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Ranexa User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Ranexa has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 70 reviews on 67% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Ranexa

  • James...
  • November 11, 2007

For Angina "I have used Ranexa for two years as prescribed by my Cardiologist. It has given me an almost pain-free life from angina. I can walk several miles now, whereas before I would get angina in a few blocks."

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84 Report
  • dusty...
  • February 20, 2012

For Angina "I started taking this medication last night, Feb 19, 2012, and I have experienced a lot of gas. I was up most of the night going to the bathroom, and today I'm experiencing a strange sensation in my chest, but it's not pain. It almost feels like a tingle, and I have a cough also. I also have anxiety and headaches."

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64 Report
  • Philcho
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2019

For Angina "After the angiogram last week, I was told that it is not possible to continue with the stents - I need a triple bypass. The angina has been getting worse, and I need nitro several times a day, including waking up at night. In preparation for the op, my doc has put me on Ranexa, and within 48 hours, I feel great. My heart function is good, no need for nitro, and quality of life is so much better. It is expensive, but there is now a generic."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • lb_ba...
  • September 21, 2016

For Angina "Took Ranexa for a short period and experienced severe urinary symptoms. After being examined by a nephrologist, I was found to have acute kidney failure. He immediately took me off Ranexa, and with long and disciplined treatment, I was brought back to 'almost normal' kidney function. However, it is clear from my regular blood tests over several years that Ranexa has caused lasting kidney damage, which shows evidence of being permanent."

1 / 10
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40 Report
  • Ansur
  • April 6, 2016

For Angina "I am on Ranexa 1000 mg since 1 year now. I still have pain in my chest and arm, plus serious constipation and terrible memory loss. It's short-term memory loss I am talking about, like going for a glass of water from the fridge and forgetting halfway why I walked up to there."

6 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Scott...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 22, 2016

For Angina "Have been taking for 3 years, not a single side effect. Since I take 14 different medications for various issues, I have thoroughly tested this medication in and out for side effects. Everyone is different and reacts differently to medications... I take 1000 mg a day."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • dwm
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 23, 2019

For Angina "I have had a four way bypass and now have 12 stents, still have angina. Dr. put me on Ranexa 500mg twice daily then upped it to 1000mg twice a day. Has helped very well but still get occasional angina. Been on it for 3yrs. Now retired I can no longer afford, don't know what to do, sine I'm on 4 other meds for angina too."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • sular
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 16, 2022

For Angina "Ranexa made my angina symptoms worse. While on it I got extremely out of breath at the the smallest exertion, my heart raced, I was light headed, tired, had a headache, and pain in my stomach. When I went off of it I felt better. I was taking 500 mg twice daily."

1 / 10
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14 Report
  • Jansn...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 24, 2016

For Angina "I was prescribed Ranexa to increase blood flow in preparation for a heart cath. The heart cath showed no heart disease. Upon taking Ranexa, by the 2nd day, I observed that my fibromyalgia pain was completely gone! My cardiologist said they have seen cases where it has helped with fibromyalgia. He said I absolutely could continue with Ranexa for fibromyalgia. I have not taken a single pain pill since!"

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • moonkey
  • February 15, 2015

For Angina "I had a cardiac cath in September 2013. I was diagnosed with heart failure, a blockage that cannot be repaired, and obstructive cardiomyopathy, also two heart attacks. Before Ranexa, I was in a lot of pain. I take 1000 mg twice a day. Although I do have some pain, Ranexa has helped a lot and given me some relief. My doctor said that was normal with my conditions, but I have gotten some relief."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Mark
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 27, 2022

For Angina "My Cardiologist prescribed Ranexa after I had a heart attack in 2017. It lowered the frequency of my angina by about 50%. The side effects were fairly severe and included: nausea, constipation, frequent urination, dizziness, and I noticed it was harder to concentrate and remember things. I was on a fairly high dose at 1000 mg twice per day. About six months ago, with my doctor’s approval, I started to wean off this medicine and am now down to 500 mg once per day. I feel much better. All of of the side effects have, for the most part, gone away. I still get some angina, but doesn’t seem like it’s gotten any worse since dropping the dosage. At my next appointment with Cardiologist, I will see about stopping the Ranexa completely."

5 / 10
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11 Report
  • Buzz
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 13, 2018

For Angina "I have had good response from Ranexa for the past year but could no longer afford it - $600 per month. I found I can get the generic (ranolazine) through a Canadian company for $60 per month - BIG difference. The formula is consistent and it works the same for me when compared to the high priced brand regardless of what people say about foreign drug companies."

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24 Report
  • Tonya...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2016

For Angina "Was having bad bouts of angina daily. Could not sweep with a broom the entire floor and stood on a nightly basis to try and get to sleep. Since Ranexa, it's like I can sleep, I can clean a little more. It's just what I need if I can get past all the side effects."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • Gbgoul
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 19, 2016

For Angina "Wish I could say it was effective, but I could not get past the side effects within the first week. I was light-headed,dizz, faint and did not feel much like myself. The doctor told me I needed an adjusting period. By the second week, it was too much and I stop taking the pills. So now I'm wearing a nitroglycerin patch and carry Nitro pills with me at all times. I'm on an EECP machine which dilates vessels and supposedly encourages new vessel growth. This treatment is 5 days a week, 1 hour per session for 7 weeks."

