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Zoster vaccine, recombinant User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Brand names: Shingrix

Zoster vaccine, recombinant has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 593 reviews on 33% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 38% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Zoster vaccine, recombinant

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Had my first injection of Shingrix 6 days ago, 8/21, at a local pharmacy. The shot was administered by a student intern. He was very good, explained everything, and I barely felt the injection. I was prepared for possibly severe symptoms, as others have described here, however, outside of a sore shoulder for several days, it was fine. Hoping for the same outcome for round two in a few months. BTW, several others I know that have had the vaccine have had the same experience, with no one I know having severe symptoms."

10 / 10
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61 Report
  • Pjsomm
  • August 24, 2019

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Had my first dose on July 2, 2019. I am a healthy 65 years old woman who shows dogs, trains horses, and stacks 200 bales of hay in an afternoon. Normally, in the past 6 weeks, I have developed profound exhaustion, large muscle weakness, and am physically exhausted after just walking across the yard a couple of times. I normally put in 14,000 steps just doing barn chores. Now I am in bed by 7 or 8 when my normal is 1 am and my muscle weakness is keeping me from all my activities of daily living. I would rather have had shingles. I will not get the second shot. I am not a weenie at all. My upper arms, quads, and glutes are so fatigued all the time and my eyes have both been twitching for days. This is crazy. I'm miserable."

2 / 10
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71 Report
  • Mugs
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I am 60 years old and in excellent health. I walk and/or run nearly every day. I was vaccinated with Shingrix yesterday. Felt achy last night. This morning my temp is at 100 and I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck. It seems this is a pretty common side effect."

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56 Report
  • Sicker...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 30, 2019

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "SHINGRIX-related illness: The comments of severe illness are quite real. Note, I had my shot on Friday, Sept. 27th, 2019. It's now Sunday, Sept. 29th. I've never become ill, especially this suddenly. I'm in the 50-59 age group - the group reporting the most severe adverse reactions to Shingrix. I was in excellent health before this vaccine. Onset of adverse reactions: less than 12 hours after getting the 1st dose. My symptoms are repeated throughout these comments: stabbing pain in various areas of the body - including in the bones; severe chills/inability to warm even in warm temperatures; cognitive 'fog'; dry cough; chest pain; racing heart; inability to sleep due to pain throughout the body; injection site swelling and redness are the least of your worries. Feels like being hit by a truck. No one warned me. DO NOT RECOMMEND."

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67 Report
  • Artgirl
  • March 12, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I had the first Shingrix shot on a Friday afternoon. It hurt. My whole arm hurt and felt swollen and heavy the next day. I had flu-like symptoms: lethargy, nausea, aches all over, but particularly in the injected arm. I could barely lift that arm for 3 days. Then I started feeling better on day 4, but that night I had bad intestinal cramps. I woke up with really bad nausea on day 5, diarrhea, lethargy, and a low fever. On day 6 (today), I started feeling better—less GI symptoms and just mild nausea. By noontime, I felt okay again, but tired. I’ve had shingles twice, and even though the Shingrix side effects were bad, shingles is far worse."

9 / 10
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  • Vickie
  • July 22, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I had a horrible experience with my first shot and ended up having to go to the emergency department. My joints, from my fingers to my toes, were so swollen and painful that I literally couldn't get out of bed or walk. After some heavy IV pain and anti-inflammatory meds, I was discharged with prescriptions for the same meds. I was out of commission for almost an entire week. I just had my second shot yesterday, and I am experiencing the same pain and swelling but at a much more rapid and painful rate! What took days to manifest with the first shot has taken less than 24 hours with the second shot, and the injection site is so painful that I can barely lift my arm. Thank goodness it's only two shots because I certainly would never take a third shot!"

