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Cymbalta User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Cymbalta has an average rating of 6.3 out of 10 from a total of 1,770 reviews on 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 30% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Cymbalta

  • Heidigr
  • July 23, 2018

For Fibromyalgia "I have had significant joint pain ongoing since 2012. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and spent the next three years going through a host of every med available. None of them worked and many made it worse. I went to the Mayo Clinic in 2016. The top RA doc there, after running many tests, said he didn’t think I had RA, but Sjogren's disease. He suggested I try Cymbalta for pain, but was so tired of meds that I honestly just toughed it out until a few months ago. I have been in excruciating pain - mainly my feet and hand joints for six years. I grudgingly found another RA doc who would treat me (Mayo wouldn’t) and the first thing he said is that he felt my autoimmune condition was likely fibromyalgia and suggested I try the Cymbalta. Amazingly, it has been a complete game changer. Within the first month, I could tell it was working. I am now in almost zero pain and have had no side effects that are worth mentioning. I have nothing but positive things to say about this medication."

10 / 10
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124 Report
  • WSR
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 28, 2020

For Osteoarthritis "Cymbalta changed my life. I started using Cymbalta for severe chronic lower back pain. My pain was so bad I considered suicide on many occasions. After failed back surgery, over-the-counter medications, epidurals, spinal ablation, and everything else imaginable, my pain doctor prescribed Cymbalta. The side effects from Cymbalta were horrible, but within 2 weeks my back pain completely disappeared. I still deal with the side effects, and Cymbalta is a highly addictive drug that is near impossible to withdraw from. I have come to terms with the alternatives and have decided Cymbalta is worth all of the negatives. It has saved my life."

10 / 10
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92 Report
  • g0ldon
  • November 16, 2018

For Anxiety "I had a large but benign brain tumor removed a year and a half ago. After my recovery, I had depression and anxiety, which I had never really experienced before. After dealing with it for over a year, I started generic Cymbalta three months ago. For the first two months, I took 30 mg a day. I experienced some initial insomnia, one day of upset stomach, and loss of appetite (lost 8 lbs) for about three weeks. It helped immediately with depression, while anxiety issues took about five weeks to improve. After two months, my doctor increased the dosage to 60 mg a day, which I've been taking for four weeks now. My anxiety has significantly improved, I feel it coming on now and then, but it doesn't last. I've regained the lost weight but nothing extra. I'm sleeping for 6-7 hours a night, which is about average for me. This medication has really helped me, I don't take anything else with it. I'm sorry to hear it affects some people so negatively, but please try to stay on it until your body can get used to the side effects. This drug has greatly improved my life."

9 / 10
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118 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Krstn...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 28, 2021

For Depression "I was prescribed 30 mg a day by my doctor. I took my first dose after dinner, as suggested. Around 4am, I woke up, and the room was spinning. I had pain in my stomach as if I had food poisoning. I wasn't able to fall asleep, and I didn't get up because I knew I would vomit. I took another dose the next day and experienced shivering, chills, sweaty palms, anxiety, and dilated pupils. I thought maybe it would improve or subside, but on the third day, I woke up, looked in the mirror, and a gaunt, pale face with large pupils was staring back at me. I jumped in the shower and was shivering so badly, I thought I would go into cardiac arrest right then and there. I should've gone to the ER. I was so scared. I stopped the medication immediately. My doctor switched me to Lexapro, and I filled the prescription, but I'm too shaken up from my experience with Cymbalta, I'm holding off until I feel like myself again. I'm in recovery, and I haven't felt like that on any drug in the past. Quite unnerving. Never again. And I don't recommend."

1 / 10
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81 Report
  • CJano
  • June 15, 2019

For Depression "I am prescribed this medication for over-focused ADHD and depression. Before trying this medication, I was on Adderall once and Modafinil once, all for a short time. The Cymbalta medication has really helped me. The pain of depression is gone, my thoughts are in a better scope, and I don't feel as deeply and get into moods. While not feeling as deeply might sound bad to some people, it is a real issue for me. With my depression at bay, I'm much more able to focus on what I need to do and do it with a good attitude. I notice I don't obsess over things as much and am able to be present in the moment, and easily change my train of thought to the next thing. I'm very happy I trusted my doctor on this because, at first, I really didn't like the idea. I know this is temporary, but I trust in the medication to put me in a safe place. Understand that the bad reviews are obvious in that some people were simply misdiagnosed. I have no negative side effects at all."

