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Drysol for Hyperhidrosis User Reviews (Page 4)

Drysol has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 296 reviews for the treatment of Hyperhidrosis. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Drysol

  • Anonymous
  • August 5, 2010

"I have been using Drysol for close to 16 years now... I love it. My story is very similar to several I have read on this site. I had a terrible problem with underarm sweat - to the point of putting wash cloths under my arms. It was so bad I could not wear sweaters in the winter because I would soak them. When I started using Drysol I had the typical itching and burning for a few weeks. The more I have used it the less the problem. Now, I only itch if I get too far out from under my arm pit and put the solution on skin not used to it. When I first started using Drysol I was an every other day user. Now, in the winter I can go 6 to 8 days. In the summer I go 3 to 4 days - I live in Atlanta, GA and we reach 98 yesterday."

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  • Anony...
  • May 21, 2013

"I have dealt with excessive sweating ever since I was around 10 years old. Being that this problem started right as puberty did made it very hard and extremely embarrassing for me to handle. I spent hundreds of dollars on antiperspirants, natural treatments, OTC options, etc. I am now 19 and finally gave into going to my doctor to seek help. She prescribed Drysol for me and from day one of using it I have been sweat free. I can finally wear colors again and get rid of my worn out black shirts. The only problem I had was on my second night of using the product. I must have used too much and in the morning my skin was a little sore and red, but this went away with a little pain relieving cream and was gone within a few hours."

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  • MCG
  • November 13, 2013

"I've been using Drysol for close to 6 years now. Prior, I used to sweat just sitting at my chair and it made me extremely self conscious. I tried every deodorant/ anti-perspiration in the market and nothing helped. Finally I went to my dermatologist and he prescribed this. The first few times I used it it was extremely itchy and red but I would tough it out. I learned from experience NOT to shave before applying and to make sure I wear a T-shirt to bed otherwise the rubbing together may cause irritation. Over the years my sweating had seriously reduced, I went from having to put Drysol on every couples of days, to weeks, now I put it on MAYBE 3 times a year. Love it."

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  • hot...
  • September 5, 2014

"You rarely hear about hyperhidrosis being anywhere but in the arm pits so it took me a long time to discover Drysol as I have suffered with excessive facial, neck, scalp, upper chest and armpit sweating for almost 20 years and its becoming worse the older I get. Drysol is a lifesaver as my sweating has gotten so bad I don't want to leave the house most days. I have only been using it for 4 days but I have almost stopped sweating altogether. It does sting a little when applied but applying it with a tissue has helped reduce the stinging as you use less."

10 / 10
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  • Belle
  • August 16, 2013

"I have had this issue for several years. I am 20. I would get dressed and have to change before I left the house because I would be soaked through in a few minutes. My clothes were stained. I couldn't wear light color clothes and always wore a sweater or jacket to hide the wetness. I tried every clinical strength over the counter product on the market to no avail. I finally asked my doctor and she wrote me a prescription for Drysol. It worked after the first application. I couldn't believe I suffered all that time. My insurance covers it, but it is cheaper than my copay. It literally changed my life. I now wear cotton blouses with confidence. No side effects. Just don't use it after shaving."

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  • Anonymous
  • December 5, 2016

"Typical hyperhidrosis story, here. All of my white undershirts have nasty looking yellow/brown stains on the pits and a lot of colored shirts have white stains from sweating so much that over the counter deodorant had stained the pits. I'll admit, I didn't have a ton of hope for drysol, as no deodorant has ever worked for me. This stuff works. I'm amazed. The only problem is that it is excruciatingly itchy. I thought this would only be for the first couple of nights, but nope. Every single night it itches like hell for about 30 minutes. Even before I apply it, there's a slight itch. Occasionally the itching is accompanied by a slight burning sensation, but not always. The stuff works wonders and I'd rate it 10/10 if it wasn't for the itch."

7 / 10
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14 Report
  • Joshs...
  • April 5, 2015

"Had severe sweating in my armpits beginning when I started to go through puberty, my parents and doctor both told me that as I got older, this problem would go away. It didn't, and as a result I started using Drysol. I know you probably have seen these two words a lot on this website but the product really is 'life changing'. Great product."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • sh3r
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 21, 2024

"I use Drysol consistently, and I’ve gotten the results I’m looking for. I used to sweat for no reason, but now I can even work out without breaking a sweat. Truly a game-changer for me, and helped with my confidence."

