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Hyaluronan User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)

Brand names: Orthovisc, Monovisc, Hymovis

Hyaluronan has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 289 reviews on 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Hyaluronan

  • Sherry
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 14, 2019

Monovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I got the first Monovisc shot on Sept. 27th and the second one on October 11. The first shot went well until I got the second one. That shot went into the knee where I had a knee replacement. Whatever happened, I have no idea. I have had both knees in horrible pain, sciatic pain in both cheeks, and unable to walk on November 8. Now on November 13th, I am walking better. Let me say, I go to physical therapy three times a week. I swear I would be bedridden if it hadn't been for physical therapy! My doctor said after I complained a couple of times, that it would be about 6 to 8 more weeks to get better around October 22. If anyone has any idea what is happening, I would love to know! It is frightening to barely be able to take care of myself!!"

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • Tammyr
  • May 19, 2011

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I was diagnosed with lupus 4 years ago and have been living in constant pain. My knees have been the worst, especially my right knee. I was offered the Orthovisc injections for the first time in May 2011. I just received my 3rd injection, and I could tell immediately after the first one my knee was 95% better. I cannot express how good it feels to walk pain-free for the first time in 4 years. I was near using a wheelchair every time I had to leave the house. I am so happy, looking forward to seeing how long it lasts. My back quit hurting as well, due to knee pain changing my gait causing back pain! I wish I had known about this sooner! I would recommend this to anyone. I'm so thrilled to feel like I used to and to be able to function."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • Jewel
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 20, 2019

Hymovis (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "Nov 2018: two injections one week apart of Hymovis. First injection went well, decreased pain, did not try walking but could do gentle senior yoga. Second injection, terrible reaction, increased pain in knee so bad could not even walk. Returned to doctor who aspirated injection site. No relief. So much worse. Had to rent a wheelchair. Am now scheduled for arthroscopy in February 2019. Wanted that to start but ortho would not do because of cardiac history. New ortho, new anesthesiologist, hopeful I will be walking soon. My advice: get two ortho opinions before any of these gel injections. You want a permanent fix, not months of disability."

2 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • BandaB
  • April 27, 2011

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I am 48 years old with osteoarthritis in both knees. Had my first injection of a series of 4 weekly, then will go to twice a year. I can already tell a tremendous difference. Was able to do over 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and recumbent bike each for the past week with no pain. Amazing. The injections pinch a little bit, but probably won't this week as the doctor advised me to not overdo it the day before. If you are considering this treatment plan, I think you will be happy with the results. I am."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • Randy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 20, 2015

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I'm 58 and have osteoarthritis in both knees but have moderate pain in my right knee. My ortho doctor recommended the typical 3 weekly injections for the right knee and said realistically they were around 50% effective. I just finished the third injection yesterday and went from a 3-4 pain level to zero pain. I can now walk normally without a limp. Wow... what a difference! The injections were not painful, just a little pressure and took around 1-2 minutes to complete. I highly recommend trying at least the first injection. If there's no relief, don't bother with the remaining. Fortunately, insurance covered all but $50 for the Orthovisc prescription plus my office co-pay. Can't wait to get back to a good exercise routine."

10 / 10
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42 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Grammie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 30, 2015

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "Bone spur with osteoarthritis and severe pain in my left knee before I began the 3 injections. Received the last of the 3 today. I am amazed at this treatment. I am noticing a difference, and it is huge. I went from using a cane to walking on my own, pain-free."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Lulu
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 20, 2020

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I have had a horrible experience with this medication. 3 shots and no relief! If anything it has hurt more than I did before the Injections. This medication might have helped others but for me it's been a nightmare!! The stiffness and pain is unbearable It hurt before... I regret doing this.."

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24 Report
  • Mel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 10, 2019

Hymovis (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I have had knee pain for several years. I finally broke down and allowed my doctor to use this new gel injections in both my knees. The first 48 hours I ran a low grade fever followed by debilitating pain. We decided not to do the second injection because of this reaction. I am very disappointed in my experience with this medicine. I didn’t read the reviews prior to having this procedure which was my fault but I’m waiting for the pain to subside now. Hoping this gets better soon."

