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How long does seroqel stay in your system?


WildcatVet 25 Jan 2014

Hi, katelyn! Seroquel has a very short half-life of 6hrs. If you take a 100mg capsule, in 6 hrs 50mg will remain in your system, in 12hrs 25mg, in 18hrs 12.5mg and so on. In 24hrs not enough would remain to really have any effect.
But if you take it over a period of time, your blood level will be slightly higher than the dose you take and it would take your liver and kidneys a little longer to completely clear it from your system.
Because Seroquel's half-life is so very short some people may experience withdrawal systems after missing just a single dose,
Withdrawal from Seroquel takes 2wks to several months of very gradually reducing the daily dose.
I wasn't quite sure how you meant your question and I hope this is helpful.
If not, just comment, okay?
Best wishes, WCV

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