Hello, I think I've recently started taking Clonidine HCL 0.1 MGs for maybe a little more than a month. It was only fairly recently I noticed I felt like I was on a rocking ship in a storm! It's pretty much gotten worse since that started about 4 days ago, that's why I'm posting this question.

Today the dizziness has gotten so severe that I've had to lay my head down at work. I really don't trust my footing, as I know with feeling this dizzy I just feel like I'll loose my balance all over the place... It's just awful :( It’s not helping things when I feel my head hurting from the dizziness, and to top that off I’m feeling super nauseas! Bleh.

If you need to know- I was prescribed Clonodine because I have a twitch all over my body. I thought it was due to the Guillain-Barré I had when I was 4 years old (I'm 26 now) but my newest neurologist thinks I have Wilson's Disease. I'm still in a process of seeing if that's a for certain thing. I do however have too much copper in my body from blood work I had in February.

If you have any suggestions for stopping the dizziness, it would be very much appreciated! Or if there’s something I should do, let me know too.
