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Trazodone - how many side effects do you realy get,like weight gain ,water retention headaks ets?

16 Answers

Jann91 3 Feb 2018

I started taking Trazodone for my racing thoughts and OCD behavior. I can't shut my head or thoughts down enough to sleep. I took 1 50mg pill to start and in about 15 minutes I could not hold my weight on my ankles or knees. I felt like 1000 pounds. I was dizzy, sick to my stomach and then this horrific headache started. My head pounded and pounded and made sick. I could not sleep at all. The next night I took it down to 25mg. Same thing head hurt so bad I had to put heat on it and not move. I still barley slept. I don't think this is the pill for me. I'm scared to take any more.

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venacoyle 29 June 2017

I've been eating non stop about 6 hrs before bed time, can't stop. I hate that bc after quitting Cymbalta and Trazadone 3 mo. ago I lost 20 lbs. I also have nagging low grade headaches all day since I restarted, which is alarming cuz I get migraines too, but it's not that. This has all come about since I restarted 1.5 weeks ago and I've gain 8 lbs. Gonna have to fine something else or live off of 4 hrs of sleep

Votes: +0
rhys62886 16 June 2017

I've been taking trazadone for many years. I get the munchies before i fall asleep and I've binge ate several times. I take only trazadone and promethazine and I know for a fact it's the trazadone. I get ringing in my ears and i sometimes hear odd vibrations even though hallucinations arent part of my illness. When I wake up and try to talk it is sometimes difficult to articulate words properly for a little while. This medication is effective most of the time but sometimes it takes me hours to fall asleep or I have to take a second dose. I wish other medications worked better that don't make me want to eat before bed and that made me feel more refreshed when I woke up.

Votes: +1
Malford 25 May 2016

I've been taking trazodone for a few months now for insomnia. I steadily increased from 25 to 150 mg to find just the right dose to put me to sleep and keep me asleep. I also have fibro so deep, restorative sleep is a problem. As long as I put my head down and shut my eyes, I'm asleep in about 10 minutes after taking it and I sleep all night. I feel more rested which I love. However, I've noticed an increased appetite and subsequent weight gain. My stomach actually growls constantly. I take no other medications and very little caffeine in the morning if any at all. I've also noticed slightly swollen feet and ankles at times, the occasional blood vessel in my eye that burst overnight and some dull headaches. None of these are enough to make me go back to only sleeping a couple of hours a night (no matter what I tried) but I'm not happy about the weight. I'll just have to summon a little willpower, get some healthy snacks and exercise more.

Votes: +2
burrellrobinson1 13 July 2016

I have been taking Trazadone for a little over 5 years. I take it religiously for sleep. In the last 2 years I've noticed weight gain, but because I get the munchies after taking it, then go to bed. The secret is to that is: shut off the lights as soon as you take it! Other than that, I've had no side effects.

Florydory 24 May 2016

I have been using trazodone for ten months. I take 50 milligrams for sleep. One pleasant side effect was a strong increase in sex drive. But that went away in about two weeks. One thing that did not go away is blurred vision. I cannot read at all without glasses now. Also, I noticed immediately that it gave me the short term memory of a carrot! I was so desperate from insomnia that I did not care, but I am going to try weaning myself off once I stop smoking and overusing caffeine which is probably the biggest factor in the insomnia.

Votes: +1
Pmac4242 22 Nov 2015

I've gained 6.5 pounds in 3 days. All I want to do is eat 20 hours a day. The dizziness is pretty intense but will give it a week more.

Votes: +1
HES1988 23 Aug 2015

I have been on it for three days. I'm sure that isn't enough time to really take the full effect, but I've had insane water retention, constipation, and the "hangover" feeling. I know it's water retention because I drink a lot of water during the day and these past three days I haven't used the restroom as much. And I can tell by my scale that is what's happening. They next morning I need massive amounts of coffee to wake up and the struggle to push myself through a high intense work out and has been hard as well. I feel slightly drunk through out the whole day and my eyes seemed glazed over. I thought about cutting my 150mg in half and just taking the half but my struggle is staying asleep. I would be afraid it would cut my rim cycle short and I wouldn't be getting the right amount of sleep. I will say to, that this medication gives me some strange dreams.

Votes: +0
PepperM 23 Aug 2015

HES1988 try taking you meds a little earlier at night. I've been on Trazadone for years. I had the same problem waken up. Slowly I had to take my meds earlier each night until I was able to wake up without the grogginess. Im doing great on it now

bigprettygirl69 25 Feb 2016

I too have been on Trazodone for a little over a month. I feel like I have been drinking as well. I usually have to drink four cups of coffee, otherwise I cannot seem to fully wake up. I only take the 50 mg but it makes me sleep upwards of 13 hours, but a half dose I only sleep about 6 hours. My doctor took me off of the lunesta because of the dementia precursor and my family history and memory loss. I have noticed that I cannot seem to get enough to eat. I will binge each for at least an 2 hours. I want to be taken off of them. With my heart condition I should not be gaining more weight.

