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Drug Interaction Report

34 potential interactions and/or warnings found for the following 7 drugs:

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buPROPion PARoxetine

Applies to: bupropion, paroxetine

MONITOR CLOSELY: The use of bupropion is associated with a dose-related risk of seizures. The risk may be further increased when coadministered with other agents that can reduce the seizure threshold, including antidepressants, CNS stimulants, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, phenothiazines, and dopaminergic blocking agents such as neuroleptics and metoclopramide. These agents are often individually epileptogenic and may have additive effects when combined. The estimated incidence of seizures is approximately 0.4% for immediate-release bupropion hydrochloride at dosages between 300 to 450 mg/day (equivalent to 348 to 522 mg/day of bupropion hydrobromide), but increases almost tenfold between 450 mg and 600 mg/day (equivalent to 522 and 696 mg/day of bupropion hydrobromide). Data for sustained-release (SR) bupropion hydrochloride revealed a seizure incidence of approximately 0.1% at dosages up to 300 mg/day and 0.4% at 400 mg/day. Likewise, in clinical trials, an overall seizure incidence of approximately 0.1% has been reported with extended-release (XL) bupropion hydrochloride at dosages up to 450 mg/day and approximately 0.39% at 450 mg/day. The 0.4% seizure incidence may exceed that of other marketed antidepressants by as much as 4-fold.

ADJUST DOSE: Coadministration with bupropion may increase the plasma concentrations of drugs that are metabolized by CYP450 2D6, including many antidepressants, neuroleptics, CNS stimulants (e.g., amphetamines), metoclopramide, and some acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (e.g., donepezil, galantamine). The mechanism is decreased clearance due to inhibition of CYP450 2D6 activity by bupropion and its metabolite, hydroxybupropion. Approximately 93% of Caucasians and more than 98% of Asians and individuals of African descent are extensive metabolizers of CYP450 2D6 and may be affected by this interaction. In a study of 15 male volunteers who were extensive metabolizers of CYP450 2D6, administration of a single 50 mg dose of desipramine following treatment with bupropion 150 mg twice daily increased the desipramine peak plasma concentration (Cmax), systemic exposure (AUC) and half-life by an average of 2-, 5-, and 2-fold, respectively. The effect was present for at least 7 days after the last dose of bupropion. A case report describes a 4-fold increase in plasma levels of imipramine and its metabolite, desipramine, in a 64-year-old woman following the addition of bupropion 225 mg/day. Plasma levels of desipramine were increased twofold more than the imipramine levels, which is consistent with the fact that desipramine is primarily metabolized by CYP450 2D6 while imipramine is also metabolized by other CYP450 isoenzymes. In another report, an 83-year-old woman became unsteady, confused, and lethargic following the addition of bupropion SR 300 mg/day. Her nortriptyline level was found to have increased by 185%. A later rechallenge prompted recurrence of the interaction. Likewise, a 62-year-old woman with no history of seizures developed a generalized tonic-clonic seizure in association with toxic trimipramine plasma levels following the addition of bupropion 300 mg/day. No further seizures occurred following dosage reductions of both drugs.

MANAGEMENT: Extreme caution is advised if bupropion is administered with any substance that can reduce the seizure threshold, particularly in the elderly and in patients with a history of seizures or other risk factors for seizures (e.g., head trauma; brain tumor; severe hepatic cirrhosis; metabolic disorders; CNS infections; excessive use of alcohol or sedatives; addiction to opiates, cocaine, or stimulants; diabetes treated with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin). Bupropion as well as concomitant medications should be initiated at the lower end of the dosage range and titrated gradually as needed and as tolerated. The maximum recommended dosage for the specific bupropion formulation should not be exceeded. Clinical and laboratory monitoring may be appropriate for concomitant medications that are substrates of CYP450 2D6 whenever bupropion is added to or withdrawn from therapy. Bupropion should be discontinued and not restarted in patients who experience a seizure during treatment.


  1. Rosenstein DL, Nelson JC, Jacobs SC (1993) "Seizures associated with antidepressants: a review." J Clin Psychiatry, 54, p. 289-99
  2. James WA, Lippmann S (1991) "Bupropion: overview and prescribing guidelines in depression." South Med J, 84, p. 222-4
  3. Johnston JA, Lineberry CG, Ascher JA, et al. (1991) "A 102-center prospective study of seizure in association with bupropion." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 450-6
  4. Gittelman DK, Kirby MG (1993) "A seizure following bupropion overdose." J Clin Psychiatry, 54, p. 162
  5. Sheehan DV, Welch JB, Fishman SM (1986) "A case of bupropion-induced seizure." J Nerv Ment Dis, 174, p. 496-8
  6. Dufresne RL, Weber SS, Becker RE (1984) "Bupropion hydrochloride." Drug Intell Clin Pharm, 18, p. 957-64
  7. (2001) "Product Information. Wellbutrin (bupropion)." Glaxo Wellcome
  8. Masco HL, Kiev A, Holloman LC, Batey SR, Johnston JA, Lineberry CG (1994) "Safety and efficacy of bupropion and nortriptyline in outpatients with depression." Curr Ther Res Clin Exp, 55, p. 851-63
  9. Storrow AB (1994) "Bupropion overdose and seizure." Am J Emerg Med, 12, p. 183-4
  10. (2001) "Product Information. Wellbutrin SR (bupropion)." Glaxo Wellcome
  11. (2001) "Product Information. Zyban (bupropion)." Glaxo Wellcome
  12. Shad MU (1997) "A possible bupropion and imipramine interaction." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 17, p. 118
  13. Guzey C, Norstrom A, Spigset O (2002) "Change from the CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer to the poor metabolizer phenotype during treatment with bupropion." Ther Drug Monit, 24, p. 436-7
  14. Enns MW (2001) "Seizure during combination of trimipramine and bupropion." J Clin Psychiatry, 62, p. 476-7
  15. Pisani F, Spina E, Oteri G (1999) "Antidepressant drugs and seizure susceptibility: from in vitro data to clinical practice." Epilepsia, 40(Suppl 10), S48-56
  16. (2003) "Product Information. Wellbutrin XL (bupropion)." GlaxoSmithKline
  17. Shin YW, Erm TM, Choi EJ, Kim SY (2004) "A Case of Prolonged Seizure Activity After Combined Use of Bupropion and Clomipramine." Clin Neuropharmacol, 27, p. 192-194
  18. Canadian Pharmacists Association (2006) e-CPS.
  19. (2009) "Product Information. Aplenzin (bupropion)." sanofi-aventis
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busPIRone PARoxetine

Applies to: BuSpar (buspirone), paroxetine

MONITOR CLOSELY: Concomitant use of agents with serotonergic activity such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, 5-HT1 receptor agonists, ergot alkaloids, cyclobenzaprine, lithium, St. John's wort, phenylpiperidine opioids, dextromethorphan, and tryptophan may potentiate the risk of serotonin syndrome, which is a rare but serious and potentially fatal condition thought to result from hyperstimulation of brainstem 5-HT1A and 2A receptors. Symptoms of the serotonin syndrome may include mental status changes such as irritability, altered consciousness, confusion, hallucination, and coma; autonomic dysfunction such as tachycardia, hyperthermia, diaphoresis, shivering, blood pressure lability, and mydriasis; neuromuscular abnormalities such as hyperreflexia, myoclonus, tremor, rigidity, and ataxia; and gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

MANAGEMENT: In general, the concomitant use of multiple serotonergic agents should be avoided if possible, or otherwise approached with caution if potential benefit is deemed to outweigh the risk. Patients should be closely monitored for symptoms of the serotonin syndrome during treatment. Particular caution is advised when increasing the dosages of these agents. The potential risk for serotonin syndrome should be considered even when administering serotonergic agents sequentially, as some agents may demonstrate a prolonged elimination half-life. For example, some experts suggest a 5-week washout period following use of fluoxetine and 3 weeks following the use of vortioxetine before administering another serotonergic agent. Individual product labeling for washout periods should be consulted for current recommendations. If serotonin syndrome develops or is suspected during the course of therapy, all serotonergic agents should be discontinued immediately and supportive care rendered as necessary. Moderately ill patients may also benefit from the administration of a serotonin antagonist (e.g., cyproheptadine, chlorpromazine). Severe cases should be managed under consultation with a toxicologist and may require sedation, neuromuscular paralysis, intubation, and mechanical ventilation in addition to the other measures.