9 / 10
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2 Report
  • Leand...
  • August 1, 2016

"Ive been using this product for only 3 weeks but I strongly recommend it !! I used it 3 days in a row at first before I got to bed I applied it on my under arms let dry throw on a t-shirt and went to bed. Like some of you I also expirienced some burning/itching sensation, first day it's was very mild but the third day it was bad but not unbearable. After that I'm just applying it 2x a week. It's a life changer before I couldn't even wear the tops I wanted it's was embarrassing walking around with there huge sweat stains on my underarms. But now I can wear what I please there's no need to put up with that anymore "

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  • RCVC
  • April 16, 2013

"Literally a life-changing product...I've been using it for 3 days and I'm already 100% satisfied. I tried other products out there but continued to sweat (armpits) even in the wintertime, 5 minutes out the door and the sweat would go through my shirt, within about an hour the sweat would go through my entire SUIT. Was thinking about getting surgery or botox injections, but somehow stumbled upon a site where I saw Drysol reviews and became cautiously optimistic from the customer reviews that this was my solution. SO happy to finally get rid of this terrible condition."

10 / 10
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  • Wethead
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 20, 2018

"This WORKS! It may burn a little in 1st application but it’s worth it. I am no longer embarrassed having soaking wet hair from nerves and in situations where sweating would be odd. After 2-3 doses, you’ll be good for at least 6 months."

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12 Report
  • Rebec...
  • August 26, 2016

"This is hands down the best thing that has ever happened in my life. My problem areas are my hands and feet. They would sweat so bad, the sweat would appear through my sandals and my hands would stick to my paper when writing in school. So embarrassing. I used Drysol for 3 consecutive nights and after the 3rd night, I was sweat free! I did not experience burning and itching until the third night and, boy, was it unconformable to sleep in. I now only use it once a week, but will cut down later on in the year. Drysol did make my hands very dry to the point when I rub then together, the dead skin/flakes would fall off (and a lot of it). I am in search for a good hand cream, but I am in no rush because dry hands are better then sweaty ones."

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  • C RICH
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 3, 2013

"In first year university I started sweating so much under my arms that I would have to change my undershirt 5 times a day and only wear dark colours so I wouldn't show my sweat stains. I tried every deodarant and anti-perspirant I could find and nothing worked. I went to the doctor and he recommended Drysol (no prescription needed). I used it for the first night and covered my underarms with lots of it. It was itchy and my skin was irritated in the morning with a red rash but I did not sweat again! The small amount of pain from the rash was worth it. I only have to re-apply once every couple of years! Amazing."

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  • Grace...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 14, 2016

"Struggled considerably with excessive sweating starting at age 14. A close friend told me in college about how well Rx Drysol had worked for her, so I talked with my doctor. Long story short: after using Drysol exactly as prescribed during my 20s and 30s, my underarm sweating was 100% eradicated. Was able to switch to over-the-counter antiperspirants/deodorants for decades. Only now, pushing sixtysomething, did I need to request another Rx for Drysol after noticing some perspiration begin. After only a few applications, that problem too was solved! Drysol = an unforgettable quality-of-life improvement! Would 1,000% recommend it to anyone struggling with excessive sweating. PS. Cardinal Rule: APPLY DRYSOL SPARINGLY!!"

10 / 10
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  • Skoulis
  • November 9, 2016

"Drysol has seriously changed my life! I have excessive sweating on my scalp and face. No matter where I went, sweat would be pouring down my face like a waterfall. The biggest issue I had with the sweating was at work as I was serving food, and obviously nobody wants to be served by the sweaty girl. Some days I didn't even want to go to class because I my face would be dripping with sweat. I was recommended Drysol by a dermatologist but I was told that it would sting a lot but I was willing to try anything. Let me warn you that it burns like crazy. You will want to wash it off but stay strong, it is worth it. I applied it on my face for 3 nights and my scalp for 2 nights and I am dry as a bone!!! Drysol has forever changed my life."

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  • chiLLIN
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2020

"Ok so I’ve been suffering with hyperhidrosis for as long as I remember maybe 8th grade . Well I’m in my 30’s and I used Drysol for the first time last night . Today no unnecessary sweating or anxiety about it . Will continue use .. side effects / it burns like anything and I did have some rashes from it . I’m a black woman and this is a game changer . For my face and Pitts !"

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  • Beech...
  • August 8, 2018

"Ever since high school I had suffered greatly from hyperhidrosis, which caused me severe anxiety and discomfort. It wasn't until a friend of mine recommended drysol at the age of 34 that I finally found a product that helped me. After just one use I noticed a huge difference and for the very first time in my life, I was able to go through my day without being constantly paranoid about my armpits. I can now wear whatever I want, no matter the color or fabric and I have absolutely no issue with excessive sweating. I can't begin to explain how freeing it has been on my anxiety. Although the medication can be extremely itchy during application, it is a small price to pay for this type of relief. I purchased drysol at a pharmacy, without a prescription, for $26 and have only needed to use it a few times over the past two years. So, in my opinion, the cost is extremely low and affordable and very much worth it, I think this bottle will last me a lifetime."

