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What is the difference between hydroxyzine hcl & hydroxyzine pam?


kaismama 3 April 2013

Nothing important. Its the same medication in different chemical salts, one hydrochloride one pamoate.

Votes: +1
Lin_Z_Rae 6 Sep 2015

In some cases, the difference between salt makeup can be huge. For example, I used to take Darvocet napsylate, then switched to the equivalent Darvon hcl, and it was a capsule without the acetaminophen. The hcl turned out to be 3 times stronger than Napsylate, so you do have to do your research =)

Lin_Z_Rae 6 Sep 2015

Actually it was called Deprancol hcl, and was 150mg, so when compared to the Darvocet nap 100mg, it had to be carefully calculated! However, without the acetaminophen, it was difficult to tell how many mg of actual Darvon and multiply by 3.5 to get the equivalent dosage. free discount card

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