  1. Hansen TE, Dieter K, Keepers GA (1990) "Interaction of fluoxetine and pentazocine." Am J Psychiatry, 147, p. 949-50
  2. Achamallah NS (1992) "Visual hallucinations after combining fluoxetine and dextromethorphan ." Am J Psychiatry, 149, p. 1406
  3. Nierenberg DW, Semprebon M (1993) "The central nervous system serotonin syndrome." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 53, p. 84-8
  4. Metz A (1990) "Interaction between fluoxetine and buspirone." Can J Psychiatry, 35, p. 722-3
  5. Goldberg RJ, Huk M (1992) "Serotonin syndrome from trazodone and buspirone." Psychosomatics, 33, p. 235-6
  6. (2002) "Product Information. D.H.E. 45 (dihydroergotamine)." Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corporation
  7. Sternbach H (1991) "The serotonin syndrome." Am J Psychiatry, 148, p. 705-13
  8. Ciraulo DA, Shader RI (1990) "Fluoxetine drug-drug interactions. II." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 10, p. 213-7
  9. Ciraulo DA, Shader RI (1990) "Fluoxetine drug-drug interactions: I. Antidepressants and antipsychotics." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 10, p. 48-50
  10. (2001) "Product Information. Zoloft (sertraline)." Roerig Division
  11. (2001) "Product Information. Prozac (fluoxetine)." Dista Products Company
  12. Noble WH, Baker A (1992) "MAO inhibitors and coronary artery surgery: a patient death." Can J Anaesth, 39, p. 1061-6
  13. Insel TR, Roy BF, Cohen RM, Murphy DL (1982) "Possible development of the serotonin syndrome in man." Am J Psychiatry, 139, p. 954-5
  14. (2001) "Product Information. Effexor (venlafaxine)." Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
  15. Gilman AG, eds., Nies AS, Rall TW, Taylor P (1990) "Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics." New York, NY: Pergamon Press Inc.
  16. (2001) "Product Information. Paxil (paroxetine)." GlaxoSmithKline
  17. (2001) "Product Information. Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine)." Merck & Co., Inc
  18. Insler SR, Kraenzler EJ, Licina MG, Savage RM, Starr NJ (1994) "Cardiac surgery in a patient taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors - an adverse fentanyl reaction." Anesth Analg, 78, p. 593-7
  19. (2001) "Product Information. Imitrex (sumatriptan)." Glaxo Wellcome
  20. Ruiz F (1994) "Fluoxetine and the serotonin syndrome." Ann Emerg Med, 24, p. 983-5
  21. (2001) "Product Information. Luvox (fluvoxamine)." Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc
  22. Reeves RR, Bullen JA (1995) "Serotonin syndrome produced by paroxetine and low-dose trazodone." Psychosomatics, 36, p. 159-60
  23. Harvey AT, Preskorn SH (1995) "Interactions of serotonin reuptake inhibitors with tricyclic antidepressants." Arch Gen Psychiatry, 52, p. 783-4
  24. Baetz M, Malcolm D (1995) "Serotonin syndrome from fluvoxamine and buspirone." Can J Psychiatry, 40, p. 428-9
  25. Fischer P (1995) "Serotonin syndrome in the elderly after antidepressive monotherapy." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 15, p. 440-2
  26. Corkeron MA (1995) "Serotonin syndrome - a potentially fatal complication of antidepressant therapy." Med J Aust, 163, p. 481-2
  27. George TP, Godleski LS (1996) "Possible serotonin syndrome with trazodone addition to fluoxetine." Biol Psychiatry, 39, p. 384-5
  28. Skop BP, Finkelstein JA, Mareth TR, Magoon MR, Brown TM (1994) "The serotonin syndrome associated wtih paroxetine, an over-the-counter cold remedy, and vascular disease." Am J Emerg Med, 12, p. 642-4
  29. Mason BJ, Blackburn KH (1997) "Possible serotonin syndrome associated with tramadol and sertraline coadministration." Ann Pharmacother, 31, p. 175-7
  30. John L, Perreault MM, Tao T, Blew PG (1997) "Serotonin syndrome associated with nefazodone and paroxetine." Ann Emerg Med, 29, p. 287-9
  31. (2001) "Product Information. Zomig (zolmitriptan)." Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
  32. (2001) "Product Information. Meridia (sibutramine)." Knoll Pharmaceutical Company
  33. Mills KC (1997) "Serotonin syndrome: A clinical update." Crit Care Clin, 13, p. 763
  34. Bhatara VS, Magnus RD, Paul KL, Preskorn SH (1998) "Serotonin syndrome induced by venlafaxine and fluoxetine: a case study in polypharmacy and potential pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic mechanisms." Ann Pharmacother, 32, p. 432-6
  35. (2001) "Product Information. Maxalt (rizatriptan)." Merck & Co., Inc
  36. (2001) "Product Information. Celexa (citalopram)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  37. Gardner DM, Lynd LD (1998) "Sumatriptan contraindications and the serotonin syndrome." Ann Pharmacother, 32, p. 33-8
  38. Mathew NT, Tietjen GE, Lucker C (1996) "Serotonin syndrome complicating migraine pharmacotherapy." Cephalalgia, 16, p. 323-7
  39. Chan BSH, Graudins A, Whyte IM, Dawson AH, Braitberg G, Duggin GG (1998) "Serotonin syndrome resulting from drug interactions." Med J Aust, 169, p. 523-5
  40. Egberts AC, ter Borg J, Brodie-Meijer CC (1997) "Serotonin syndrome attributed to tramadol addition to paroxetine therapy." Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 12, p. 181-2
  41. Weiner AL (1999) "Meperidine as a potential cause of serotonin syndrome in the emergency department." Acad Emerg Med, 6, p. 156-8
  42. Miller LG (1998) "Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions." Arch Intern Med, 158, p. 2200-11
  43. Gordon JB (1998) "SSRI's and St. John's Wort: possible toxicity?" Am Fam Physician, 57, 950,953
  44. Lantz MS, Buchalter E, Giambanco V (1999) "St. John's wort and antidepressant drug interactions in the elderly." J Geriatr Psychiatr Neurol, 12, p. 7-10
  45. Fugh-Berman A (2000) "Herb-drug interactions." Lancet, 355, p. 134-8
  46. (2001) "Product Information. Zyvox (linezolid)." Pharmacia and Upjohn
  47. Perry NK (2000) "Venlafaxine-induced serotonin syndrome with relapse following amitriptyline." Postgrad Med J, 76, p. 254-6
  48. Manos GH (2000) "Possible serotonin syndrome associated with buspirone added to fluoxetine." Ann Pharmacother, 34, p. 871-4
  49. Nijhawan PK, Katz G, Winter S (1996) "Psychiatric illness and the serotonin syndrome: an emerging adverse drug effect leading to intensive care unit admission." Crit Care Med, 24, p. 1086-9
  50. Laird LK (1996) "Issues in the monopharmacotherapy and polypharmacotherapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder." Psychopharmacol Bull, 32, p. 569-78
  51. Margolese HC, Chouinard G (2000) "Serotonin syndrome from addition of low-dose trazodone to nefazodone." Am J Psychiatry, 157, p. 1022
  52. Mackay FJ, Dunn NR, Mann RD (1999) "Antidepressants and the serotonin syndrome in general practice." Br J Gen Pract, 49, p. 871-4
  53. Smith DL, Wenegrat BG (2000) "A case report of serotonin syndrome associated with combined nefazodone and fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 61, p. 146
  54. Rosebraugh CJ, floxkhart DA, Yasuda SU, Woosley RL (2001) "Visual hallucination and tremor induced by sertraline and oxycodone in a bone marrow transplant patient." J Clin Pharmacol, 41, p. 224-7
  55. Izzo AA, Ernst E (2001) "Interactions between herbal medicines and prescribed drugs: a systematic review." Drugs, 61, p. 2163-75
  56. Duggal HS, Fetchko J (2002) "Serotonin syndrome and atypical antipsychotics." Am J Psychiatry, 159, p. 672-3
  57. Wigen CL, Goetz MB (2002) "Serotonin syndrome and linezolid." Clin Infect Dis, 34, p. 1651-2
  58. Hammerness P, Parada H, Abrams A (2002) "Linezolid: MAOI Activity and Potential Drug Interactions." Psychosomatics, 43, p. 248-9
  59. (2002) "Product Information. Lexapro (escitalopram)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  60. Dougherty JA, Young H, Shafi T (2002) "Serotonin syndrome induced by amitriptyline, meperidine, and venlafaxine." Ann Pharmacother, 36, p. 1647-1648
  61. Turkel SB, Nadala JG, Wincor MZ (2001) "Possible serotonin syndrome in association with 5-HT3 antagonist agents." Psychosomatics, 42, p. 258-60
  62. Martin TG (1996) "Serotonin syndrome." Ann Emerg Med, 28, p. 520-6
  63. Lavery S, Ravi H, McDaniel WW, Pushkin YR (2001) "Linezolid and serotonin syndrome." Psychosomatics, 42, p. 432-4
  64. Lane R, Baldwin D (1997) "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor--induced serotonin syndrome: review." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 17, p. 208-21
  65. Bernard L, Stern R, Lew D, Hoffmeyer P (2003) "Serotonin syndrome after concomitant treatment with linezolid and citalopram." Clin Infect Dis, 36, p. 1197
  66. Dannawi M (2002) "Possible serotonin syndrome after combination of buspirone and St John's Wort." J Psychopharmacol, 16, p. 401
  67. Tissot TA (2003) "Probable meperidine-induced serotonin syndrome in a patient with a history of fluoxetine use." Anesthesiology, 98, p. 1511-1512
  68. Hachem RY, Hicks K, Huen A, Raad I (2003) "Myelosuppression and serotonin syndrome associated with concurrent use of linezolid and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in bone marrow transplant recipients." Clin Infect Dis, 37, E8-E11
  69. Gillman PK (2003) "Linezolid and serotonin toxicity." Clin Infect Dis, 37, p. 1274-5
  70. Roy S, Fortier LP (2003) "Fentanyl-induced rigidity during emergence from general anesthesia potentiated by venlafexine." Can J Anaesth, 50, p. 32-5
  71. Giese SY, Neborsky R (2001) "Serotonin syndrome: potential consequences of Meridia combined with Demerol or fentanyl." Plast Reconstr Surg, 107, p. 293-4
  72. Jones SL, Athan E, O'Brien D (2004) "Serotonin syndrome due to co-administration of linezolid and venlafaxine." J Antimicrob Chemother, 54, p. 289-90
  73. Tahir N (2004) "Serotonin syndrome as a consequence of drug-resistant infections: an interaction between linezolid and citalopram." J Am Med Dir Assoc, 5, p. 111-3
  74. (2004) "Product Information. Cymbalta (duloxetine)." Lilly, Eli and Company
  75. Thomas CR, Rosenberg M, Blythe V, Meyer WJ 3rd (2004) "Serotonin syndrome and linezolid." J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 43, p. 790
  76. Boyer EW, Shannon M (2005) "The serotonin syndrome." N Engl J Med, 352, p. 1112-20
  77. Bergeron L, Boule M, Perreault S (2005) "Serotonin toxicity associated with concomitant use of linezolid." Ann Pharmacother, 39, p. 956-61
  78. Morales N, Vermette H (2005) "Serotonin syndrome associated with linezolid treatment after discontinuation of fluoxetine." Psychosomatics, 46, p. 274-5
  79. Morales-Molina JA, Mateu-de Antonio J, Marin-Casino M, Grau S (2005) "Linezolid-associated serotonin syndrome: what we can learn from cases reported so far." J Antimicrob Chemother, 56, p. 1176-8
  80. DeBellis RJ, Schaefer OP, Liquori M, Volturo GA (2005) "Linezolid-associated serotonin syndrome after concomitant treatment with citalopram and mirtazepine in a critically ill bone marrow transplant recipient." J Intensive Care Med, 20, p. 351-3
  81. Hunter B, Kleinert MM, Osatnik J, Soria E (2006) "Serotonergic syndrome and abnormal ocular movements: worsening of rigidity by remifentanil?" Anesth Analg, 102, p. 1589
  82. Taylor JJ, Wilson JW, Estes LL (2006) "Linezolid and serotonergic drug interactions: a retrospective survey." Clin Infect Dis, 43, p. 180-7
  83. Strouse TB, Kerrihard TN, Forscher CA, Zakowski P (2006) "Serotonin syndrome precipitated by linezolid in a medically ill patient on duloxetine." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 26, p. 681-683
  84. Keegan MT, Brown DR, Rabinstein AA (2006) "Serotonin syndrome from the interaction of cyclobenzaprine with other serotoninergic drugs." Anesth Analg, 103, p. 1466-8
  85. Paruchuri P, Godkar D, Anandacoomarswamy D, Sheth K, Niranjan S (2006) "Rare case of serotonin syndrome with therapeutic doses of paroxetine." Am J Ther, 13, p. 550-552
  86. Steinberg M, Morin AK (2007) "Mild serotonin syndrome associated with concurrent linezolid and fluoxetine." Am J Health Syst Pharm, 64, p. 59-62
  87. Packer S, Berman SA (2007) "Serotonin syndrome precipitated by the monoamine oxidase inhibitor linezolid." Am J Psychiatry, 164, p. 346-7
  88. Shapiro RE, Tepper SJ (2007) "The serotonin syndrome, triptans, and the potential for drug-drug interactions." Headache, 47, p. 266-9
  89. Ailawadhi S, Sung KW, Carlson LA, Baer MR (2007) "Serotonin syndrome caused by interaction between citalopram and fentanyl." J Clin Pharm Ther, 32, p. 199-202
  90. (2008) "Product Information. Pristiq (desvenlafaxine)." Wyeth Laboratories
  91. Rang ST, Field J, Irving C (2008) "Serotonin toxicity caused by an interaction between fentanyl and paroxetine." Can J Anaesth, 55, p. 521-5
  92. (2009) "Product Information. Savella (milnacipran)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  93. (2009) "Product Information. Nucynta (tapentadol)." PriCara Pharmaceuticals
  94. Lee J, Franz L, Goforth HW (2009) "Serotonin syndrome in a chronic-pain patient receiving concurrent methadone, ciprofloxacin, and venlafaxine." Psychosomatics, 50, p. 638-9
  95. (2011) "Product Information. Viibryd (vilazodone)." Trovis Pharmaceuticals LLC
  96. Mugele J, Nanagas KA, Tormoehlen LM (2012) "Serotonin Syndrome Associated With MDPV Use: A Case Report." Ann Emerg Med
  97. (2012) "Product Information. Oleptro (trazodone)." Labopharm Inc
  98. (2013) "Product Information. Fetzima (levomilnacipran)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  99. (2013) "Product Information. Brintellix (vortioxetine)." Takeda Pharmaceuticals America
  100. (2023) "Product Information. Exxua (gepirone)." Mission Pharmacal Company, 1
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buPROPion clonazePAM

