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Company: Vedco

Fecal Flotation Medium Containing Zinc Sulfate

OVASOL is a premeasured amount of Zinc Sulfate Heptahydrate to be reconstituted and used for flotation techniques of fecal analysis. Take time to observe all label directions.

Directions For Use

Fill container with warm water to brim, secure cap and shake well. Repeat shaking. Do not add additional water. This will produce a specific gravity of 1.18.

Testing Procedure: For Simple Flotation Techniques - Thoroughly mix 2 grams of fresh feces with 15 mL of OvaSol Solution into a fecal flotation device. When thoroughly mixed, add enough additional OvaSol until a reverse meniscus forms.

Float a 22 mm cover slip or slide on the meniscus. Allow to stand for at least 15 minutes for ova to float through fecal flotation device screen and adhere to cover slip. Place cover slip on microscope slide and examine under low power to look for ova.

For Rapid Test Results - Thoroughly mix 2 grams of fresh feces with 15 mL of OvaSol Solution into centrifuge tube. When thoroughly mixed, add enough additional OvaSol until a reverse meniscus forms. Centrifuge at 1500 rpm for 3-5 minutes. Examine a sample under the microscope.

For either testing procedure Lugols Iodine can be added to the slide to stain giardia cysts if desired.

For veterinary use only.

Keep out of reach of children.

Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

NET CONTENTS: 2.9 lbs. (1.32 kg)

VEDCO - 11/14/98.1

CPN: 10941621

Telephone:   816-238-8840
Toll-Free:   888-708-3326 (888-70VEDCO)
Fax:   816-238-1837
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