10 / 10
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108 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Fated...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 21, 2020

For Major Depressive Disorder "I’ve been taking the generic Cymbalta for just over four years now to help manage my Major Depressive Disorder. My current maintenance dose is three 30mg capsules taken by mouth once daily, which totals to a 90mg dose per day. Overall, I’d say my experience with Cymbalta has been a positive one. I don’t particularly suffer from any of the listed side effects. Compared to other antidepressant-type medications, in my opinion, I would say Cymbalta in particular “kicked in” the fastest, to where I started feeling better than the previous antidepressants I’ve been prescribed in the past. Cymbalta isn’t the common SSRI we’re all familiar with, this medication is an SNRI, which means it not only works to boost your serotonin but also norepinephrine (also known as noradrenaline). I personally find for my body/my brain, I do better with SNRIs than with SSRIs, but that’s just me personally."

10 / 10
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94 Report
  • wfelici
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 29, 2014

For Depression "EXCELLENT results. Effexor became non-effective after many years of use and another life-impacting event. Was recently severely depressed and suicidal for about 2 years. Found Cymbalta 2 years ago, and it CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. I think this medication is FANTASTIC. I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder (dual diagnosed). This condition has been with me for many years (runs in the family, i.e., mother was severely depressed). Cymbalta 120mg per day snapped me out of it. Under doctor's orders, I discontinued the current SSRI at the time and started right up with Cymbalta 120mg/day. Within 7-10 days, I was out of my depressed state. It has to be the norepinephrine aspect that made the difference."

10 / 10
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171 Report

More FAQ

  • DSummer
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 30, 2019

For Depression "I have been taking Cymbalta for approximately 15 years for depression and anxiety. I had tried every other drug on the market. It has been a lifesaver for me! The first few days I felt nauseous, but that is a side effect that goes away. My doctor told me it was one of the few that continues to work after taking it for a long time. I mistakenly have quit taking it a few times to see if I felt better. I had no adverse effects coming off of it, except that my anxiety and depression worsened. This year was the first time I’ve had my dosage increased since starting the medication. As long as it continues to work, I’ll never quit taking it."

10 / 10
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105 Report
  • theuser
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 18, 2018

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I have tried a long list of antidepressants, including older ones, newer ones, and most of the meds in between. Cymbalta is the only one that has helped me. I have only taken it for about a week, but I already feel the effects for my GAD and Panic Disorder. I am so thankful for this drug. Bless you all, don't be afraid to try meds, and keep on fighting if you haven't found one that has worked for you yet. Hugs, The User"

9 / 10
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110 Report
  • Danid...
  • June 17, 2015

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I have been on Cymbalta for a week now, 30mg twice a day. I have no side effects at all! From the first dose, I noticed a huge difference, it calmed me right down! Before this med, I was mad at everything, almost in a constant panic mode, not sleeping, and in a lot of pain. I have low back nerve pinching, bulging, degenerative discs, and fibromyalgia. I can't say enough good about this medicine, it has really changed my quality of life, my outlook. I feel like I did 20 years ago, before my anxiety took over my mind. My blood pressure is also back to normal. Being stressed at every little thing made mine go up. I love this medication, I wish I had gotten it a lot sooner, better late than never!!"

10 / 10
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156 Report
  • Jaye
  • September 6, 2018

For Anxiety "I had pain throughout my entire body. I felt like I was dying. My moods were at an all-time low for months. No ambition, just wanted to sleep and give up on life at age 45. I had been on other medicines for several years, they worked ok, but I still had issues. I just tried to cope with them until it became too much. I am on day 2 of Cymbalta 60mg, and I can already feel the difference. I wake up feeling alive, and I’m not hurting all over my body. My mentality is about 80% better already. Thank goodness this worked!! I hope it helps others as much as it has helped me!"