Applies to: bupropion, clonazepam

MONITOR: Excessive use or abrupt discontinuation of benzodiazepines and other sedatives after chronic ingestion may precipitate seizures in patients receiving bupropion. Conversely, bupropion may antagonize the central pharmacologic effects of sedatives. Bupropion can cause agitation, anxiety, and insomnia and has been shown to decrease the sedative effect of diazepam in healthy volunteers given single doses of the drugs.

MANAGEMENT: Although sedatives may be prescribed to treat agitation, anxiety, and insomnia associated with bupropion use, patients should be alerted to the possibility of an increased risk of seizures during excessive exposure to these drugs. Patients should not attempt to alter the dosages or discontinue the medications on their own without consulting with their physician. The use of bupropion is contraindicated in patients undergoing abrupt discontinuation of sedatives.


  1. Hamilton MJ, Bush M, Smith P, Peck AW (1982) "The effects of bupropion, a new antidepressant drug, and diazepam, and their interaction in man." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 14, p. 791-7
  2. James WA, Lippmann S (1991) "Bupropion: overview and prescribing guidelines in depression." South Med J, 84, p. 222-4
  3. (2001) "Product Information. Wellbutrin (bupropion)." Glaxo Wellcome
  4. Gilman AG, eds., Nies AS, Rall TW, Taylor P (1990) "Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics." New York, NY: Pergamon Press Inc.
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busPIRone clonazePAM

Applies to: BuSpar (buspirone), clonazepam

MONITOR: Central nervous system- and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically increased in patients taking multiple drugs that cause these effects, especially in elderly or debilitated patients. Sedation and impairment of attention, judgment, thinking, and psychomotor skills may increase.

MANAGEMENT: During concomitant use of these drugs, patients should be monitored for potentially excessive or prolonged CNS and respiratory depression. Cautious dosage titration may be required, particularly at treatment initiation. Ambulatory patients should be counseled to avoid hazardous activities requiring mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged CNS effects that interfere with their normal activities.


  1. Hamilton MJ, Bush M, Smith P, Peck AW (1982) "The effects of bupropion, a new antidepressant drug, and diazepam, and their interaction in man." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 14, p. 791-7
  2. Stambaugh JE, Lane C (1983) "Analgesic efficacy and pharmacokinetic evaluation of meperidine and hydroxyzine, alone and in combination." Cancer Invest, 1, p. 111-7
  3. Sotaniemi EA, Anttila M, Rautio A, et al. (1981) "Propranolol and sotalol metabolism after a drinking party." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 29, p. 705-10
  4. Grabowski BS, Cady WJ, Young WW, Emery JF (1980) "Effects of acute alcohol administration on propranolol absorption." Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol, 18, p. 317-9
  5. Lemberger L, Rowe H, Bosomworth JC, Tenbarge JB, Bergstrom RF (1988) "The effect of fluoxetine on the pharmacokinetics and psychomotor responses of diazepam." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 43, p. 412-9
  6. MacLeod SM, Giles HG, Patzalek G, Thiessen JJ, Sellers EM (1977) "Diazepam actions and plasma concentrations following ethanol ingestion." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 11, p. 345-9
  7. Divoll M, Greenblatt DJ, Lacasse Y, Shader RI (1981) "Benzodiazepine overdosage: plasma concentrations and clinical outcome." Psychopharmacology (Berl), 73, p. 381-3
  8. Naylor GJ, McHarg A (1977) "Profound hypothermia on combined lithium carbonate and diazepam treatment." Br Med J, 2, p. 22
  9. Stovner J, Endresen R (1965) "Intravenous anaesthesia with diazepam." Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 24, p. 223-7
  10. Driessen JJ, Vree TB, Booij LH, van der Pol FM, Crul JF (1984) "Effect of some benzodiazepines on peripheral neuromuscular function in the rat in-vitro hemidiaphragm preparation." J Pharm Pharmacol, 36, p. 244-7
  11. Feldman SA, Crawley BE (1970) "Interaction of diazepam with the muscle-relaxant drugs." Br Med J, 1, p. 336-8
  12. Ochs HR, Greenblatt DJ, Verburg-Ochs B (1984) "Propranolol interactions with diazepam, lorazepam and alprazolam." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 36, p. 451-5
  13. Desager JP, Hulhoven R, Harvengt C, Hermann P, Guillet P, Thiercelin JF (1988) "Possible interactions between zolpidem, a new sleep inducer and chlorpromazine, a phenothiazine neuroleptic." Psychopharmacology (Berl), 96, p. 63-6
  14. Tverskoy M, Fleyshman G, Ezry J, Bradley EL, Jr Kissin I (1989) "Midazolam-morphine sedative interaction in patients." Anesth Analg, 68, p. 282-5
  15. "Product Information. Iopidine (apraclonidine ophthalmic)." Alcon Laboratories Inc
  16. Greiff JMC, Rowbotham D (1994) "Pharmacokinetic drug interactions with gastrointestinal motility modifying agents." Clin Pharmacokinet, 27, p. 447-61
  17. Greb WH, Buscher G, Dierdorf HD, Koster FE, Wolf D, Mellows G (1989) "The effect of liver enzyme inhibition by cimetidine and enzyme induction by phenobarbitone on the pharmacokinetics of paroxetine." Acta Psychiatr Scand, 80 Suppl, p. 95-8
  18. Markowitz JS, Wells BG, Carson WH (1995) "Interactions between antipsychotic and antihypertensive drugs." Ann Pharmacother, 29, p. 603-9
  19. (2001) "Product Information. Ultram (tramadol)." McNeil Pharmaceutical
  20. (2001) "Product Information. Artane (trihexyphenidyl)." Lederle Laboratories
  21. (2001) "Product Information. Ultiva (remifentanil)." Mylan Institutional (formally Bioniche Pharma USA Inc)
  22. (2001) "Product Information. Seroquel (quetiapine)." Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
  23. (2001) "Product Information. Meridia (sibutramine)." Knoll Pharmaceutical Company
  24. (2001) "Product Information. Tasmar (tolcapone)." Valeant Pharmaceuticals
  25. Miller LG (1998) "Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions." Arch Intern Med, 158, p. 2200-11
  26. (2001) "Product Information. Precedex (dexmedetomidine)." Abbott Pharmaceutical
  27. (2001) "Product Information. Trileptal (oxcarbazepine)." Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  28. Ferslew KE, Hagardorn AN, McCormick WF (1990) "A fatal interaction of methocarbamol and ethanol in an accidental poisoning." J Forensic Sci, 35, p. 477-82
  29. Plushner SL (2000) "Valerian: valeriana officinalis." Am J Health Syst Pharm, 57, p. 328-35
  30. (2002) "Product Information. Xatral (alfuzosin)." Sanofi-Synthelabo Canada Inc
  31. (2002) "Product Information. Lexapro (escitalopram)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  32. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics."
  33. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  34. (2012) "Product Information. Fycompa (perampanel)." Eisai Inc
  35. (2014) "Product Information. Belsomra (suvorexant)." Merck & Co., Inc
  36. (2015) "Product Information. Rexulti (brexpiprazole)." Otsuka American Pharmaceuticals Inc
View all 36 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


