I am 20 years old and have been battling with acne since puberty. Luckily in HS I was prescribed Bactrum which kept my skin clear for most of my teens. After graduating and going to college the drug stopped working for me and had bad acne first semester of college. I was then prescribed doxycycline which cleared up my skin after a month. My skin looked great for about 6 months. When I went home for the summer I started to break out again, and went to a different dermatologist who put me on minocycline which really didnt do anything. Currently I am taking monocycline 500 mg and it really hasn't done much. I am interested in taking accutane but I also love to party and being on the drug would literally change my life since you cannot drink while prescribed. Is it typical for doxycycline users to have success and then for the effectiveness to wear off ? Should I try to get back on Doxycycline to see if it could possibly work for me again, or try accutane?