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Similac Powder Infant Formulas: Recall

Audience: Consumer, Pediatrics

[UPDATED 09/24/2010] The voluntary recall affects milk- and soy-based formulas distributed in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, and some Caribbean nations. At least 12 of the recalled products were provided to families through the federal government’s Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) health and nutrition program. FDA is reassuring caregivers and families whose babies may have consumed recalled products that drinking the formula will not cause long-term health problems. FDA has created a searchable database to find lot numbers of affected products.

[Posted 09/23/2010]

ISSUE: Possibility of the presence of a small common beetle in the product. The FDA has determined that while the formula containing these beetles poses no immediate health risk, there is a possibility that infants who consume formula containing the beetles or their larvae, could experience symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort and refusal to eat as a result of small insect parts irritating the GI tract.

BACKGROUND: The recall of these powder infant formulas includes certain Similac powder product lines offered in plastic containers, and certain Similac powder product lines offered in sizes such as 8-ounce, 12.4-ounce and 12.9-ounce cans. See the Product Photo page. The recall includes powder infant formulas sold in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam and some countries in the Caribbean. No Abbott liquid infant formulas are impacted.

RECOMMENDATION: If symptoms are noted and persist for more than a few days, a physician should be consulted. Products with affected lot numbers should be returned to Abbott at no cost to the consumer.

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