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Bone Graft Substitutes Containing Recombinant Proteins or Synthetic Peptides in Patients Under Age 18: FDA Safety Communication - Reports of Serious Injuries

Audience: Pediatrics, Plastic Surgery, Dentistry, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery

[Posted 01/21/2015]

ISSUE: FDA is aware of healthcare providers using bone graft substitutes containing recombinant proteins or synthetic peptides in patients under age 18. Reports of serious injuries, such as excess bone growth, fluid accumulation, inhibited bone healing, and swelling, have increased the FDA’s concern.

While these types of events are similar to those seen in patients over age 18, they are of more concern in patients under age 18 because of their overall smaller size and because their bones are still growing. Any product that affects bone growth could have the potential to negatively impact skeletal development by altering normal bone formation and growth, especially if implanted near open growth plates.

BACKGROUND: The FDA considers bone graft substitutes containing recombinant proteins or synthetic peptides high-risk (Class III) medical devices. Before marketing the products, manufacturers are required to submit a premarket approval application (PMA) that includes clinical data supporting safety and effectiveness. The FDA has not evaluated their safety and effectiveness in patients under age 18.


See the FDA Safety Communication for additional recommendations for parents, guardians, and patients.

Healthcare professionals and patients are encouraged to report adverse events or side effects related to the use of these products to the FDA's MedWatch Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program:

[01/21/2015 - Safety Communication - FDA]

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