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Retin-A User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Retin-A has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 97 reviews on 79% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Retin-A

  • Mellie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 5, 2019

For Acne "I started using Retin-A about a year and a half ago. It's life-changing. Just stick with it! It was hard the first month or so. My side effects were just extremely dry skin. Also, lotion and makeup stung a bit in the beginning. I had mild acne but lots of scarring over the years and spots that made my skin look uneven. I also have fairly large pores all over my face. My pores look considerably smaller now, and I hardly ever get a breakout. If I do, it heals fast. I still use it every night, even though my skin looks good, just now mainly to continue to have nice-looking skin and for its anti-aging properties."

10 / 10
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35 Report
  • CarlyP
  • August 9, 2016

For Acne "I've been using Retin-A for about a week now. If you have oily skin or experience breakouts every morning like me, I would definitely recommend this. I use the .01% dosage recommended by my doctor. They told me I may experience peeling of the skin. My skin has peeled in some spots, but it's not very noticeable. I removed the peeled skin by using baking soda and water (great exfoliant!). Skin varies by person. I've given up on every acne regimen and decided to see my doctor. I swear by this stuff. All my acne scars are fading, and my skin has become significantly smoother."

9 / 10
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48 Report
  • Lovem...
  • September 20, 2015

For Acne "Retin-A is a life changer. I struggled with moderate acne from about age 12. I tried Differin in high school, with some minor success, but still got plenty of breakouts and my skin was dull. I went to the doctor and got Retin-A about 2 years ago, and it is a miracle product. My skin is beautiful. I routinely get compliments on my skin from friends and family, and can name multiple instances in which perfect strangers have told me that I have stunning skin. My skin is smooth and seems to glow. A plus is that Retin-A prevents wrinkles, so now that I'm in my twenties and preparing to see my first fine lines, I am happy to have that added benefit. TIP: Give this stuff 6 months to work. I almost gave up and am glad I held out."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Liv
  • August 1, 2020

For Acne "Retin is all I can say. This product is amazing. I had small stubborn little bumps (clogged pores) and just overall comedonal acne. Retin A has completely cleared my skin and made it look even better than it did before I had acne. My skin so smooth and it just continues to boost my skin confidence. I've been on Retin A for about a year and hse “Retin A micro pump gel 0.06%”. I did purge a lot and had SLIGHT dryness/irration in the beginning but I didn’t mind it because I WANTED to get rid of the small bumps that were clogged pores. MY TOP ADVICE about this product is using it consistently! This product works slowly (but effectively) and will take some time to produce the wonderful results. Also, I still get a pimple occasionally but no where near what I had. The pimple will usually come and go quickly with this product. I use a mosturizer and a good SPF sunscreen. This is the BEST so stick it out during the purging phase because it is WORTH IT."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • Atreyu
  • July 17, 2019

For Acne "Been fighting adult cystic hormonal acne for about 6 years, never would've thought it be basically cured after 2 weeks of Retin-A along with doxycycline, haven't had the slightest of side effects, and I stopped using a moisturizer a week in (I'm in Iraq and mail takes weeks). Although since I work 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., sun exposure isn't an issue. 2 weeks for a 5-year problem though, it's insane how quick this stuff works."

10 / 10
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32 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Csc
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 2, 2018

For Acne "I am in awe of how well this product works! I’ve been on it for 1 week, and my skin is so clear I don’t believe it’s possible! I’ve struggled with acne since I was 12 (I am now a 21-year-old female), and I’ve tried just about everything, including Accutane, but nothing made a big difference. My acne has ranged from moderate to severe. My biggest struggle was the texture-my face was covered in tiny bumps and clogged pores. My derm now put me on .08%. Not only are the pimples gone after a week, but my whiteheads and blackheads have disappeared almost like magic. There is dryness and peeling, which I’m hoping will go away over time, but I’m fine with it because it’s left me with fresh, new skin. I highly, highly recommend this product!"

