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Vyvanse: An Overview of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Stimulants

A brief review of the symptoms of ADHD and stimulant options for treatment.

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Vyvanse: Administration and Side Effect Information

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Vyvanse: Precautions for Use

A brief overview of precautions, drug interactions, potential for abuse and storage of Vyvanse.

Bent-over row with dumbbell

The bent-over row with dumbbell targets the back of the shoulder. See how it's done.

Removing excess bone near rotator cuff

Removing excess bone can relieve rotator cuff injury.

Vasectomy Proceedure

This animation shows a vasectomy procedure. A vasectomy is a procedure to cause permanently sterility in a man by preventing the transport of sperm out of the testes. A small incision is made in the scrotum and each vas deferens is tied off and cut apart preventing sperm from being released within the ejaculate. The small skin incision is stitched closed and the surgery does not affect a man's sexual function.

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