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Will lidocaine patch 5% show up on a urinalysis test?

3 Answers

Wildfire54 21 March 2018

I don't think so, but not positive

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pawcifica 20 Nov 2011

Hi Joe.
Lidoderm Lidocaine Patch 5% has 700 mg of Lidocaine in each patch. Lidocaine is a distant "relative" of Cocaine and will give a "False Positive" on a urinalysis or drug screen. The Lidocaine from the Lidoderm Patches will completely leave your system between 5-7 days depending on how long you were using the patches. Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water to flush out your system. If you are really concerned about this you can buy a drug screen test at you local pharmacy and test your self.
I wish you the best. Pawcifica Canine

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silmarien 1 Sep 2011

No. It does not contain anything a 5 panel test would pick up (Opiates, LSD, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Stimulants). You're safe with Lidocaine, as it isn't in any of those drug categories.

Wouldn't hurt to mention it to whomever is testing you, though, that you have a lidocaine patch on and you're worried about a false positive for the above drugs.

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