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Eddie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 13, 2019

For Acne "I was put on Retin-A 0.5 gel to help manage my moderate acne. So far, I have been using this medication for about a month and two weeks and have noticed great results. At first, I broke out more and my skin looked worse. But just a few weeks ago, I noticed my skin starting to really heal a lot. I use this in combination with Cetaphil face wash. I do have some scarring from acne (mainly leftover red marks) and it really helps with that. My skin texture is a lot smoother and more even. I have only had a few new pimples arrive since starting this medication. I continue to keep using it for a very long time to manage my acne and for its anti-aging benefits. If you're curious about starting this medication, don’t be, I wish I had started it years ago when I first got teenage acne."

9 / 10
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30 Report
  • Makeu...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 26, 2015

For Acne "Yes it works. That's the question you have and it does. If you have time read my story it'll be worth it. I'm 17 and live in my miami so the weather here is pretty much hot all year around. I'm not an active outside person so I do not getting acne because of sports or anything. I guess its just a phase. I've had acne since 6th grade and its sucked. I finally made an appointment with the dermatologist December 11. He prescribed me Tretenoin also known as retin a 0.1%, the strongest strength. And Clindamycin phosphate lotion as the antibiotic. So I was told to apply Clindamycin every night, and retin a every three nights, but let's face it. We all think applying it daily will help you get results faster. Well it doesn't, all it does is irrita"

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • Seatt...
  • September 8, 2015

For Acne "My skin was at its worst in my prime adulthood age, so I decided to try Retin-A. I've been using the 0.025% Retin-A gel for 2 months now. I didn't have the initial 'purge' that most talk about, however, I believe it's because I was prescribed the gel vs. cream. Anyways, I overdid it the first week by not following doctor's orders and applying daily right off the bat. Don't, haha. My skin got so dry and flaky that I even burned my chin on my bed while sleeping from my skin being so thin. After that initial scare, I followed my doctor's instructions and gradually worked up to every night use. Best skin in years. Try it, it works! Just don't forget to moisturize a lot. Sunscreen when you go out! Don't overdo it like I did."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Elle
  • January 11, 2020

For Acne "I have jawline acne, dark patches from pigmentation and uneven skin tone and blemishes from years of cystic acne. I am 44 & Asian. Day 1 to 2 gel stung like crazy, itchy and warm skin, and redness Days 3 to 8 peeling skin, inflamed look after washing face. Stinging, and itchy. Days 8 and 9 skin is very taught. I needed extra petroleum jelly plus my regular moisturizer although my regular moisturizer. Days 9 and 10 skin is sensitive, shiny that I need to use make up. For peeling skin I reapply petroleum jelly at the first signs of dryness or flakiness. I used hydrocortisone on itchy spots. On day 10 I stopped using soap to wash my face as it is drying. I use luke warm water to wash off the petroleum jelly on my face and pat dry my skin. The dryness has reduced today, day 10. I can use the gel without it stinging my skin or being taught and dry. By day 10 my face appears to be clearer in some places, spots are fading. Skin texture is smooth though tender."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Lauren
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 10, 2018

For Acne "Retin-A honestly changed my life! The first 6 months were awful. Hated my skin more by the day. But there is a huge silver lining! Fast forward a few months, and my skin is glowing, smooth, and hardly a single breakout. I'm 23 and have battled all sorts of acne throughout my life. That came along with some serious scarring. While there is definitely a way to go for the scarring, it's helped tremendously."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • Alexa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 15, 2017

For Acne "I was on Accutane (isotretinoin) from December 2015 to July 2016. I had severe acne all over my face, chest, back, and shoulders. Post-Accutane, my skin was clear as water, and I got so many compliments on my skin. My skin was clear, and I never got one pimple until mid-April 2017. I noticed pimples reappearing on my skin. I got in touch with my derm, and she prescribed me tretinoin 0.025% and a face wash-sodium sulfacetamide with salicylic acid. I am now on 0.05%, and I have been on the gel for a little over 8 weeks. I have seen significant improvement since I started, and I did experience about a month and a half of initial breakout. I highly recommend this gel, and don't give up! It takes time, and my skin is still clearing up. Patience!!!!!"

