I had a heart cath yesterday based on a "potential" abnormality Id'd in a successfully completed 13 minute stress test in December. The area was the inferior apical segment. There was no blockage and no stent was installed. I did have a stent implanted in another artery with 75% blockage area 4 years ago - again based on a successfully completed stress test. I religiously work out 6 days a week at the Y and do a minimum of 70 (up to 100 minutes) of elliptical and/or treadmill aerobics each time plus a number of weight lifting machines. I have NEVER experienced ANY chest pains nor had a heard attack. I do take a generic statin (20 mg -Atorvastatin) and a BP / beta blocker (25 mg -Metoprolol) every morning with my vitamins (C, D, Multi, baby aspirin, krill oil). I am 71.3 y.o. and weigh 198.5 My BP typically is +/- 125/70. I was prescribed Renexa upon discharge yesterday (perhaps by an MA or my cardio guy - unclear which??) but fear that the left hand and the right hand aren't communicating. Should I be taking this drug and if so why?