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Sertraline sexual side effects?

I have been having issues with ejaculation due to Sertraline, it also gives me severe gas. Should I tell my doctor to put me on another med or wing me off?

Sucralfate premixed with water?

Can sucralfate tablets be crushed and premix for storage in the refrigerator?

Methotrexate - and the new RSV vaccine?

I take methotrexate by injection weekly and had my RSV vaccine two weeks ago whilst still taking it, so have had two more methotrexate injections since then. Annoyingly, I wasn't told to stop it... Will I still get any protection from having had the vaccine?

Prevnar 20 vs Pneumovax 23: Which vaccine is right for you?

Which pneumonia vaccine should I have?

Lorazepam - This question is in regards to lorazepam, but first I need to give the reader some...

... history of my problems. I have dealt with anxiety and depression most of my life, I've been to several psychiatrists and was also in the hospital twice in my teenage years. To begin with I was started on librium, then Valium, along with stelizine, Navane, and finally lorazepam. At first...

Bleeding for 3 days fall on leg?

Fall 3 days ago and my leg is missing some skin íam also on Eliquis. I did go to ED the doc said not a big deal. I have it wrapped and mainly have it up and been off it for most of 2 days. change gauze daily and cleaning adding Neosporin ointment

Heartburn and something to take along side Effexor?

I have been taking Effexor 150mg for a few years and after talking to my doctor, she feels that I should up my dosage. I started taking the 150mg and 37.5mg together. Ever since I made the adjustment (approx 3 weeks ago) I've been experiencing heart burn daily. I don't usually get...

Can telmisartan and magnesium glyconate be taken if separated by 12 hours?

I need magnesium desperately.

How to get normal TSH levels after radioactive iodine treatment, that killed my thyroid?

My husband rushed me to ER. When i started having strange behavior. Staring into space, not eating, paranoid that people were trying to kill me and take my kids away. Trusted no one. The ER Dr. Thought i got some bad drugs somewhere. I had not left the house in over a week. After fighting nurses...

Effexor - Stopped taking effexor 150mg after 20 years. I'm on day 7 now. What can I expect?

Brain zaps subsided.get a little emotional sometimes.but over all I feel good..nights are the worst. Any comments would be helpful. Thanks.

Can you get pregnant if you take Sprintec birth control and took Plan B?

I take Sprintec Birth Control. I take it regularly every night. I shoot for 9pm. I may take a few minutes before or after but it's always around that time. My husband and I always use a condom, for extra measures. This last time there was an issue with the condom or user error. Anyways...

Vraylar for anxiety and treatment resistant depression, any experience?

Hello, I don’t mean to duplicate a question posted to another group as I’ve received very helpful info from a member who made me aware of some possible additions to what I’m taking. Perhaps someone could help me with how Vraylar worked for them. I’m treatment resistant, on a...