aspirin amLODIPine

Applies to: Aspirin Low Strength (aspirin), Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Limited data indicate that some cyclooxygenase inhibitors may attenuate the antihypertensive effects of some calcium channel blockers. The mechanism appears to be related to an alteration of vascular tone, which is dependent on prostacyclins and other vasodilatory prostanoids. When a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is added to the regimen of a patient who is already taking a calcium channel blocker, increased blood pressure may result. Also, the clinician should be aware that the risk of hypotension is increased when NSAIDs are withdrawn from the regimen.

MANAGEMENT: Monitoring for altered blood pressure control is recommended.


  1. Ring ME, Corrigan JJ, Fenster PE (1986) "Effects of oral diltiazem on platelet function: alone and in combination with "low dose" aspirin." Thromb Res, 44, p. 391-400
  2. Altman R, Scazziota A, Dujovne C (1988) "Diltiazem potentiates the inhibitory effect of aspirin on platelet aggregation." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 44, p. 320-5
  3. Cremer KF, Pieper JA, Joyal M, Mehta J (1984) "Effects of diltiazem, dipyridamole, and their combination on hemostasis." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 36, p. 641-4
  4. Minuz P, Pancera P, Ribul M, et al. (1995) "Amlodipine and haemodynamic effects of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 39, p. 45-50
  5. Houston MC, Weir M, Gray J, et al. (1995) "The effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on blood pressures of patients with hypertension controlled by verapamil." Arch Intern Med, 155, p. 1049-54
  6. Deleeuw PW (1996) "Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hypertension: the risks in perspective." Drugs, 51, p. 179-87
  7. "Product Information. DurAct (bromfenac)." Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
  8. (2001) "Product Information. Arthrotec (diclofenac-misoprostol)." Searle
  9. Zanchetti A, Hansson L, Leonetti G, et al. (2002) "Low-dose aspirin does not interfere with the blood pressure-lowering effects of antihypertensive therapy." J Hypertens, 20, p. 1015-1022
View all 9 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


buPROPion amLODIPine

Applies to: bupropion, Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


busPIRone amLODIPine

Applies to: BuSpar (buspirone), Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


clonazePAM amLODIPine

Applies to: clonazepam, Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


aspirin benazepril

Applies to: Aspirin Low Strength (aspirin), Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Some investigators suggest that coadministration with aspirin may attenuate the vasodilator and hypotensive effects of ACE inhibitors. In addition, some have found that the benefits of ACE inhibitors on morbidity and mortality in post-acute myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, and particularly congestive heart failure may be compromised or even nullified by aspirin. The proposed mechanism is aspirin inhibition of cyclooxygenase, resulting in suppression of prostaglandin synthesis and prostaglandin-mediated hemodynamic effects of ACE inhibitors. However, evidence of a negative interaction is largely contradictory, and interpretation of relevant data has often been complicated by multiple confounding elements as well as the retrospective or post hoc nature of most studies. Available data seem to indicate that low-dose aspirin (less than 236 mg/day, and especially less than 100 mg/day) is unlikely, or at least significantly less likely, to interfere with ACE inhibitor effects, although susceptibility to the interaction may be subject to some degree of interpatient variability.

MANAGEMENT: Based on current data, it is difficult to determine the likelihood of a negative interaction between aspirin and ACE inhibitors and its clinical relevance during long-term therapy, particularly in congestive heart failure. Current recommendations generally do not preclude combination use in patients with cardiovascular diseases or risk factors that might otherwise benefit from the drugs independently. However, patients receiving long-term therapy with the combination should undergo regular blood pressure and other appropriate clinical monitoring such as renal function assessments. The lowest therapeutic dosage of aspirin should be used.


  1. Moore TJ, Crantz FR, Hollenberg NK (1981) "Contribution of prostaglandins to the antihypertensive action of captopril in essential hypertension." Hypertension, 3, p. 168-73
  2. Silberbauer K, Stanek B, Templ H (1982) "Acute hypotensive effect of captopril in man modified by prostaglandin synthesis inhibition." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 14, s87-93
  3. Pfeffer MA, Braunwald E, Moye LA, et al. (1992) "Effect of captopril on mortality and morbidity in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction: results of the Survival and Ventricular Enlargement Trial." N Engl J Med, 327, p. 669-77
  4. Hall D, Zeitler H, Rudolph W (1992) "Counteraction of the vasodilator effects of enalapril by aspirin in severe heart failure." J Am Coll Cardiol, 20, p. 1549-55
  5. Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) Study Investigators (1993) "Effect of ramipril on mortality and morbidity of survivors of acute myocardial infarction with clinical evidence of heart failure." Lancet, 342, p. 821-8
  6. Polonia J, Boaventura I, Gama G, Camoes I, Bernardo F, Andrade P, Nunes JP, Brandao F, Cerqueiragomes M (1995) "Influence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on renal function and 24h ambulatory blood pressure-reducing effects of enalapril and nifedipine gastrointestinal therapeutic system in hypertensive patients." J Hypertens, 13, p. 925-31
  7. Kober L, Torp-Pedersen C, Carlsen JE, Bagger H, Eliasen P, Lyngborg K, Videbaek J, Cole DS, Auclert L, Pauly NC, et al. (1995) "A clinical trial of the angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor trandolapril in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after myocardial infarction. Trandolapril Cardiac Evaluation (TRACE) Study Group." N Engl J Med, 333, p. 1670-6
  8. Nguyen KN, Aursnes I, Kjekshus J (1997) "Interaction between enalapril and aspirin on mortality after acute myocardial infarction: subgroup analysis of the cooperative new scandinavian enalapril survival study II (CONSENSUS II)." Am J Cardiol, 79, p. 115-9
  9. Oosterga M, Anthonio RL, deKam PJ, Kingma JH, Crijns HJGM, vanGilst WH (1998) "Effects of aspirin on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and left ventricular dilation one year after acute myocardial infarction." Am J Cardiol, 81, p. 1178-81
  10. Spaulding C, Charbonnier B, CohenSolal A, Juilliere Y, Kromer EP, Benhamda K, Cador R, Weber S (1998) "Acute hemodynamic interaction of aspirin and ticlopidine with enalapril: Results of a double-blind, randomized comparative trial." Circulation, 98, p. 757-65
  11. Song KH, Fedyk R, Hoover R (1999) "Interaction of ACE inhibitors and aspirin in patients with congestive heart failure." Ann Pharmacother, 33, p. 375-7
  12. Leor J, ReicherReiss H, Goldbourt U, Boyko V, Gottlieb S, Battler A, Behar S (1999) "Aspirin and mortality in patients treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors - A cohort study of 11,575 patients with coronary artery disease." J Am Coll Cardiol, 33, p. 1920-5
  13. The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study Investigators (2000) "Effects of an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients." N Engl J Med, 342, p. 145-53
  14. Massie BM, Teerlink JR (2000) "Interaction between aspirin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: Real or imagined." Am J Med, 109, p. 431-3
  15. Meune C, Mahe I, Mourad JJ, Simoneau G, Knellwolf AL, Bergmann JF, Caulin C (2000) "Interaction between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and aspirin: a review." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 56, p. 609-20
  16. Mahe I, Meune C, Diemer M, Caulin C, Bergmann JF (2001) "Interaction between aspirin and ACE inhibitors in patients with heart failure." Drug Saf, 24, p. 167-82
  17. Zanchetti A, Hansson L, Leonetti G, et al. (2002) "Low-dose aspirin does not interfere with the blood pressure-lowering effects of antihypertensive therapy." J Hypertens, 20, p. 1015-1022
  18. Ahmed A (2002) "Interaction between aspirin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: should they be used together in older adults with heart failure?" J Am Geriatr Soc, 50, p. 1293-6
  19. Lapane KL, Hume AL, Barbour MM, Lipsitz LA (2002) "Does aspirin attenuate the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on health outcomes of very old patients with heart failure?" J Am Geriatr Soc, 50, p. 1198-204
  20. Nawarskas JJ, Spinler SA (2000) "Update on the interaction between aspirin and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors." Pharmacotherapy, 20, p. 698-710
  21. Nawarskas JJ, Spinler SA (1998) "Does aspirin interfere with the therapeutic efficacy of angiotensin-converting enzymen inhibitors in hypertension or congestive heart failure?" Pharmacotherapy, 18, p. 1041-52
  22. Teo K, Yusuf S, Pfeffer M, et al. (2002) "Effects of long-term treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors in the presence or absence of aspirin: a systematic review." Lancet, 360, p. 1037
  23. Guazzi M, Brambilla R, Reina G, Tumminello G, Guazzi MD (2003) "Aspirin-angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor coadministration and mortality in patients with heart failure: a dose-related adverse effect of aspirin." Arch Intern Med, 163, p. 1574-9
View all 23 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