2 / 10
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28 Report
  • Tiggy
  • January 25, 2017

For Angina "I have never felt so out of control in my life, the severe anxiety was terrifying. The tapping sensations in my face and leg were so acute,it was intolerable. I am now bleeding when I urinate. Constipation and swollen stomach are awful. I am only on 375my X 2 per day. I've stopped taking them yesterday have felt a lot better, but had a angina attack this morning. Waiting to have a conversation with my gp. Via phone. I am due for an angiogramme on this Friday, toponin levels after my last hospital episode were 3 on arrival but after twelve hours were 26. WAS TOLD NEED ANGIOGRAM. can anyone on here tell me what to expect and if any of your experiences are similar. I also had a tumor removed from my ureter, and have had bladder cancer. "

4 / 10
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24 Report
  • Steve
  • July 15, 2016

For Angina "Suffered from angina on excersion. Have had now 6 cath, 7 stents and a bypass. Started on 500 mg twice a day. I was increased to 1000 mg twice a day, by the 4th day I was so sick. Dizzy, confused, high blood pressure ended up in the hospital. Went back on 500 because I thought it was the ranexa. After another check up my doctor told me he was sure it wasn't the 1000 mg dose so I increased it , four days in and wham felt horrible. Went back to 500 and felt alright and didn't need my nitro. But then I got blocked up and had my seventh stent. No angina now and I came of the ranexa."

8 / 10
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25 Report
  • DBano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 5, 2018

For Angina "Great drug. Was having trouble just walking and felt like garbage until I took this. Upped dosage to 1000mg 2x’s per day on advise of Dr. (Cardiologist). Had strong dizzy feeling. So maybe I take before bed 1000mg but just 500mg in morning. Will follow Dr advice. I’m starting to feel like a walking pharmacy!"

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • Donna...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2018

For Angina "I was just prescribed Ranexa 500mg 2 times a day. After 2 full days I had to come off of it. The side effects were horrible, hands swelling, dizziness, feeling faint, heart palpitations, shaking and low blood pressure. Was advised by cardiologist to stop immediately and am scheduled to see him Monday. I stopped it Wednesday evening and side effects are easing up, but not completely gone as of today, Friday"

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • Grate...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 9, 2019

For Angina "10 years ago at age 46 years old I had a heart attack and quadruple bypass. 8 years ago one stent 4 years ago 2 more stents After over 2 weeks of non-stop angina my only relief was sleeping. After 2 days of 500mg renaxa, felt like a new man. I finally had relief from angina. Some bad side effects of lightheadedness, dizzy headache, and constipation. I had my first Angina attack, nitro helps but thought I had it beat. I would gladly take the bad, but for myself, tolerable side effects for the Angina( Medicaid covers my cost)"

8 / 10
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18 Report
  • Cider...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2017

For Angina "I was given Ranexa by my Physician Assistant for some minor chest pain. I took 4 doses of Ranexa (500 mg) as prescribed. I experienced dizziness, was light headed. That evening about midnight while I was in bed I had uncontrollable diarrhea, headed to the bathroom, changed pajamas and immediately had uncontrollable diarrhea again. Returning to bed I experienced the uncontrollable diarrhea while asleep. I did not take any more and ended up in the hospital emergency room severely dehydrated. I was there two days with numerous tests. After this experience, I would never take this again. I destroyed the rest of the pills."

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Still...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 20, 2017

For Angina "Had two heart caths to fix a blocked right artery but the Docs were unsuccessful. I've been on Ranexa for about a year for angina pain. Started on 1000 mg twice daily but after a couple months I began to get dizzy spells. So I cut back to 500 mg twice daily and I still have no angina pain and now no dizziness. Tried to cut back to 500 mg once a day, but angina came back. So Ranexa definitely helps. I'm now back to taking 500 mg twice daily."

9 / 10
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20 Report
  • Sandi...
  • December 7, 2017

For Angina "I have Angina from small artery blockages they cannot Stent. I really can't afford it. I tried to stop taking it and the horrible back pain returned. I took one pill and had relief in an hour. I notice no side effects except constipation. I'm definitely going to have to continue this drug. Perhaps once a day instead of twice. I am supposed to take 500 mg twice a day."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Karen
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 17, 2021

For Angina "Went to hospital for chest pain. Dr. prescribed Ranexa. My heart stopped within 10 minutes of taking the pill and I woke up in intensive care with a mainline in my neck and burn marks from the pads that restarted my heart. I was there for three days."

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11 Report
  • Ms E
  • June 18, 2016

For Angina "I have been taking Ranexa twice a day for 1 1/2 years as l have Prinzemetal Angina. I am unable to function without it. I also find the following tablets very effective Adalat and Dipen which widen my arteries. I getting swelling so l take Lasix for that."

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Tjr
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 8, 2019

For Angina "I still have some pain in my throat and jaw at times but rarely did I get chest pain since being on Ranexa 750mg twice a day. I used to wake up in the night with the most horrendous pain and since taking these it's not happened once. I couldn't even talk in sentences without getting breathless, now that's better too. I'm lucky enough that I live in the UK and we have a National Health Service, however even if I had to get a private prescription these would cost me around £60 per month, which I would most happily pay."

10 / 10
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13 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.