10 / 10
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113 Report
  • Judy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 20, 2019

For Fibromyalgia "I suffered from the pain of fibromyalgia for 20 years, and I got my life back after I started to use Cymbalta. I have no more pain, other than that of many 71-year-olds. I consider myself one of the very fortunate people that it works so well for me. I can take fitness classes now and feel the improvement from them tremendously. I also think that what likely helped me work, etc., when I had the symptoms was the fact that I did mild exercise six mornings a week for 20 minutes on the recommendation of an amazing doctor who recognized what I had before most people had even heard of it and told me exercise was supposed to help. I walked up and down my stairs then used a cross-trainer (slowly) - when my husband decided I was wearing out our carpet!"

10 / 10
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101 Report
  • Brent...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 17, 2024

"I never realized I was overwhelmed with anxiety for a variety of reasons. Cymbalta brought me down to earth, helped me not feel like I was being swallowed into a black hole of panic, and just makes me feel… normal. Like my true self. Like all these drugs, there’s an adjustment phase, not just physically, but also that your mind has to get used to not going where it has been going. Mild nausea at times early on, and I’m fine now. I suffer from PTSD after a brutal onset of CRPS three years ago. I can’t imagine going off this drug ever, and I'm thankful it works so well for me."

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • Jan
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 17, 2019

For Depression "I have been on Cymbalta for ten years. It immediately helped my fibromyalgia pain and worked awesome for my depression. I was on 60mg for about 5 years, and now on 90mg for 5 years. I tried to come off it, so for one month, I took 60mg last February. The symptoms were unbearable. I felt bee stings everywhere, and I mean literally everywhere. My legs were in so much pain, my whole body felt like it was shaking inside. I had flushing, a fever, non-stop itching. The list goes on. It definitely served a wonderful purpose when I started, I just kinda feel cheated they didn’t tell me I have to stay on for the rest of my life."

8 / 10
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97 Report
  • Rsano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2019

For Back Pain "I started 30mg Cymbalta 3 weeks ago for my neck and lower back pain. I feel so much better now. I went through weird side effects and lost appetite. I was afraid to take this medication after reading the reviews but everyone is different. I’ve been able to work and workout without pain. Cymbalta worked pretty well for me."

10 / 10
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99 Report
  • Austr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 17, 2021

For Anxiety "I feel so lucky, this has gone beyond my expectations. I don’t ever want to be off it. Only side effect has been constipation but I feel so good I don’t care. Even if I forget to take the tablet I have NO SIDE EFFECTS! I was really hesitant to start this as the reviews didn’t seem so good but it truly is an individual experience."

10 / 10
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74 Report
  • boome...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 26, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I have been on Cymbalta for two months, 60mg in the morning. The first week I was on 30mg to give my body a chance to get used to the drug. I have had no side effects, except maybe a little constipation the first week or two. I am taking it for chronic pain from osteoarthritis in neck and lower back. I do suffer from anxiety and mild depression. My fingers were killing me two months ago. Now when I make a fist, the fingers are a little stiff but no pain. My neck pain has been more manageable. I am still having issues with lower back joint dysfunction. I generally feel more optimistic, don't get aggravated at bad drivers, take things a little more easily, and have more energy to get things done. My motivation is coming back. I am only rating an 8 at this point since it has only been two months."

8 / 10
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97 Report
  • MomoR...
  • May 15, 2017

For Anxiety "I feel like some of you people commenting on how inept the doctors are at prescribing medication for you fail to realize how medications affect people differently. You had a bad experience? That is in no way, shape or form the doctor's fault. At all. Your body chemistry is just different than they expected. These psychiatric issues are not an exact science. Medicine is not an exact science. That aside, I've only been on Cymbalta for about a month, but I have already noticed a vast improvement. I feel less anxious overall and haven't experienced a panic attack since I started on it. Again, this isn't an exact science, and sometimes it takes experimentation to get the right combination. Hopefully, I've found a proper solution to my issues."