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  • Anonymous
  • March 16, 2016

"This works amazingly. I've had a problem with sweating for so long and this was a life saver for me. However if you get it prescribed by a doctor I recommend that you test how often you put it on yourself. I recently had Hypercare, which according to my pharmacist had the same exact ingredients as Drysol, so my doctor told me how much to put on a week etc. But a horrible burning and redness happened in my armpit and a lump came about from using it too often. So seriously use this sparingly and test it yourself how often to use it. Everyone is different so you may only need to use it a couple times a month or week etc! Just a warning for new users!"

8 / 10
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  • TKano
  • April 28, 2018

"I slowly noticed I would be sweating even when I was laying down doing nothing. I knew something was up when I was freezing cold, but sweating like a pig. Only my underarms. It got so bad, I had to start putting paper towels in my shirts, otherwise my shirt would be soaked & I’d have to change it. Let’s just say I was miserable. I didn’t think there was a cure for it. I basically accepted it. Then my best friend told me her husband has hyperhidrosis. So I did my research & went to do the doc. Turns out, that’s what I have. She prescribed me Drysol. I didn’t think it would work. I tried all OTC ones. Nothing worked. I am amazed with this. First night I tried it, I woke up the next day with no sweat. DRY! I was so happy. Only downfall is the itching & burning. I only had some slight redness. This is my second night I’ve done it. So I’m going to take a break, & see how long I can go. But so far, it’s been a miracle. & I feel so much happier. Highly recommend."

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  • Totally...
  • July 3, 2016

"I have been suffering from hyperhydrosis for 15 years. My scalp would literally sweat like a broken faucet. I would constantly have to wipe the perspiration off my head every few seconds. It was so embarrassing! A pharmacist recommended Drysol and after the first application I was sweat free. I couldn't believe it! I have a new lease on life. I can finally not have to carry napkins around, and be worried about sweating in front of the public. If you suffer from severe sweating of the scalp please, I repeat please give Drysol a try- you won't be sorry. I give this product a rating of an eleven out of ten!"

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  • Flood...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 24, 2018

"This stuff is amazing! Everyone in the world who suffers from hyperhidrosis should use this product! I started sweating excessively in the 10th grade and I tried every antiperspirant on the market ( and a substantial amount of home remedies) and absolutely NOTHING worked. Spring of my senior year I decided to see a doctor about it. He prescribed Drysol and I started using it that night. It took a few days to work and it itched and burned pretty badly, but now I'm in college and I never have to worry about what to wear or sitting through a lecture. Bone dry every day! Drysol rocks!"

9 / 10
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  • Breanna...
  • June 28, 2016

"Although Drysol does work it is also very painful for me. When I apply and even hours after, I have pain in my armpits. They are completely bumpy with red rashes and the burning is the worst part. The morning after I apply it , the redness dies down and so does the pain. The sweating does go away and this product would be perfect without the horrible side effects it gives me! Overall I feel that the product is not worth the pain I go through when and after applying."

8 / 10
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  • canad...
  • January 24, 2017

"I've always sweat a lot, and it's super embarrassing. I couldn't wear light coloured shirts because I'd have giant pit stains, and after a few wears, the shirts would become stained yellow and were basically ruined. It was awful, and I was so self-conscious ALL the time. I've tried every brand of extra strength antiperspirants, and though some work better than others, none worked well enough for me. This works wonders for me. I don't sweat anymore! Something I never thought I'd be able to say. Drysol has been a total life changer for me, and now I'm happy to buy clothing again! I couldn't recommend this product enough. It's wonderful!"

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  • Miss...
  • March 13, 2017

"Drysol works very well. If you let your underarms completely dry, either by themselves or with a blow-dryer on low setting, there should be no irritation. If there is any continuous itching or burning, simply watch your armpits and dry them. Use sparingly."

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  • Paris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 16, 2013

"This is the best solution to underarm sweating. I did experience one problem, a little burning under my left arm. After I washed the Drysol off of my left arm and applied some irritation ointment and then the Drysol everything was great. I have been dry all day today and I have only used Drysol for 1 night. I'm so loving this. I can't wait to go to Miami I can wear any shirt or blouse I want. I'm so hyped I give this medication a 2 thumbs up."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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More about Drysol (aluminum chloride hexahydrate topical)

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Xerac AC, Hypercare

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