buPROPion benazepril

Applies to: bupropion, Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


busPIRone benazepril

Applies to: BuSpar (buspirone), Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


clonazePAM benazepril

Applies to: clonazepam, Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


aspirin PARoxetine

Applies to: Aspirin Low Strength (aspirin), paroxetine

MONITOR: Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) may potentiate the risk of bleeding in patients treated with ulcerogenic agents and agents that affect hemostasis such as anticoagulants, platelet inhibitors, thrombin inhibitors, thrombolytic agents, or agents that commonly cause thrombocytopenia. The tricyclic antidepressant, clomipramine, is also a strong SRI and may interact similarly. Serotonin release by platelets plays an important role in hemostasis, thus SRIs may alter platelet function and induce bleeding. Published case reports have documented the occurrence of bleeding episodes in patients treated with psychotropic agents that interfere with serotonin reuptake. Bleeding events related to SRIs have ranged from ecchymosis, hematoma, epistaxis, and petechiae to life-threatening hemorrhages. Additional epidemiological studies have confirmed the association between use of these agents and the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and concurrent use of NSAIDs or aspirin was found to potentiate the risk. Preliminary data also suggest that there may be a pharmacodynamic interaction between SSRIs and oral anticoagulants that can cause an increased bleeding diathesis. Concomitant administration of paroxetine and warfarin, specifically, has been associated with an increased frequency of bleeding without apparent changes in the disposition of either drug or changes in the prothrombin time. Bleeding has also been reported with fluoxetine and warfarin, while citalopram and sertraline have been reported to prolong the prothrombin time of patients taking warfarin by about 5% to 8%. In the RE-LY study (Randomized Evaluation of Long-term anticoagulant therapy), SRIs were associated with an increased risk of bleeding in all treatment groups.

MANAGEMENT: Caution is advised if SRIs or clomipramine are used in combination with other drugs that affect hemostasis. Close clinical and laboratory observation for hematologic complications is recommended. Patients should be advised to promptly report any signs of bleeding to their physician, including pain, swelling, headache, dizziness, weakness, prolonged bleeding from cuts, increased menstrual flow, vaginal bleeding, nosebleeds, bleeding of gums from brushing, unusual bleeding or bruising, red or brown urine, or red or black stools.


  1. Aranth J, Lindberg C (1992) "Bleeding, a side effect of fluoxetine." Am J Psychiatry, 149, p. 412
  2. Claire RJ, Servis ME, Cram DL Jr (1991) "Potential interaction between warfarin sodium and fluoxetine." Am J Psychiatry, 148, p. 1604
  3. Yaryura-Tobias JA, Kirschen H, Ninan P, Mosberg HJ (1991) "Fluoxetine and bleeding in obsessive-compulsive disorder." Am J Psychiatry, 148, p. 949
  4. Humphries JE, Wheby MS, VandenBerg SR (1990) "Fluoxetine and the bleeding time." Arch Pathol Lab Med, 114, p. 727-8
  5. Alderman CP, Moritz CK, Ben-Tovim DI (1992) "Abnormal platelet aggregation associated with fluoxetine therapy." Ann Pharmacother, 26, p. 1517-9
  6. Ciraulo DA, Shader RI (1990) "Fluoxetine drug-drug interactions. II." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 10, p. 213-7
  7. (2001) "Product Information. Zoloft (sertraline)." Roerig Division
  8. Woolfrey S, Gammack NS, Dewar MS, Brown PJ (1993) "Fluoxetine-warfarin interaction." BMJ, 307, p. 241
  9. (2001) "Product Information. Prozac (fluoxetine)." Dista Products Company
  10. (2001) "Product Information. Effexor (venlafaxine)." Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
  11. Bannister SJ, Houser VP, Hulse JD, Kisicki JC, Rasmussen JG (1989) "Evaluation of the potential for interactions of paroxetine with diazepam, cimetidine, warfarin, and digoxin." Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl, 350, p. 102-6
  12. (2001) "Product Information. Paxil (paroxetine)." GlaxoSmithKline
  13. Messiha FS (1993) "Fluoxetine - adverse effects and drug-drug interactions." J Toxicol Clin Toxicol, 31, p. 603-30
  14. Ottervanger JP, Stricker BH, Huls J, Weeda JN (1994) "Bleeding attributed to the intake of paroxetine." Am J Psychiatry, 151, p. 781-2
  15. (2001) "Product Information. Luvox (fluvoxamine)." Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc
  16. Krivy J, Wiener J (1995) "Sertraline and platelet counts in idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura." Lancet, 345, p. 132
  17. Skop BP, Brown TM (1996) "Potential vascular and bleeding complications of treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors." Psychosomatics, 37, p. 12-6
  18. Pai VB, Kelly MW (1996) "Bruising associated with the use of fluoxetine." Ann Pharmacother, 30, p. 786-8
  19. Alderman CP, Seshadri P, Ben-Tovim DI (1996) "Effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors on hemostasis." Ann Pharmacother, 30, p. 1232-4
  20. Leung M, Shore R (1996) "Fluvoxamine-associated bleeding." Can J Psychiatry, 41, p. 604-5
  21. Dent LA, Orrock MW (1997) "Warfarin-fluoxetine and diazepam-fluoxetine interaction." Pharmacotherapy, 17, p. 170-2
  22. Ford MA, Anderson ML, Rindone JP, Jaskar DW (1997) "Lack of effect of fluoxetine on the hypoprothrombinemic response of warfarin." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 17, p. 110-2
  23. (2001) "Product Information. Celexa (citalopram)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  24. de Abajo FJ, Rodriguez LA, Montero D (1999) "Association between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and upper gastrointestinal bleeding: population based case-control study." BMJ, 319, p. 1106-9
  25. de Abajo FJ, Jick H, Derby L, Jick S, Schmitz S (2000) "Intracranial haemorrhage and use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 50, p. 43-7
  26. Settle EC (1998) "Antidepressant drugs: disturbing and potentially dangerous adverse effects." J Clin Psychiatry, 59 Suppl 16, p. 25-30
  27. Hergovich N, Aigner M, Eichler HG, Entlicher J, Drucker C, Jilma B (2000) "Paroxetine decreases platelet serotonin storage and platelet function in human beings." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 68, p. 435-42
  28. Layton D, Clark DWJ, Pearce GL, Shakir SAW (2001) "Is there an association between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of abnormal bleeding? Results from a cohort study based on prescription event monitoring in England." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 57, p. 167-76
  29. (2002) "Product Information. Lexapro (escitalopram)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  30. de Maistre E, Allart C, Lecompte T, Bollaert PE (2002) "Severe bleeding associated with use of low molecular weight heparin and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors." Am J Med, 113, p. 530-2
  31. Dalton SO, Johansen C, Mellemkjaer L, Norgard B, Sorensen HT, Olsen JH (2003) "Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding: a population-based cohort study." Arch Intern Med, 163, p. 59-64
  32. (2004) "Product Information. Cymbalta (duloxetine)." Lilly, Eli and Company
  33. Tata LJ, Fortun PJ, Hubbard RB, et al. (2005) "Does concurrent prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs substantially increase the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding?" Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 22, p. 175-81
  34. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  35. (2008) "Product Information. Pristiq (desvenlafaxine)." Wyeth Laboratories
  36. (2009) "Product Information. Savella (milnacipran)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  37. (2011) "Product Information. Viibryd (vilazodone)." Trovis Pharmaceuticals LLC
  38. (2013) "Product Information. Fetzima (levomilnacipran)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  39. (2013) "Product Information. Brintellix (vortioxetine)." Takeda Pharmaceuticals America
View all 39 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


clonazePAM PARoxetine

Applies to: clonazepam, paroxetine

MONITOR: Central nervous system- and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically increased in patients taking multiple drugs that cause these effects, especially in elderly or debilitated patients. Sedation and impairment of attention, judgment, thinking, and psychomotor skills may increase.