1 / 10
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57 Report
  • Kbano
  • February 2, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Female, 57. I went for the first shingles vaccination in July 2019. Six months to the day, I had my second vaccination, along with a tetanus shot that I was due for. (The doctor said fewer symptoms if shots are spread further apart). After the first shot, I experienced a sore arm and redness around the injection site. I felt sluggish for a couple of days, but nothing bad. After the second shot, there was minimal soreness and redness. I felt good for the first 24 hours, then had a headache, night sweats, and very vivid dreams the second night. I’m not sure if the six-month wait makes a difference. The reactions can differ. My suggestion is to get the shot on a Friday so you have the weekend to recover if you feel sluggish. My sister had shingles on her face (no vaccinations). She wanted to die because of the pain. It's definitely worth a few days of feeling a little under the weather. Get the vaccine. Also, remember that bad experiences are voiced more than good. There are many people who have little to no issues."

10 / 10
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61 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 23, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I received my first Shingrix vaccine on 8/14. I had a pneumonia vaccine the same day. Started feeling a little under the weather the next day. A couple of days later, I started feeling extremely lightheaded and started running a fever of 100.5-101.5. It is now 9 days after my shot, and I am still running a fever. I can't say for sure that I am still having side effects from the vaccination, but my doctor said to give it 2 weeks. I had a COVID test just to rule it out. I had pretty bad arm pain for 3-4 days, but nothing that stopped me from functioning. I got no warnings from the doctor that this could happen. Good thing no vacations were planned."

7 / 10
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53 Report
  • Lucris
  • June 23, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) "You guys are really scaring me. Had my first dose yesterday morning, so far so good? None of the pain or symptoms others are mentioning. I am 68, generally in good health. Hope I am not jinxing myself. Keep you posted if anything changes."

9 / 10
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52 Report
  • Nise
  • February 1, 2021

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I am a 69-year-old female. I do take an immunosuppressant medication. Received the 1st Shingrix injection on a Thursday. I will add I also had my annual flu shot on the same day. By Saturday afternoon, I was experiencing pain around my right side along the ribs around to the spine. I thought I had pulled a muscle. By Tuesday, I very obviously had the shingles rash and pain and itching. The doctor confirmed it and prescribed antiviral medication. I had the rash and some pain on the right rib cage (sternum to spine) for 6-8 weeks. My doctor and pharmacist both recommended I not get the second dose. Everything I have read; a shingles breakout should not have happened with this vaccine."

2 / 10
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46 Report
  • lssho...
  • November 28, 2019

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Had the first dose of Shingrix 4/18 with side effects of excruciating headache and body aches in knees, along with severe pain in ankles. This subsided about 3 days later. Then, as recommended, had the second shot 9/18. One week before, I had walked 5 miles, no problem. Eight weeks after vaccination, my demise began. Started with loss of dexterity in right arm, same arm as vaccination, then peers noticed slurred speech by April and swallowing problems. Then, around July, constant muscle twitching and severe loss of mobility in right arm. Lost 24 pounds since the second shot. Fast forward 2 MRIs and 2 EMGs later, I have been diagnosed by the Mayo Clinic with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). I had no problems and considered a healthy individual, exercised frequently until I took this vaccine derived from genetically engineered Chinese hamster ovaries, boosted up by an adjuvant ASO1b, which has never been used in a US vaccine before. I truly wish the CDC, FDA, and GSK realize what this vaccine is doing and get it off the market."

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56 Report
  • Maur
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 20, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I already posted earlier on February 18, 2020, but just want to remind people to send an official report of their response. The CDC monitors adverse responses to medicines and vaccines. Google 'Report an Adverse Event to VAERS' to fill in the form, or call 1-800-822-7967 if you have trouble with filling out the form. Hint: the form times out very fast and is frustrating because you lose your data. Better to download the form, fill it out, and then submit it. Nobody will investigate this vaccine further for safety unless we report it. Help them understand when you have a severe reaction. I am on day 14 of a terrible response to Shingrix. Just miserable."

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54 Report
  • Lucyl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 19, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "62 y/o female. Had first dose in February. Only side effect was a sore arm for about 5 days. Had second dose this past Tues at 1:00 pm. By 7:00 pm, the arm pain started along with a headache. Next day, had a pounding headache, body aches, neck pain, and the injection site was sore to the touch and red. Took ibuprofen throughout the day with minimum relief. Before bed, I took 3 ibuprofen and 2 regular Tylenol. Next day, I felt 90% better except for my arm. Now, 3 days out and I'm back to normal. Arm is still a little sore but getting better each day."