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25 Report
  • Reets
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 13, 2019

Hymovis (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "Hymovis is a very bad product. I have done Euflexxa several times with good results and it lasts about 8 or 9 months. I was convinced by doctor to try this the second injection of Hymovis which is supposed to last 12 months not 6 month. Bad move. First injection hurt terribly more than Eufflexa ever did. Went for the second Hymovis. It was like superglue was injected to my knee. I couldn’t bend it after the second day. It took a month to get back the mobility I had before the Hymovis. It provided some pain reduction for 3 months but wore off well before the advertised 12 months. Don’t be fooled. Stick with the products that have been on the market for a while."

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26 Report
  • Menis...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 26, 2013

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "Had my left knee meniscus removed 30 years ago. I was told then, 'If you don't have it removed, you will get arthritis when you are older.' Well, I have mild to moderate arthritis now anyway. Had my first series of injections in May of 2012. After 4 weeks, I was 99% pain-free for 8 months. Had the second series in March of 2013. Both times, the middle shot was painful for a couple of hours and then sore for two days. No issues with the other 4 shots. With the start of snowboard season, I am looking at doing my third series."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Savanna
  • June 6, 2021

Monovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I've tried knee injections for over 5 years now. My orthopedic surgeon initially started me on Synvisc. I never had much relief and it was short-lived. Fast forward to this past week, and my new orthopedic surgeon used Monovisc on me. Right knee injection - I felt absolutely zero pain. Left knee, I felt heavy pressure, but not something I couldn't handle. Using the numbing spray before the initial shot was all I needed. I felt zero pain. So far, so good. I feel a lot better, but I'm still waiting for a more "stable" feel from my knees - especially my right one. It's comforting to know that some folks on here state that it takes a week or more to have the full benefit from the injections. Looking forward to feeling "normal" again!"

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • PR-Lou
  • August 19, 2011

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "It's 9 days before Ironman Louisville, and I just had my second shot. I'm 33 and ran 10 marathons last year, and this year I'm feeling it. I have received the steroid shots in the past, but two weeks ago got the first Orthovisc shot. That was on a Friday, and I swam 2.4 miles and biked 70 with no pain. This week I've run over 20 miles, one 13-mile run, and am still feeling good. The shot was no big deal - I just put ice on my knee the hour before I went in and right after, and this helped. I didn't need any assistance walking after - it just feels a little swollen. Oh well - time to go run!"

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • pudyb...
  • February 19, 2010

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I've been using Orthovisc for 3 years. The pain during injection was minimal, no biggie. For my last set of shots, I used another doctor. (Both doctors are rheumatologists.) The shots were very painful. Needless to say, next time I am going back to the first doctor for my next series. I know knee replacement is in the future for me (both knees), but so far I am having very good success with the Orthovisc, though I must admit that each time I do it, it’s not as successful as the last. Well, I guess that only stands to reason, but let's face it, with therapy and Orthovisc, I've been able to postpone surgery for 3 years and still counting."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • SNOW...
  • September 29, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I had these injections two years ago in my right knee. I have been pain-free, but my left leg also started with the same symptoms recently. So I went back to my doctor, got my confirmation I was a candidate, and I just finished my third injection today. I must say it's helped me regain 100% control again. Thank you so much..❤"

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • Seven...
  • August 19, 2010

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I'm a 41-year-old male, been playing volleyball for many years, and had a minor knee injury and went to the orthopedist to get it checked out. He said I had moderate osteoarthritis in both knees and gave me Orthovisc. One injection per week for 3 weeks, not too bad. A little pinch during the injections, but no pain afterward. After a few weeks, I noticed a lot less crunching in the knees and can squat normally again. I believe it has helped a lot, and I hope it continues! I also started taking cod liver oil (with meals) as I read this helps with joint repair and function. They're pretty cheap at any vitamin store. Good luck, and I hope this helps someone."

