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My dosage of metoprolol ER has been reduced from 50mg to 25mg. Is it OK to cut the pill in half?

6 Answers

gkasler 13 Feb 2022

You're may both be right on this one! It's VERY unusual to be able to cut an extended-release pill. Generally, that releases all the medication at once because you lose the protective coating that is designed to provide the slow release. However, here's what I found through a pharmacist research article: Metoprolol Tartrate XL is delivered with tiny little beads inside the scored pill's protective covering which are each their own tiny delivery system. This is why they are scored and it's safe to cut them in half, even if it's the extended-release version. There are good articles on this which I tried to copy and paste here but I couldn't. However, just look that up. For that same reason, however, you cannot crush them.

Votes: +1
bestpup 17 July 2017

To Metoprolol
From bestpup
Regardless of the dose never do you cut an ER medication in half. The ER before the Metoprolol means EXTENDED RELEASE.
By cutting the medication in half your body will breakdown the medication immediately rather than it's intended form which is extended release.
Best regards

Votes: +0
Chyk41 16 July 2017

Any medication with the letter ER, XL, XT, etc. Stand for extended release and should never be broken, scored or not. It releases small amounts of the medication in your system over a 24 hour period and that is the way the doctor wants you to take it. To break the coating would give you the dose right away. It could over tax your body and leave you with out enough medication in your system for 24 hours.

Votes: +1
Inactive 17 July 2017

I am sorry to disagree with you. I have talked to three pharmacists. All said that in general you should not cut extended release tablets but there are exceptions and this is one of them. It's safe to cut it along the score line but do not crush it. My cardiologist said the same and even suggested I cut it to get and extra half dose if needed. Call your pharmacist. They are the experts on meds.

Inactive 16 July 2017

I had the same question. I just called the pharmacist and was told it's ok to cut it. The rule seems to be it it's scored it's safe to cut it.

Votes: +1
Shirrin 27 March 2017

I do it all the time.
Hope you feel better

Votes: +1
masso 27 March 2017

Never , cut, chew, split or break an ER (extended release) medication , doing so may cause undesirable side effects as it will release too much of the medication at once.

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