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When is the best time of day to take Methotrexate ?


bacterial 19 Oct 2013

I've been on Methotrexate for 4 years and was advised by the Rheumatology Nurse at that time to take the Methotrexate with the last meal of the day, in the evening in order to "sleep off any side effects" as she said. I did that, and have found this works well for me. The later in the day I have my last meal and Methotrexate the better because I can then go to bed. I wake up the following day feeling fine. Initially I just felt tired the day after the meds, but now I don't even feel tired and can go to my exercise classes and follow my usual routine. I hope this helps you, Marth.

Votes: +2
ConcernedVa 30 Oct 2013

Thank you for your comment this helps a lot, I started taking this medicine today and I took it at noon:-( I hope I will be ok

marth 30 Oct 2013

thanks for your reply free discount card

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