8 / 10
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51 Report
  • Realp...
  • March 10, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "8/27/19 I took the 2nd Shingrix vaccine. 6 days later, an extreme reaction persisted until today. For 7 months, I have not been able to work and don’t have stamina for simple activities. Prior to the vaccine, I was strong and active. Six days after the vaccine, in one-on-one exercise class, my muscles collapsed, and I was unable to support my body. My trainer assisted me, but I threw out my knee and was unable to walk. In the next few months, muscle aches and weakness traveled all over my body. My spine was thrown out of alignment. An MRI revealed a new herniated disk causing excruciating pain in my legs and an inability to walk more than 100 feet. Even after washing dishes, I had to rest for an hour. My body gets cold when I do minimal exercise instead of warming up. My hearing has suffered. I saw 8 doctors and took 50 blood tests and a heart test. Based on the above, I am perfectly healthy. The doctors have no idea what can be done. I contacted Glaxo, the maker of the vaccine, and the CDC for help. Glaxo did not contact me, but my doctors."

1 / 10
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51 Report
  • Josie
  • May 23, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Got the first shot early in February 2020. Slight itching at the injection site, and my arm was red for about a month. Got the second shot in May 2020. I woke up the next morning feeling like I was run over by a truck. Aches, fever, nausea, and no appetite. The second day, doing much better but still lethargic. I wish the doctor would have told me what to expect, so I could have been prepared. Someone else on this site noted they began taking Aleve soon after. Maybe that would have helped. Still better than the shingles, though. Make sure you don't have anything planned for a few days afterward just in case."

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49 Report
  • Annie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 28, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Worst injection reactions ever. Shot 1 Shingrix. The area of the injection was so painful it caused a discoloration and a huge hive-like red area that grew below the injection area. Could not move the arm due to extreme pain for 4 days. The red discoloration changed to a darker color in 3 days and stayed for 1.5 weeks. Fever of 102 for 1 day, 100 for 2 days, with uncontrollable chills. Arm gave off heat but could not be touched due to pain. Shot 2 Shingrix. Received 3.5 months after the first shot. Pain was not as intense but still painful (and I have a high tolerance to pain). The day after the second shot, a huge red welt showed up that was about 2.5 inches in circumference, about 1 inch below the injection site. The welt gave off heat and was painful. Later in the day, small hives started to show up on my wrists. These welts were very itchy. I am using ice to try to ease the itchiness. This is the worst medication ever. Who knows how long this will last, but I am very mad I did this second shot."

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47 Report
  • Paini...
  • July 21, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "All I can say is beware. I'm 55 now. I received my first Shingrix shot four days ago. Luckily, I asked for it in my left non-dominant arm. The nurse never suggested that. Nearly four full days later, I still have arm pain. The first night, the pain was excruciating. I couldn't even wash my hair or raise my arm. I've taken Aleve every day since. I take it more than once a day because of the severe arm pain and also headaches and fevers. I have been sleeping ten plus hours per night and feel a bit dizzy. Thank goodness I didn't have a trip planned or work. The shot ruined my entire weekend. If you are getting this vaccine, don't plan any trip or driving for at least five days after it. I wish someone would have warned me of these side effects instead of giving me a handout after I was already vaccinated. I've had Shingles about 30 years ago, and that is awful, though so I was brave to get through this drama. I may have to rethink shot number two, though. I felt that miserable."

2 / 10
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47 Report
  • Molly
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2021

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I received my first Shingrix vaccine yesterday from my local CVS. A mild headache developed after a couple of hours, and I went to bed around 8 PM feeling very tired but was unable to sleep. By 11 PM, I had a fever (101), chills, and wild, racing thoughts. Two Tylenol PMs had no effect, and I remained awake all night with throbbing pain in my lower back and joints. I forced myself out of bed at 1 PM today and feel like I’ve gone several rounds with Mike Tyson, but at least the fever seems to be subsiding. Hopefully, the second vaccine will be uneventful, but I’ll plan ahead, just in case. Having had shingles at the age of 16, which covered my torso, scalp, and spread dangerously close to my eyes, I definitely think the vaccine is worth it as I never want to experience that pain ever again."