8 / 10
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54 Report
  • Hiker...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 5, 2018

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "This is my 3rd time getting the Orthovisc injections. I have also had Synvisc, Uflexa, and Hyalgen in the past. The Orthovisc gives me the most relief out of all of them. My doctor uses a fluoroscope to ensure the needle is in the right place. He usually does a pain-free injection. If it does hurt, it’s minor and doesn’t last long. I make sure to ice my knees several times after each injection and take it easy for 48 hours. Within a few weeks of finishing the series, I am almost pain-free! I get the injections about every 6 months. I am hoping to avoid knee replacement by doing the injections. I’ve heard it’s possible, so I’m going for it. I really appreciate the Orthovisc for the quality of life I have with it."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • Sporty...
  • May 10, 2017

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "This has given me my life back! I have had these injections now for the past 4 years and would not be walking without them. The quality of the technician administering the shots is vital! The first few shots I received were incredibly painful (I almost fainted) and only lasted a couple of months. Apparently the technician got close...but didn't get all of the gel into the all-important knee capsule, and some got wasted. I went to another doctor who used an x-ray machine to verify that the fluid was going in exactly where it needed to go, and what a difference! Hardly any injection pain, and the shot lasted 7 months before I needed more."

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • Drago...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 3, 2018

Monovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "Had my first monovisc shot, which was also my first gel shot ever. It didn’t hurt too much to get. Six hours after I got the shot I was in the ER with feet Mickey Mouse would have envied, having an asthma attack and with my throat partially swollen shut. It was not fun times. Worse, after a week of pain but decidedly less creaking, my knees hurt worse than ever, and now when they buckle the pain is excruciating for hours instead of a few seconds like before. It’s truly miserable. My allergist said there’s no data on allergies to monovisc, but that is all I can think it was since everything started an hour after the shot and deteriorated rapidly."

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28 Report
  • betsy
  • December 3, 2015

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I don't know if this has anything to do with Orthovisc, but I have had continual shortness of breath, exhaustion, and waves of nausea, especially following the second dose (I had 4). These symptoms have continued for weeks, and the hospital and doctors can find no other cause."

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36 Report
  • Suze
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 30, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "11-23-15 I got shot #1 of Orthovisc. The shot itself was not painful, but afterwards, the pain became intense. There was swelling, redness at the injection site, and at times, excruciating pain. 11-30-15 I was given a cortisone shot to get the reaction under control. 12-3-15 I got shot #2. The injection wasn't painful, but afterwards, it was horrible. There was redness at the injection site; swelling from the thigh to the ankle; fatigue; weakness; mild edema; body-wide pain, with arthritis-type pain in my joints and the excruciating pain in the knee. 12-7-15 Given a prescription for Prednisone. Did not receive shot #3. Finally, for the last couple of days, I can say the symptoms are about half gone. 1-29-16 Do your research."

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35 Report
  • Antuca
  • December 10, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I received one injection in both knees for four weeks a month ago. Have RA, OA, and had tibia plateau fixation in both legs in 2009 after a car hit me. The injections did not give me any kind of pain relief at all. As a matter of fact, today, my right knee feels worse than before the injections because it's hurting even though I didn't walk or stand up…"

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32 Report
  • Rock-...
  • January 1, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I've been getting the injections in both knees for several years from my ortho and have experienced some relief from the pain in my knees. Both the doctors and MAs on staff are extremely proficient in performing the procedures, and I have never had any discomfort during the procedure. I have also been diagnosed with 'end-osteoarthritis' in both shoulders and look forward to receiving the injections to either put an end to or reduce the pain that I experience."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • the...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 5, 2013

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "Have arthritis in my right knee. I kneel a lot, so my knee is always hurting. Had the shot done today. Five hours later, crazy to say, but my knee feels pretty good. Three more shots to go. Hopefully, this works, tired of the pain."

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42 Report
  • BB45701
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 1, 2015

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I had Synvisc injections in my knees last year, and they didn't seem to help much. This year, I got the Orthovisc injections, and they have really made my knee joints hurt much worse than before taking them."

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37 Report
  • former...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2016

Orthovisc (hyaluronan) for Osteoarthritis "I just had my first injection in both knees a few days ago. When I came home from the clinic, I ran down to the basement to get something and noticed right away my knees felt better. I had really bothersome aching in my knees at night, that is gone. So far, I am very impressed."

10 / 10
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33 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.