9 / 10
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35 Report
  • khadija...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 22, 2015

For Acne "I was suffering from acne due to my sensitive skin and severe summer heat. I tried my teenage acne cream in my late twenties, but I felt it was too mild to work on my much matured skin like now. Then one of my friends, who was a satisfied user of Retin-A, suggested I use Retin-A 0.05%. I started it in the winter to avoid over-sweating and heat of summer. I faced a little flaky skin. The first two weeks my acne broke out a little more than usual, but after that, the acne seemed to decrease. Whenever I felt too dry skin other than the acne-affected area, I used pure Vaseline. Now I am cured and my skin is glowing. I am continuing the use of Retin-A with my regular night cream for its anti-aging properties. And I am quite satisfied with this."

9 / 10
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40 Report
  • Annymus
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 6, 2016

For Acne "I have posted early before about my 1st and 2nd week using Retin-A 0.025 cream. My 3rd week was much better than my second week, some of my acne started to calm down, and my face felt less bumpy. During this week, I started to use the cream 4 times a week because my cheeks were hurting. My 4th week was the most improvement. I started to use the cream every night again since my face had stopped hurting. During the 4th week, most of my pimples disappeared, and my skin felt smoother. I still had some pimples popping up, but not as much. Now my cheeks are pretty smooth with a couple of pimples, but my cheeks are really red from the scars that were left behind from the pimples. I'm hoping they will slowly fade later. Will keep updating!"

9 / 10
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36 Report
  • Annoy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 5, 2016

For Acne "2 or 3 months ago, I did a review for this product. It starts off around me saying that 'I'm 18 years old and started using Retin-A for 6 weeks or so.' So this is an update... I'm into my 5th month, and WOW! My skin is so much clearer. Trust me, no one likes acne, I've gone through it. But this cream has been helping me so much. The purging sucks! Whiteheads show up, but don't give up on it. After 1 month, you'll see a difference. When I started, I had red blemishes on my cheeks, and now it's long gone. Just some marks here and there. I still get pimples here and there, but not as much as I used to. This product is the best, I'm so happy using Retin-A. I recommend washing my face morning and night (Cetaphil Soap). Take antibiotics. Mine is (minocycline 50)."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Frann...
  • November 28, 2011

For Photoaging of the Skin "This medication may be great for those struggling with extreme oiliness and acne, but it actually caused me to break out! I wanted the benefits of it's ability to help strengthen collagen and help with evening out skin tone etc... but I got overly dry super sensitive acne ridden skin instead. I recently waxed areas of my face that needed it, even after not using the product a couple of days and I was bleeding! I've never had this problem before. My skin has always been very resilient and able to handle most anything. But it doesn't seem to agree with this product. I will have to find a different approach to maintaining my youth."

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  • emannn
  • April 25, 2015

For Acne "I was on the 0.1 cream started Oct 2014 and ended early March.. I got it for whiteheads and uneven skin tone. After 4 1/2 months whiteheads diminished but left with even more scarring. We are going in to May and my skin hasn't healed. Just ugly red chickenpox on my face. :( Another con about this product I see that my skin texture isn't the same. When I was on it it was smooth but after I finished the tube it's just dull and my pores are huge. It just looks terrible and so much thinner, and my skin tone is still uneven It's depressing how much this cream has given me the uglies. It aged my skin 20 yrs. I'm only 23 and female btw. I don't know what to do now."