8 / 10
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38 Report
  • Alano
  • November 16, 2019

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I'm a retired M.D. After Shingrix, I got side effects of generalized itching rash 2 days after the booster shot, and it lasted 3 weeks. I have had shingles once before. I would take my chances on shingles rather than going through that again."

1 / 10
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52 Report
  • Blackie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 6, 2019

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Shingrix needs to be more upfront about the side effects. Perhaps the FDA should review the information brochure and tainted results. I am 62 and received the second shot on 08/06/2019. I thought I was going to die last night! My blood pressure dropped to 72/39 after experiencing extreme dizziness, loss of appetite, chills, not to mention the expected soreness. In my opinion, Shingrix should be administered with a routine night in the hospital."

5 / 10
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53 Report
  • Zoolo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 24, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I received the first dose of Shingrix in February on a Friday at around 11 a.m. and spiked a 102 fever 12 hours later with chills and sweats. That said, I slept through the night, and my fever was gone by breakfast. For the second dose, 4 months later, I was not able to schedule on a Friday, so I took Tylenol immediately after receiving, and then again after dinner. The injection site was much more painful than for the first, so I wondered if the second dose would hit harder. While my fever only reached 101, it lasted throughout the night and kept me from sleeping, with aches rather than chills and sweats. My temperature was finally normal at 97 at 9 a.m. Unlike with the first dose, I developed a dry cough that lasted through the following day (in these COVID times, I was glad to feel it disappear.)"

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45 Report
  • KEM
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 21, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "Had second Shingrix shot in late February. Within 12 hours, I had joint pain and flu symptoms. I was expecting these, but I still have terrible joint pain all of these weeks later. It's hard to get out of bed each day, the pain is so intense. Pain relievers don't help much. I'm miserable."

4 / 10
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46 Report
  • Virgi...
  • August 19, 2020

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I had my first Shingrix dose morning of 8/14. That night, I had a very sore arm to move or touch, severe abdomen pain, and a low-grade fever. On 8/15, the same symptoms and a very hot arm to the touch. Morning of 8/16, a rash appeared on my arm and was so painful to the touch and my arm was very feverish. On 8/17, the rash more than doubled and cluster blisters started to appear, along with a stiff, sore shoulder and neck. On 8/18, the rash spread from elbow to shoulder, now looking purple where it originally started. I went back to the doctor's office, they put me on cephalexin in case it's an infection. On 8/19, new cluster blisters appeared on the back of my shoulder and still burning sensations under the skin with feverish heat. I read it can't be shingles, but it feels like it and looks like it, only it started at the injection site and is spreading to my spine."

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43 Report
  • Hunter
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 20, 2019

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "This is so bad, it is scaring me from taking the second shot. It's been three weeks tomorrow, and I still feel horrible. I was so dizzy I almost fell in the shower the day after, and that went on for a good week. I could not sleep for two nights due to arm pain. I have also had chills and fever, pounding headaches, and nightmares. One night last week, I suddenly felt like I was suffocating. I am still so fatigued I cannot stand more than a few minutes at a time without feeling like I am going to collapse. I also get shooting pains all the way down into my wrist, back, and collarbone. I am afraid I will never feel better. I have never had a reaction to any vaccine before."

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48 Report
  • Aceaway
  • January 4, 2021

Shingrix (zoster vaccine, recombinant) for Herpes Zoster, Prophylaxis "I got the Shingrix injection in August 2020, worse mistake of my life. I’m a 57-year-old female who up until now has been very active. Since the injection, I’ve been living with extreme arm pain, throbbing, shooting pain down my arm, numbness in my hand, can’t sleep, extreme fatigue, constant headache, and can’t sleep. I’ve been going to a specialist to figure out what I can do about the symptoms. I haven’t been able to work due to the pain. This is going on 5 months, and I’m miserable, can’t lift my arm up past my waist without extreme pain. I wish the provider would have told me about the possible side effects before getting the injection, and I would not have gotten it."

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39 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.