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Does Androgel also help increase the size of the penis, along with longer lasting erections?


Sonoftadpole 2 Aug 2019

Since starting Androgel I have noticed my erections are a lot harder and my libido is back to my younger years... I can hang a towel on it again and have noticed I'm lasting longer and my recoup time is better than it has been in years... and for a 50 y/o that says a lot! Finally, are you asking if Androgel causes your dick to say go from x inches to N inches then I would say yes for the sole reason that , well, that's what happens when you get an erection ... plus you might find you get more "chubbies" thought the day... I know I am... as for actual length..I don't think so..just work with what G-d gave you and enjoy! Hope this helps!

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LenM 27 Nov 2011

So people - Don't flag this is inappropriate!
It's not an enlargement cream, but it gives me longer (in time) harder erections and it makes sex more intense.

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androgel, erection

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