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Vertigo Questions (Page 7)

Related terms: Dizziness, Lightheadedness, dizzy, Loss of balance, Lightheadedness, Dizzy, Balance Disorder

Displaying 153 questions associated with Vertigo.

I am taking atenolol 25 mg daily?

For increase heart rate and blood pressure been on it for 8 months and my blood pressure been going between 90-118 over 60 as low as 40 today bp is 80/30 last night I woke up feeling dizzy but my pulse rate been between 60-80 any ideas I am also going through menopause and having anxiety problems... read more

How long does Propranolol take to completely leave your nervous system?

I've been prescribed 10-30mg of Propranolol per day by my GP to try and deal with possible migraine-related vertigo / vestibular migraine. I took my first pill last night and already the insomnia whacked me hard (on only 10mg). Actually we don't know that migraine IS what I have at all.... read more

Help feels like I'm dying from h.pylori?

I have been suffering for months Headaches Dizzy spells Brain fog Aches and pains Fatigue Bloating, benching, diahrea/constipation Belly ache with sharp pains Feels like a brick in my chest Weight loss Finally after weeks of doctors telling me I'm perfectly healthy I have been... read more

Toradol (Keterolac) and Ibuprofen Interactions?

I went to an urgent care for severe head/neck pain which started while lifting weights one week prior. The PA gave me a Toradol injectionand prescribed Baclofen and Ibuprofen. I am feeling a bit dizzy now, two days later, so I looked up Toradol. I found that the combined use of Toradol and... read more

Is an off-balance, dizziness feeling from Prozac?

Started Prozac three weeks ago for anxiety, depression, and OCD after being on Zoloft (25 mg) for years. The past week I have had one dizzy spell that lasted for only a few seconds and during the evening I have felt a little off. I feel like I'm leaning either forward or swaying to one side,... read more

Chantix - on day 7 and I feel dizzy all the time?

I'm desperate to quit. 30 plus years and start of emphysema is enough. Only problem is I've tried everything else and this is my last hope. I'm still smoking. Maybe a little less but I'm on day 7 and I am always feeling off balance and in a fog. If this don't work I... read more

Gabapentin - How long do side effects last?

Have just started taking gabapentin for anxiety, 1 x 100 mg a day. I am feeling very sick and dizzy. Has anyone experienced this and how long will it last?

Missed dose of escitalopram?

I have been taking escitalopram 10 mg every night (10 pm) for five weeks. I forgot to take it and just remembered the next day at 4 am. It makes me very sleepy and dizzy (like bad motion sickness) in about hour and a half after having taken it, and I have to attend school in a few hours, so I am... read more

What is the best time of day to take cholestyramine powder?

Dumping symptoms are mosstly under control, but I have recurrences and dizzy spells with it.

Effexor - How long before it gets out of your system?

I’m ion 37.5 I was on 300. XR. If I miss a dose it affects my head nothing is quite right I feel dizzy like makes me sick to my stomach I usually vomit and sleep I want off of this crap I don’t like how it makes my head feel when I don’t take it today will be day 2 of none in my... read more

Does Dramamine help with dizziness and vertigo?

I have extreme lightheadedness almost everyday with vertigo and my doctor has tried me on meclizine 25mg and it seemed to intensify the dizziness. I am wondering does Dramamine work better for dizziness I don't really get nausea unless my vertigo is in full effect.

Amlodipine - how long before body adjusts to amlodipine?

I've been on this for 1 month now and I feel awful. So tired, dizzy, brain fog. I am also on larsarton 100mg. Altenol 25mg twice daily.

Dizziness 24/7 from Lexapro?

3 months ago I started Lexapro again (I had taken it 2 years ago with minor side effects) I started experiencing extreme dizziness, like I was on a boat 24/7. My doctors said it probably wasn't the medication and to just continue, but I am convinced it is the lexapro. I tapered off a couple... read more

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