9 / 10
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128 Report
  • Cymba...
  • April 23, 2017

For Depression "Cymbalta has been an incredible drug for me. Since taking Cymbalta, I have been able to enjoy life more, sleep less, and feel more refreshed - reduction in pain, and improved memory and concentration. Recently, I have been studying for an exam. This is a hard exam that I previously failed before while not taking Cymbalta. I started taking Cymbalta approximately in January. The months leading up to the exam, I was more focused and able to concentrate better than I can last remember. I know that Cymbalta doesn't treat concentration or memory problems, but I think that sometimes if you are depressed, it can have a severe effect on concentration. Thank you, Cymbalta, for helping me in my life."

10 / 10
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128 Report
  • Tiny
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 14, 2019

For Fibromyalgia "Cymbalta has changed my life for the better. Besieged by terrible leg pains and tingling for over 6 months, I tried gabapentin and other drugs but hated how they made me feel. 20mg of Cymbalta started working almost immediately, and has helped me gain my quality of life back. The other positive thing: I've always been anxious and thought it was just part of my DNA, but then I've noticed much of the daily anxious thoughts have gone away since taking this drug. Very grateful."

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100 Report
  • onewo...
  • April 2, 2009

For Depression "I feel the need to warn people about the withdrawal symptoms of getting off of this drug. I am home right now because I feel nauseated, my coordination is way off. I have severe head shock, and can't sleep. Look for these types of stories before taking these types of medicines."

1 / 10
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220 Report
  • jomanda
  • September 27, 2007

For Pain "Cymbalta provided amazing relief for my neuropathic pain and depression, though it also seemed to have bad side effects. The night terrors I experienced were unimaginable and occurred almost nightly. I had taken this medication for over a year, and after choosing to discontinue it, the withdrawal symptoms that followed seemed severe. I would advise a cautious approach."

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235 Report
  • Ginip
  • June 13, 2015

For Depression "My experience on Cymbalta has been rather a positive one. As mentioned by others, in the first 2 weeks, it does have side effects. I felt tired and was a little nauseous. I was put on Cymbalta as the entire country that I live in ran out of my previous medicine. I have suffered from anxiety, OCD, and depression on and off for a few years. Since Cymbalta has 'kicked in,' I have hardly any anxiety and no depression. I think clearly and rationally and not as emotionally as I always used to. I still do not have an appetite, and I have been on this for over a month now. When I sleep, I sleep soundly and am able to fall into a deep sleep as well. I highly recommend Cymbalta and am very happy with the positive effects it has had on me."

8 / 10
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149 Report
  • Jlc
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 23, 2019

For Chronic Pain "Put on Cymbalta 30 mg with intentions of going up to 60 mg. It was for anxiety, panic attacks, chronic pain from back surgery, stenosis of spine and cervical fusion. I have taken it for 7 months. HAD NO side effects EVER. It helps me sleep at night. My pain, anxiety, and panic attacks are minimal. Only complaint is that I have gained 10 lbs and I am hungry all the time. I am still taking 30 mg."

10 / 10
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103 Report
  • CieBa...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 24, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I have rheumatoid arthritis that was not responding to Orencia, Arava, Rituxan, Cimzia, or Humira. Prior to these medications, I was on Enbrel, but it stopped working after 9 years and I was allergic to methotrexate. The Cymbalta seemed to make my pain much more bearable. I still had the joint pains, but somehow, the pain wasn't such a massive ordeal. Oh, and it also nicely treated my chronic major depressive disorder as well. I thought that maybe if I was on a higher dose, I might have less pain, so my dose of generic (Lupin) duloxetine was increased up to 150mg a day, and I found that although I could function fine during the day, I could not sleep. It was like I was too keyed up or something. Not anxious, just keyed up. I was able to sleep once I dropped my dose back down to 120mg a day. I give Cymbalta a 10 because it is a single medicine that treats two medical conditions!"

10 / 10
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93 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.