MANAGEMENT: During concomitant use of these drugs, patients should be monitored for potentially excessive or prolonged CNS and respiratory depression. Cautious dosage titration may be required, particularly at treatment initiation. Ambulatory patients should be counseled to avoid hazardous activities requiring mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged CNS effects that interfere with their normal activities.


  1. Hamilton MJ, Bush M, Smith P, Peck AW (1982) "The effects of bupropion, a new antidepressant drug, and diazepam, and their interaction in man." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 14, p. 791-7
  2. Stambaugh JE, Lane C (1983) "Analgesic efficacy and pharmacokinetic evaluation of meperidine and hydroxyzine, alone and in combination." Cancer Invest, 1, p. 111-7
  3. Sotaniemi EA, Anttila M, Rautio A, et al. (1981) "Propranolol and sotalol metabolism after a drinking party." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 29, p. 705-10
  4. Grabowski BS, Cady WJ, Young WW, Emery JF (1980) "Effects of acute alcohol administration on propranolol absorption." Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol, 18, p. 317-9
  5. Lemberger L, Rowe H, Bosomworth JC, Tenbarge JB, Bergstrom RF (1988) "The effect of fluoxetine on the pharmacokinetics and psychomotor responses of diazepam." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 43, p. 412-9
  6. MacLeod SM, Giles HG, Patzalek G, Thiessen JJ, Sellers EM (1977) "Diazepam actions and plasma concentrations following ethanol ingestion." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 11, p. 345-9
  7. Divoll M, Greenblatt DJ, Lacasse Y, Shader RI (1981) "Benzodiazepine overdosage: plasma concentrations and clinical outcome." Psychopharmacology (Berl), 73, p. 381-3
  8. Naylor GJ, McHarg A (1977) "Profound hypothermia on combined lithium carbonate and diazepam treatment." Br Med J, 2, p. 22
  9. Stovner J, Endresen R (1965) "Intravenous anaesthesia with diazepam." Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 24, p. 223-7
  10. Driessen JJ, Vree TB, Booij LH, van der Pol FM, Crul JF (1984) "Effect of some benzodiazepines on peripheral neuromuscular function in the rat in-vitro hemidiaphragm preparation." J Pharm Pharmacol, 36, p. 244-7
  11. Feldman SA, Crawley BE (1970) "Interaction of diazepam with the muscle-relaxant drugs." Br Med J, 1, p. 336-8
  12. Ochs HR, Greenblatt DJ, Verburg-Ochs B (1984) "Propranolol interactions with diazepam, lorazepam and alprazolam." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 36, p. 451-5
  13. Desager JP, Hulhoven R, Harvengt C, Hermann P, Guillet P, Thiercelin JF (1988) "Possible interactions between zolpidem, a new sleep inducer and chlorpromazine, a phenothiazine neuroleptic." Psychopharmacology (Berl), 96, p. 63-6
  14. Tverskoy M, Fleyshman G, Ezry J, Bradley EL, Jr Kissin I (1989) "Midazolam-morphine sedative interaction in patients." Anesth Analg, 68, p. 282-5
  15. "Product Information. Iopidine (apraclonidine ophthalmic)." Alcon Laboratories Inc
  16. Greiff JMC, Rowbotham D (1994) "Pharmacokinetic drug interactions with gastrointestinal motility modifying agents." Clin Pharmacokinet, 27, p. 447-61
  17. Greb WH, Buscher G, Dierdorf HD, Koster FE, Wolf D, Mellows G (1989) "The effect of liver enzyme inhibition by cimetidine and enzyme induction by phenobarbitone on the pharmacokinetics of paroxetine." Acta Psychiatr Scand, 80 Suppl, p. 95-8
  18. Markowitz JS, Wells BG, Carson WH (1995) "Interactions between antipsychotic and antihypertensive drugs." Ann Pharmacother, 29, p. 603-9
  19. (2001) "Product Information. Ultram (tramadol)." McNeil Pharmaceutical
  20. (2001) "Product Information. Artane (trihexyphenidyl)." Lederle Laboratories
  21. (2001) "Product Information. Ultiva (remifentanil)." Mylan Institutional (formally Bioniche Pharma USA Inc)
  22. (2001) "Product Information. Seroquel (quetiapine)." Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
  23. (2001) "Product Information. Meridia (sibutramine)." Knoll Pharmaceutical Company
  24. (2001) "Product Information. Tasmar (tolcapone)." Valeant Pharmaceuticals
  25. Miller LG (1998) "Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions." Arch Intern Med, 158, p. 2200-11
  26. (2001) "Product Information. Precedex (dexmedetomidine)." Abbott Pharmaceutical
  27. (2001) "Product Information. Trileptal (oxcarbazepine)." Novartis Pharmaceuticals
  28. Ferslew KE, Hagardorn AN, McCormick WF (1990) "A fatal interaction of methocarbamol and ethanol in an accidental poisoning." J Forensic Sci, 35, p. 477-82
  29. Plushner SL (2000) "Valerian: valeriana officinalis." Am J Health Syst Pharm, 57, p. 328-35
  30. (2002) "Product Information. Xatral (alfuzosin)." Sanofi-Synthelabo Canada Inc
  31. (2002) "Product Information. Lexapro (escitalopram)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  32. Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics."
  33. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  34. (2012) "Product Information. Fycompa (perampanel)." Eisai Inc
  35. (2014) "Product Information. Belsomra (suvorexant)." Merck & Co., Inc
  36. (2015) "Product Information. Rexulti (brexpiprazole)." Otsuka American Pharmaceuticals Inc
View all 36 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


amLODIPine benazepril

Applies to: Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril), Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

Calcium channel blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors may have additive hypotensive effects. While these drugs are often safely used together, careful monitoring of the systemic blood pressure is recommended during coadministration, especially during the first one to three weeks of therapy.


  1. Kaplan NM (1991) "Amlodipine in the treatment of hypertension." Postgrad Med J, 67 Suppl 5, s15-9
  2. DeQuattro V (1991) "Comparison of benazepril and other antihypertensive agents alone and in combination with the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide." Clin Cardiol, 14, iv28-32;
  3. Sun JX, Cipriano A, Chan K, John VA (1994) "Pharmacokinetic interaction study between benazepril and amlodipine in healthy subjects." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 47, p. 285-9
  4. Di Somma S, et al. (1992) "Antihypertensive effects of verapamil, captopril and their combination at rest and during dynamic exercise." Arzneimittelforschung, 42, p. 103
View all 4 references

Switch to consumer interaction data

No other interactions were found between your selected drugs. However, this does not necessarily mean no other interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

Drug and food interactions


PARoxetine food

Applies to: paroxetine

GENERALLY AVOID: Alcohol may potentiate some of the pharmacologic effects of CNS-active agents. Use in combination may result in additive central nervous system depression and/or impairment of judgment, thinking, and psychomotor skills.

MANAGEMENT: Patients receiving CNS-active agents should be warned of this interaction and advised to avoid or limit consumption of alcohol. Ambulatory patients should be counseled to avoid hazardous activities requiring complete mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged CNS effects that interfere with their normal activities.


  1. Warrington SJ, Ankier SI, Turner P (1986) "Evaluation of possible interactions between ethanol and trazodone or amitriptyline." Neuropsychobiology, 15, p. 31-7
  2. Gilman AG, eds., Nies AS, Rall TW, Taylor P (1990) "Goodman and Gilman's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics." New York, NY: Pergamon Press Inc.
  3. (2012) "Product Information. Fycompa (perampanel)." Eisai Inc
  4. (2015) "Product Information. Rexulti (brexpiprazole)." Otsuka American Pharmaceuticals Inc
View all 4 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


benazepril food

Applies to: Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

GENERALLY AVOID: Moderate-to-high dietary intake of potassium can cause hyperkalemia in some patients who are using angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. In some cases, affected patients were using a potassium-rich salt substitute. ACE inhibitors can promote hyperkalemia through inhibition of the renin-aldosterone-angiotensin (RAA) system.

MANAGEMENT: It is recommended that patients who are taking ACE inhibitors be advised to avoid moderately high or high potassium dietary intake. Particular attention should be paid to the potassium content of salt substitutes.


  1. (2002) "Product Information. Vasotec (enalapril)." Merck & Co., Inc
  2. Good CB, McDermott L (1995) "Diet and serum potassium in patients on ACE inhibitors." JAMA, 274, p. 538
  3. Ray K, Dorman S, Watson R (1999) "Severe hyperkalaemia due to the concomitant use of salt substitutes and ACE inhibitors in hypertension: a potentially life threatening interaction." J Hum Hypertens, 13, p. 717-20

Switch to consumer interaction data


levothyroxine food

Applies to: Synthroid (levothyroxine)

ADJUST DOSING INTERVAL: Consumption of certain foods as well as the timing of meals relative to dosing may affect the oral absorption of T4 thyroid hormone (i.e., levothyroxine). T4 oral absorption is increased by fasting and decreased by foods such as soybean flour (e.g., infant formula), cotton seed meal, walnuts, dietary fiber, calcium, and calcium fortified juices. Grapefruit or grapefruit products may delay the absorption of T4 thyroid hormone and reduce its bioavailability. The mechanism of this interaction is not fully understood.