MaryAnn22559 4 Sep 2017

I have been taking Trazadone just for a month, it has also caused me some really strange dreams... and headaches.

pickles503 18 Nov 2013

Hey there Ebeny.
I did a little research on trazodone. The only side effects that you mentioned are headaches. Weight gain and water retention weren't mentioned as a side effect.
I take it and I haven't had any problems at all, but that doesn't mean you won't. Check with your health care professional to see if it's the right med for you.
May you have Faith. Hope and Love,

Votes: +1
Scottmd 5 Nov 2012

The benefits are far greater then the risk of say weight gain. I do believe that the patient who gained 20lbs was correct when she attributed it to her thyroid condition. And to the last post ask your provider about Clonapin. Similar to Xanax but you don't get that intense high and then it wears off. This just "chills" you out as my 14yr old daughter explains to me. If I take 1 then I can sleep for 12 hrs straight. Hope some of this helps.

Votes: +1
Inactive 3 June 2012

Hello Fellow members: I'm Abby,

I have a long medical history... I can't get into it right now. I'm looking into finding a new drug that treats either anxiety or depression. I'm more looking for something that helps for the anxiety I am currently on Atian, Risperdal, Lamitcal... they all help it's the fact is it seems to me should be another medication, what I should be aware of?

Thank you for the advance.

Votes: +0
coloresue 23 Nov 2015

You need to post this as a new question so many people can see this and answer you. You've got this under somebody else's question where it won't be seen much.

Anxiety: Ativan, Tranzene/clorazepate, Klonopin/clonazepam, xanax all work for anxiety but in different ways. The drawback is that you will have memory problems down the road. Some antidepressants and other drugs help with anxiety.
Here's a link on this site for 57 drugs for anxiety:

Naturally they all have side effects and each will affect you differently. This is a large topic and one you need to take up with your Dr. or ask a more specific question of the people of this site. Best of luck to you.

Jlove4507 16 Jan 2017

Have you tried Nardil? I'm on day 13 and mood better already. I've been on most anxiety/ depression meds none have worked in 21 years but so far so good with Nardil

pegasi9 31 March 2012

trazodone has minimal side effects, in my experience. One that I couldn't handle, though, was the "trazodone Hangover." Meaning that the following morning, I felt like I had tied one on the night before. I suffer from insomnia as well as fibro. My psychiatrist has me trying a somewhat new anti-psychotic for sleep. It's called Saphris. I am taking 5 mgs. It's sublingual. My doctor said to place the tablet in my cheek. I tried it last night got the first time. It worked! Also, I play relaxation music to sleep by.

Votes: +1
Latif65 26 Aug 2017

I take saphris 10mg 2x daily.
They told me to put it under my tongue.
It works great as an antipsychotic
I still have to take trazadone to help sleep. But if I forget my saphris I'm up till I remember to go take it.
Good luck

GretchenWenrich 30 March 2012

I have been taking Trazodone since september 2011 but am now getting weaned off of it because of starting Cymbalta. At first I would get the stuffy nose and a heavy headed feeling but those went away with time. I did gain about 20lbs but I also have hypothyroidism so that could be why I gained it so easily. My hypothyroidism is controlled with meds but it could still be a factor in the weight gain... though my Dr. (not the one who prescribed it) told me that trazodone can cause weight gain.

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lilspeach1 8 Sep 2014

Good luck!! I was on cymbalta for several years, and had to stop taking it due to other health conditions. I got a new doc. and they begged me to start cymbalta again. I began a months regimen. Only to find that it made me so sick I could barely get out of bed!! That is when I began taking trazadone. It was the answer for me! I started at a pretty high dosage of 400mg a night, after a while I have reduced my dose to 150mg a night. Initially I was drowsy and heavy headed with a few headaches. I have recently lost 90lbs due to bilinary dyskinesia and have not had any problems keeping the weight off. I hope this helps someone!!

Giovannina 14 May 2015

The worst experience in my anxiety-stricken life. Cymbalta - never, ever again!

Cloak291 20 March 2012

Franklin - Did you get my note back today? Somehow it is not posting. I tried sending you a private question but it says that you are not available for private questions...

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Cloak291 20 March 2012

I think you have to add me as a friend before I can send you a question. That is what I did with you.

franklin8905 21 March 2012

Cloak291 - try it now.

taleese 5 June 2012

I like you Franklin have had no problems with trazadone except when I first started I did have a few headaches that as well went away. With all the meds I take because of fibromyalgia, ms, depression, herniated disc those being the major ones I'm so grateful to have something that helps and no side effects. I btw use trazadone at night to sleep. As sleep meds leave a horrible after taste, dry mouth and nightmares.

franklin8905 20 March 2012

I take Trazodone for sleep... and it works well for that. I have had headaches with it but that is about the only side effect I have had. This is one pill that I have not had much problems with. Hope you won't having any lasting problems either. There are so few medications out there that don't have awhole lot of side effects. Good Luck.

Votes: +2
smileyhappy 20 March 2012

Hi ebeny,

I myself have no side effects with Trazodone.
Hope your'e the same.

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depression, weight loss (obesity/overweight), anxiety, trazodone, side effect, weight

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