3 / 10
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38 Report
  • NAano
  • March 8, 2019

For Acne "I'm in my early 20s and have been applying Retin-A gel once a night for over a year now. Before starting the gel I had what I would describe as moderate acne. During the first 6-8 months of Retin-A use I had the most severe acne of my life, all over my face. It was painful and so embarrassing to leave the house. Not to mention the horrific dry skin that would just flake off my face, no matter how much I moisturize. But I stuck with it as the dermatologist suggested, and now my acne is mostly under control. However, I would not say my acne now is any better than before I started Retin-A, and on top of that I now have deep, ugly scars on both sides of my face (not just a few... a LOT) from the severe acne. I have not had any acne scars in my life until now, and I have had moderate to heavy acne since I was 12. Now there a pit scars all across my cheeks. I have ruined my face by using Retin-A, and would have been exponentially better off if I had never used it in the first place."

2 / 10
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25 Report
  • Tano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 25, 2019

For Acne "In the first 3-4 weeks on Retin-A, it was horrible, I had horrible acne almost everywhere on my face especially on my cheeks and it's painful. But after 1 or 2 months, I noticed a big improvement on my face. Trust me, it's worth trying."

8 / 10
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24 Report
  • kora
  • October 21, 2009

For Acne "I started using it when I was 16 when all else failed. Retin-A gave me perfect skin: no bumps, invisible pores, scars disappeared, even coloration. I'm 28 now, and it has stopped working when I was 26, and in the last 2 years, I've been looking for another product to give me those same results. But no luck yet. Bumps are back, pores reappeared, scars are back, skin tone uneven, and nothing seems to work - just the way it was before I found Retin-A. If you can get 10 years out of a product, I say go for it! Now I'm hoping to find the next one that can give me 10 more years, and hopefully by then I'll be done with acne!"

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • Alexa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 17, 2018

For Acne "I started using Retin-A .0025% about a two-three months ago. I’m 26 years old and have had terrible acne ever since I was a preteen. I was able to get the acne under control by drinking 72+ oz of water a day and switching to a plant based diet. However, this has left me with noticable scarring. Retin-A has helped so much with this. I read the reviews of everyone saying it dries out your skin. This is true. USE A MOISTURIZER! Moisturize day and night. This has helped me so much. I don’t even notice dry skin anymore. Also, stay hydrated. Drink lots of water."

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • Chrish
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 21, 2019

For Acne "I have mild acne and started using Retin A 0.025%. I've been using the cream for about three weeks now and I didn't see much change in the first two weeks. I'm seeing much more improvement now. I still have a few small bumps and blackheads, but it's not as bad as before. My skin feels significantly smoother and softer than before so I'm excited to see how much more it will improve."

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • 2016D...
  • July 1, 2016

For Acne "I never, ever had an issue with acne in my life until I started working after college (I correlate it with the crazy stress at work). So, I started using 0.25% Retin-A about a year ago. A couple of months in, I wasn't seeing the results I wanted; still breaking out, skin flaking. I emailed my doctor and asked for the 0.5% strength... big mistake. I used that for about three months, and my skin could not tolerate it AT ALL. Regardless, I wasn't about to give up totally on Retin-A! So I went back to using the 0.25% and FINALLY got the results I've expected all along. I always get comments now on how clear and 'fresh' my skin looks. Retin-A (especially with clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide cream) was a miracle for my skin. No pimples... ever!"

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • kay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 16, 2020

For Acne "this was the worst experience of my life. It made my face break out and I had big red dry patches on my face that burned so bad. I still have red scars from those spots that I didn’t have before. do not use this , I suggest accutane I have done that before also"

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • Male...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 9, 2018

For Photoaging of the Skin "I'm Asian and I stay in a tropical country. This product was widely introduced here when I was in my teens and I was quick to use it since it was highly recommended by the big name dermatologists of that time. I had problematic skin back then and it was recommended by my own dermatologist. I was fourteen then. Now, I'm 41 and I'm often told I look younger. Even if I'm a male professional, that still matters a lot! I could still remember temporarily stopping for less than a year cause I'd have spells of temporary severe dry skin and, once, eczema, but I jump on to it once my skin has stabilized. Of course, good skin maintenance does help and seeking professional help if something does not seem ok is best, but I would say this product works. Start while you're young (best if you can start with some professional help!)."

9 / 10
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24 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.