MANAGEMENT: Some manufacturers recommend administering oral T4 as a single daily dose, on an empty stomach, one-half to one hour before breakfast. In general, oral preparations containing T4 thyroid hormone should be administered on a consistent schedule with regard to time of day and relation to meals to avoid large fluctuations in serum levels. Foods that may affect T4 absorption should be avoided within several hours of dosing if possible. Consult local guidelines for the administration of T4 in patients receiving enteral feeding.


  1. (2002) "Product Information. Synthroid (levothyroxine)." Abbott Pharmaceutical
  2. (2022) "Product Information. Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated)." Forest Pharmaceuticals
  3. Wohlt PD, Zheng L, Gunderson S, Balzar SA, Johnson BD, Fish JT (2009) "Recommendations for the use of medications with continuous enteral nutrition." Am J Health Syst Pharm, 66, p. 1438-67

Switch to consumer interaction data


busPIRone food

Applies to: BuSpar (buspirone)

GENERALLY AVOID: Alcohol may potentiate some of the pharmacologic effects of buspirone. Use in combination may result in additive central nervous system depression and/or impairment of judgment, thinking, and psychomotor skills.

ADJUST DOSING INTERVAL: In a small, randomized, crossover study, the consumption of large amounts of grapefruit juice (compared to water) was associated with significantly increased plasma buspirone concentrations, slightly prolonged elimination half-lives, and delayed times to reach peak drug concentration. The perceived pharmacodynamic effect of buspirone, as measured by subjective drowsiness and overall subjective drug effect, was also enhanced by grapefruit juice. These alterations may stem from the delay of gastric emptying as well as inhibition of CYP450 3A4-mediated first-pass metabolism in the gut wall induced by certain compounds present in grapefruits.

MANAGEMENT: Patients receiving buspirone should be advised to avoid consumption of alcohol. Patients also should preferably avoid the consumption of large amounts of grapefruits and grapefruit juice to prevent any undue fluctuations in plasma drug levels. If this is not possible, the buspirone dose should be taken at least 2 hours before or 8 hours after grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Monitoring for increased CNS depression is recommended.


  1. (2002) "Product Information. Buspar (buspirone)." Bristol-Myers Squibb
  2. Lilja JJ, Kivisto KT, Backman JT, Lamberg TS, Neuvonen PJ (1998) "Grapefruit juice substantially increases plasma concentrations of buspirone." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 64, p. 655-60
  3. Bailey DG, Dresser GR, Kreeft JH, Munoz C, Freeman DJ, Bend JR (2000) "Grapefruit-felodipine interaction: Effect of unprocessed fruit and probable active ingredients." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 68, p. 468-77

Switch to consumer interaction data


buPROPion food

Applies to: bupropion

GENERALLY AVOID: Excessive use or abrupt discontinuation of alcohol after chronic ingestion may precipitate seizures in patients receiving bupropion. Additionally, there have been rare postmarketing reports of adverse neuropsychiatric events or reduced alcohol tolerance in patients who drank alcohol during treatment with bupropion. According to one forensic report, a patient died after taking large doses of both bupropion and alcohol. It is uncertain whether a drug interaction was involved. Single-dose studies in healthy volunteers given bupropion and alcohol failed to demonstrate either a significant pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interaction.

MANAGEMENT: The manufacturer recommends that alcohol consumption be minimized or avoided during bupropion treatment. The use of bupropion is contraindicated in patients undergoing abrupt discontinuation of alcohol.


  1. Posner J, Bye A, Jeal S, Peck AW, Whiteman P (1984) "Alcohol and bupropion pharmacokinetics in healthy male volunteers." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 26, p. 627-30
  2. Ramcharitar V, Levine BS, Goldberger BA, Caplan YH (1992) "Bupropion and alcohol fatal intoxication: case report." Forensic Sci Int, 56, p. 151-6
  3. Hamilton MJ, Bush MS, Peck AW (1984) "The effect of bupropion, a new antidepressant drug, and alcohol and their interaction in man." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 27, p. 75-80
  4. (2001) "Product Information. Wellbutrin (bupropion)." Glaxo Wellcome
View all 4 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


amLODIPine food

Applies to: Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


benazepril food

Applies to: Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Many psychotherapeutic and CNS-active agents (e.g., anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, opioids, alcohol, muscle relaxants) exhibit hypotensive effects, especially during initiation of therapy and dose escalation. Coadministration with antihypertensives and other hypotensive agents, in particular vasodilators and alpha-blockers, may result in additive effects on blood pressure and orthostasis.

MANAGEMENT: Caution and close monitoring for development of hypotension is advised during coadministration of these agents. Some authorities recommend avoiding alcohol in patients receiving vasodilating antihypertensive drugs. Patients should be advised to avoid rising abruptly from a sitting or recumbent position and to notify their physician if they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, orthostasis, or tachycardia.


  1. Sternbach H (1991) "Fluoxetine-associated potentiation of calcium-channel blockers." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 11, p. 390-1
  2. Shook TL, Kirshenbaum JM, Hundley RF, Shorey JM, Lamas GA (1984) "Ethanol intoxication complicating intravenous nitroglycerin therapy." Ann Intern Med, 101, p. 498-9
  3. Feder R (1991) "Bradycardia and syncope induced by fluoxetine." J Clin Psychiatry, 52, p. 139
  4. Ellison JM, Milofsky JE, Ely E (1990) "Fluoxetine-induced bradycardia and syncope in two patients." J Clin Psychiatry, 51, p. 385-6
  5. Rodriguez de la Torre B, Dreher J, Malevany I, et al. (2001) "Serum levels and cardiovascular effects of tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in depressed patients." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 435-40
  6. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information."
  7. Pacher P, Kecskemeti V (2004) "Cardiovascular side effects of new antidepressants and antipsychotics: new drugs, old concerns?" Curr Pharm Des, 10, p. 2463-75
  8. Andrews C, Pinner G (1998) "Postural hypotension induced by paroxetine." BMJ, 316, p. 595
View all 8 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


clonazePAM food

Applies to: clonazepam

GENERALLY AVOID: Acute ethanol ingestion may potentiate the CNS effects of many benzodiazepines. Tolerance may develop with chronic ethanol use. The mechanism may be decreased clearance of the benzodiazepines because of CYP450 hepatic enzyme inhibition. Also, it has been suggested that the cognitive deficits induced by benzodiazepines may be increased in patients who chronically consume large amounts of alcohol.

MANAGEMENT: Patients should be advised to avoid alcohol during benzodiazepine therapy.


  1. MacLeod SM, Giles HG, Patzalek G, Thiessen JJ, Sellers EM (1977) "Diazepam actions and plasma concentrations following ethanol ingestion." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 11, p. 345-9
  2. Whiting B, Lawrence JR, Skellern GG, Meier J (1979) "Effect of acute alcohol intoxication on the metabolism and plasma kinetics of chlordiazepoxide." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 7, p. 95-100
  3. Divoll M, Greenblatt DJ, Lacasse Y, Shader RI (1981) "Benzodiazepine overdosage: plasma concentrations and clinical outcome." Psychopharmacology (Berl), 73, p. 381-3
  4. Juhl RP, Van Thiel DH, Dittert LW, Smith RB (1984) "Alprazolam pharmacokinetics in alcoholic liver disease." J Clin Pharmacol, 24, p. 113-9
  5. Ochs HR, Greenblatt DJ, Arendt RM, Hubbel W, Shader RI (1984) "Pharmacokinetic noninteraction of triazolam and ethanol." J Clin Psychopharmacol, 4, p. 106-7
  6. Staak M, Raff G, Nusser W (1979) "Pharmacopsychological investigations concerning the combined effects of dipotassium clorazepate and ethanol." Int J Clin Pharmacol Biopharm, 17, p. 205-12
  7. Nichols JM, Martin F, Kirkby KC (1993) "A comparison of the effect of lorazepam on memory in heavy and low social drinkers." Psychopharmacology (Berl), 112, p. 475-82
View all 7 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


aspirin food

Applies to: Aspirin Low Strength (aspirin)

GENERALLY AVOID: The concurrent use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and ethanol may lead to gastrointestinal (GI) blood loss. The mechanism may be due to a combined local effect as well as inhibition of prostaglandins leading to decreased integrity of the GI lining.

MANAGEMENT: Patients should be counseled on this potential interaction and advised to refrain from alcohol consumption while taking aspirin or NSAIDs.


  1. (2002) "Product Information. Motrin (ibuprofen)." Pharmacia and Upjohn

Switch to consumer interaction data


amLODIPine food

Applies to: Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

MONITOR: Calcium-containing products may decrease the effectiveness of calcium channel blockers by saturating calcium channels with calcium. Calcium chloride has been used to manage acute severe verapamil toxicity.

MANAGEMENT: Management consists of monitoring the effectiveness of calcium channel blocker therapy during coadministration with calcium products.


