my plateau, I don't know about that as I was quite run down. Each week has had its ups and downs. You know I step forward and two back. Lately, however, I have been noticing a more level and steady state. I don't care too much for inserting the four needles every week and the injection site pain, but it is only there for a couple of days, then I have five days to enjoy life. Good luck to you! Mike"

8 / 10
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37 Report
  • Jana
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 22, 2022

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I was sick most of my life. Always had asthma, bronchitis, the flu, pneumonia and severe sinus, ear and eye infections. All the time until a great doctor finally found out that I had a low immune system. Working at 51%. I lived on antibiotics. Got so bad the only antibiotic that helped is Leviquin. Which is a very strong antibiotic. What cancer patients take. Now I’m immune to them. I started out with hizentra for about 4 years and first it helped some. But still had my twice a month sinus/ear infections. So doctor switched me to Cuvitru. Been on it for about 4 years. It’s helping but I still get those horrible sinus infections. Every month or two. Tonight I was researching the two. I got very scared. I read that Cuvitru can cause bad blood clots in your brain and other places. Now I am scared to continue on it. I am 66 years old and very worried about this. Not sure what to do. My stomach also swells and puffs out bad from the Cuvitru."

5 / 10
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10 Report
  • SHEKF...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 1, 2020

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "First treatment abdominal cramps, nurse suggested Benadryl. No problem since. I only took them twice! No lumps, bumps or redness, nothing feeling improvement already. Movement already improved Thank you so much Cuvitru, this has been 7 years to find a drug that works!"

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 3, 2020

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I would not recommend this drug Hizentra for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome. On the first injection, my stomach swelled up 2 pants sized. I have been on it for over a month and have gained over 20 lbs. I’m in constant pain and always tired."

1 / 10
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13 Report
  • DomsM...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 11, 2021

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "Cuvitru has been a great medicine for my son with Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome. His IgG levels have gone up from 400 to over 1000. He isn't sick often. He has no bad side effects and the convenience of doing it at home has been wonderful as well."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Bella...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 10, 2018

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "Plus: It is easy to use, takes less than an hour start to finish and I have no infusion reactions. Minus: I have been sick 3 times with upper respiratory infections in the last 6 months. While on gammagard I had no infections for 3 years, even after traveling. Unfortunately the infusion reactions to gammagard were tough."

6 / 10
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17 Report
  • Hopeful
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 14, 2021

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I have not been well for the last 14 years NTM infection /COPD /bronchiectasis IGG2/IGG4 Deficiency sinunitis many chest infections I have started on Cuvitru coming up on my fourth treatment. I have been hearing so many positive comments and this is my last resort. I’m really hoping that this will give me some energy something more of a normal life. My doctor is amazing, so happy to have crossed paths with this program and the staff are absolutely fantastic patience and kind and understanding , Looking forward to sharing my positive stories will be in touch till then stay healthy stay safe"

7 / 10
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10 Report
  • Tammy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 17, 2022

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "I first posted back in April 2021 it’s been nine months I subcutaneously infuse 30 mL once a week for IGG Deficiency & lung issues. I am very pleased with my outcome I have more energy less infections over all improved health and stable the day of infusion. I have puffiness at the sites for a couple of days I have not noticed anything significant as far as a side effect I hope to continue this way as I will be on this the rest of my life and thank you to all who donate❤️"

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8 Report
  • 191946
  • October 31, 2013

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "The 20% solution has allowed me to drop 10 grams per week off my infusion. The consistency of my levels for the past 3 years have been normal and I have not had any infections. Recently I had to change my insurance and during that Time I had a lapse in my infusion for 3 weeks, then I started back on my infusions and I did not have any problems at all during the 3 weeks without Hizentra."

8 / 10
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22 Report
  • Chubb...
  • July 20, 2013

Hizentra (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "3 years at home has been a relief for me. Needle area sites takes about 2 hours to disappear. 10 grams per week of Hizentra keeps my level normal and I have not had any infections or illness. The cream is applied 15 minutes before the needles and very smooth going in."

7 / 10
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22 Report
  • Volle...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 6, 2022

Cuvitru (immune globulin subcutaneous) for Primary Immunodeficiency Syndrome "For better than 30 years I tolerated respiratory illnesses going in and out of doctors offices to get treated. During one particular bad episode my doctor sent me to ENT finding a serious sinus infection. Medication was prescribed and immediately relieved the symptoms. As quickly as it worked, when completed, the infection returned. I was sent to an allergy clinic finding no reactions. I ultimately was sent to an immunologist where it was found I had CVID. Cuvitru was prescribed and within 2-3 months of self subcutaneous injections began to enjoy life feeling better than I had in years. Over the past 4 years I have been free of suffering illnesses of sinus infections, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia."

9 / 10
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7 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.