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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Questions

Related terms: Disseminated Lupus Erythematosus, Lupus, SLE

Displaying 44 questions associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Where do you inject Benlysta?

Does Benlysta cause weight gain?

Does anyone have sweating with Cymbalta (duloxetine)?

I've been on Cymbalta for close to 2 years for musculoskeletal pain from RA and SLE. I have extreme bouts of uncontrollable sweating even after all this time. I thought it was going to be a temporary side effect that I would eventually get over. Now, here I am... 23 months later and still... read more

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Does anyone else take Plaquenil for Lupus?

I have never been told exactly what Plaquenil does for SLE. I just know my Rheumatologist put me on it. I stopped going to him because he was so negative and I lost an entire year with my family and friends because I was scared to death that being outside in the heat or cold would make me worse. My... read more

Has anyone experienced increased back and joint pain while taking Eliquis for A Fib?

Have been on Eliquis for afib about 6 months twice A day and began having severe pain in back hip joints all over basically. I have osteoarthritis and mild lupus but joint pain is worse when taking med . You are not supposed to stop taking abruptly but when I don't take it the pain is much... read more

What is the correct way to discontinue use of plaquenil?

I started 200mg/day of plaquenil on May 2th. Was told by the doctor that the med, should help me control the systemic arthrirts(Sjogren syndrome /lupus) after 4-6 months of using the med. So far I have no more energy than when I first started and has developed neuropathy which I have just found out... read more

Fibromyalgia - Do you have type of seizure(jerking of your body) when going to sleep?

and eventually will you get lupus from fibro. I am on lyrica, requip,

What causes a persons knees to turn purple all of a sudden?

My mom has lupus and she has low iron. Today she has been feeling weak, tired, and fatigued. We were sitting at the table talking and all of a sudden both her knees turned dark purple. It stayed for a couple minutes and slowly faded. We both are wondering what could cause this.

I have a strang question for you. The other night when I let my dog out?

I stood outside with her for a few minutes & it was dark of course. Well the next morning I was getting dressed & noticed a small "slug" on my lower calf! I know, YUK! When I went to take it off it was attached like a leach! We have lots of slugs & will be treating the yard... read more

How much does aderall/vivance help "brain fog" due to Lupus & Fibromyalgia?

I am a 30 yr. old mother recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & even more recently Lupus. Within 2 yrs. my life has flipped completly! From a MMA fighter & Dancer to a woman in so much pain I can't function 1/2 the time. Now I'm overwhelmed & scared of all these medications... read more

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