  1. Henry M, Kay MM, Viccellio P (1985) "Cardiogenic shock associated with calcium-channel and beta blockers: reversal with intravenous calcium chloride." Am J Emerg Med, 3, p. 334-6
  2. Moller IW (1987) "Cardiac arrest following intravenous verapamil combined with halothane anaesthesia." Br J Anaesth, 59, p. 522-6
  3. Oszko MA, Klutman NE (1987) "Use of calcium salts during cardiopulmonary resuscitation for reversing verapamil-associated hypotension." Clin Pharm, 6, p. 448-9
  4. Schoen MD, Parker RB, Hoon TJ, et al. (1991) "Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and electrocardiographic effects of intravenous verapamil with intravenous calcium chloride pretreatment in normal subjects." Am J Cardiol, 67, p. 300-4
  5. O'Quinn SV, Wohns DH, Clarke S, Koch G, Patterson JH, Adams KF (1990) "Influence of calcium on the hemodynamic and anti-ischemic effects of nifedipine observed during treadmill exercise testing." Pharmacotherapy, 10, p. 247
  6. Woie L, Storstein L (1981) "Successful treatment of suicidal verapamil poisoning with calcium gluconate." Eur Heart J, 2, p. 239-42
  7. Morris DL, Goldschlager N (1983) "Calcium infusion for reversal of adverse effects of intravenous verapamil." JAMA, 249, p. 3212-3
  8. Guadagnino V, Greengart A, Hollander G, Solar M, Shani J, Lichstein E (1987) "Treatment of severe left ventricular dysfunction with calcium chloride in patients receiving verapamil." J Clin Pharmacol, 27, p. 407-9
  9. Luscher TF, Noll G, Sturmer T, Huser B, Wenk M (1994) "Calcium gluconate in severe verapamil intoxication." N Engl J Med, 330, p. 718-20
  10. Bar-Or D, Gasiel Y (1981) "Calcium and calciferol antagonise effect of verapamil in atrial fibrillation." Br Med J (Clin Res Ed), 282, p. 1585-6
  11. Lipman J, Jardine I, Roos C, Dreosti L (1982) "Intravenous calcium chloride as an antidote to verapamil-induced hypotension." Intensive Care Med, 8, p. 55-7
  12. McMillan R (1988) "Management of acute severe verapamil intoxication." J Emerg Med, 6, p. 193-6
  13. Perkins CM (1978) "Serious verapamil poisoning: treatment with intravenous calcium gluconate." Br Med J, 2, p. 1127
  14. Moroni F, Mannaioni PF, Dolara A, Ciaccheri M (1980) "Calcium gluconate and hypertonic sodium chloride in a case of massive verapamil poisoning." Clin Toxicol, 17, p. 395-400
View all 14 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


levothyroxine food

Applies to: Synthroid (levothyroxine)

ADJUST DOSING INTERVAL: Concurrent administration of calcium-containing products may decrease the oral bioavailability of levothyroxine by one-third in some patients. Pharmacologic effects of levothyroxine may be reduced. The exact mechanism of interaction is unknown but may involve nonspecific adsorption of levothyroxine to calcium at acidic pH levels, resulting in an insoluble complex that is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. In one study, 20 patients with hypothyroidism who were taking a stable long-term regimen of levothyroxine demonstrated modest but significant decreases in mean free and total thyroxine (T4) levels as well as a corresponding increase in mean thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH) level following the addition of calcium carbonate (1200 mg/day of elemental calcium) for 3 months. Four patients had serum TSH levels that were higher than the normal range. Both T4 and TSH levels returned to near-baseline 2 months after discontinuation of calcium, which further supported the likelihood of an interaction. In addition, there have been case reports suggesting decreased efficacy of levothyroxine during calcium coadministration. It is not known whether this interaction occurs with other thyroid hormone preparations.

MANAGEMENT: Some experts recommend separating the times of administration of levothyroxine and calcium-containing preparations by at least 4 hours. Monitoring of serum TSH levels is recommended. Patients with gastrointestinal or malabsorption disorders may be at a greater risk of developing clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism due to this interaction.


  1. Schneyer CR (1998) "Calcium carbonate and reduction of levothyroxine efficacy." JAMA, 279, p. 750
  2. Singh N, Singh PN, Hershman JM (2000) "Effect of calcium carbonate on the absorption of levothyroxine." JAMA, 283, p. 2822-5
  3. Csako G, McGriff NJ, Rotman-Pikielny P, Sarlis NJ, Pucino F (2001) "Exaggerated levothyroxine malabsorption due to calcium carbonate supplementation in gastrointestinal disorders." Ann Pharmacother, 35, p. 1578-83
  4. Neafsey PJ (2004) "Levothyroxine and calcium interaction: timing is everything." Home Healthc Nurse, 22, p. 338-9
View all 4 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


buPROPion food

Applies to: bupropion

MONITOR: Additive or synergistic effects on blood pressure may occur when bupropion is combined with sympathomimetic agents such as nasal decongestants, adrenergic bronchodilators, ophthalmic vasoconstrictors, and systemic vasopressors. Treatment with bupropion can result in elevated blood pressure and hypertension. In clinical practice, hypertension, in some cases severe and requiring acute treatment, has been observed in patients receiving bupropion alone and in combination with nicotine replacement therapy. These events have occurred in both patients with and without evidence of preexisting hypertension. Furthermore, postmarketing cases of hypertensive crisis have been reported during the initial titration phase with bupropion-naltrexone treatment.

MANAGEMENT: Caution is advised when bupropion is used with other drugs that increase dopaminergic or noradrenergic activity due to an increased risk of hypertension. Blood pressure and heart rate should be measured prior to initiating bupropion therapy and monitored at regular intervals consistent with usual clinical practice, particularly in patients with preexisting hypertension. Dose reduction or discontinuation of bupropion should be considered in patients who experience clinically significant and sustained increases in blood pressure or heart rate.


  1. (2022) "Product Information. Auvelity (bupropion-dextromethorphan)." Axsome Therapeutics, Inc., 1
  2. (2022) "Product Information. Zyban (bupropion)." GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
  3. (2022) "Product Information. Wellbutrin XL (bupropion)." Bausch Health, Canada Inc.
  4. (2021) "Product Information. Contrave (bupropion-naltrexone)." Currax Pharmaceuticals LLC
View all 4 references

Switch to consumer interaction data


buPROPion food

Applies to: bupropion

MONITOR: The concomitant use of bupropion and nicotine replacement for smoking cessation may increase the risk of hypertension. In a clinical study (n=250), 6.1% of patients who used sustained-release bupropion with nicotine transdermal system developed treatment-emergent hypertension, compared to 2.5% of patients treated with bupropion alone, 1.6% treated with nicotine alone, and 3.1% treated with placebo. Three patients in the bupropion plus nicotine group and one patient in the nicotine-only group discontinued treatment due to hypertension. The majority had evidence of preexisting hypertension.

MANAGEMENT: Blood pressure monitoring is recommended for patients concomitantly using bupropion and nicotine replacement for smoking cessation.


  1. (2001) "Product Information. Zyban (bupropion)." Glaxo Wellcome

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amLODIPine food

Applies to: Lotrel (amlodipine / benazepril)

The consumption of grapefruit juice may slightly increase plasma concentrations of amlodipine. The mechanism is inhibition of CYP450 3A4-mediated first-pass metabolism in the gut wall by certain compounds present in grapefruits. Data have been conflicting and the clinical significance is unknown. Monitoring for calcium channel blocker adverse effects (e.g., headache, hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, edema) is recommended.


  1. Bailey DG, Arnold JMO, Spence JD (1994) "Grapefruit juice and drugs - how significant is the interaction." Clin Pharmacokinet, 26, p. 91-8
  2. Josefsson M, Zackrisson AL, Ahlner J (1996) "Effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine in healthy volunteers." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 51, p. 189-93
  3. Bailey DG, Malcolm J, Arnold O, Spence JD (1998) "Grapefruit juice-drug interactions." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 46, p. 101-10
  4. Vincent J, Harris SI, Foulds G, Dogolo LC, Willavize S, Friedman HL (2000) "Lack of effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of amlodipine." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 50, p. 455-63
  5. Josefsson M, Ahlner J (2002) "Amlodipine and grapefruit juice." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 53, 405; discussion 406
  6. Kane GC, Lipsky JJ (2000) "Drug-grapefruit juice interactions." Mayo Clin Proc, 75, p. 933-42
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aspirin food

Applies to: Aspirin Low Strength (aspirin)

One study has reported that coadministration of caffeine and aspirin lead to a 25% increase in the rate of appearance and 17% increase in maximum concentration of salicylate in the plasma. A significantly higher area under the plasma concentration time curve of salicylate was also reported when both drugs were administered together. The exact mechanism of this interaction has not been specified. Physicians and patients should be aware that coadministration of aspirin and caffeine may lead to higher salicylate levels faster.


  1. Yoovathaworn KC, Sriwatanakul K, Thithapandha A (1986) "Influence of caffeine on aspirin pharmacokinetics." Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 11, p. 71-6

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Drug Interaction Classification

These classifications are only a guideline. The relevance of a particular drug interaction to a specific individual is difficult to determine. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication.
Major Highly clinically significant. Avoid combinations; the risk of the interaction outweighs the benefit.
Moderate Moderately clinically significant. Usually avoid combinations; use it only under special circumstances.
Minor Minimally clinically significant. Minimize risk; assess risk and consider an alternative drug, take steps to circumvent the interaction risk and/or institute a monitoring plan.
Unknown No interaction information available.

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